
gremlin intersection operation

与世无争的帅哥 提交于 2020-06-28 05:16:17
问题 I'm using the gremlin console v3.3.1. Using the "Modern" graph from the tutorial: http://tinkerpop.apache.org/docs/current/tutorials/getting-started/ Creating the graph with this: gremlin>graph = TinkerFactory.createModern() gremlin>g = graph.traversal() I can find all the people that know "vadas" like this: g.V().hasLabel('person').has('name', 'vadas').in('knows').hasLabel('person').valueMap() And I can find all the people that created the software "lop" with this: g.V().hasLabel('software')

gremlin intersection operation

感情迁移 提交于 2020-06-28 05:16:09
问题 I'm using the gremlin console v3.3.1. Using the "Modern" graph from the tutorial: http://tinkerpop.apache.org/docs/current/tutorials/getting-started/ Creating the graph with this: gremlin>graph = TinkerFactory.createModern() gremlin>g = graph.traversal() I can find all the people that know "vadas" like this: g.V().hasLabel('person').has('name', 'vadas').in('knows').hasLabel('person').valueMap() And I can find all the people that created the software "lop" with this: g.V().hasLabel('software')

Displaying sub-levels in gremlin query

天涯浪子 提交于 2020-06-28 04:11:40
问题 I have the graph as shown in the figure below. The numbers represent the level format of the node which is required as output from the gremlin query along with the properties of the nodes. The graph structure can change that is more nodes can be added to the graph. The level must be returned in a similar format for additional nodes. For example, children of 1.1.1 should return the level as, ... The following query but the level is in continuous format 1,2,3 ... g.withSack(0). V

Displaying sub-levels in gremlin query

那年仲夏 提交于 2020-06-28 04:11:08
问题 I have the graph as shown in the figure below. The numbers represent the level format of the node which is required as output from the gremlin query along with the properties of the nodes. The graph structure can change that is more nodes can be added to the graph. The level must be returned in a similar format for additional nodes. For example, children of 1.1.1 should return the level as, ... The following query but the level is in continuous format 1,2,3 ... g.withSack(0). V

Tinkerpop Gremlin Console: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.driver.RequestOptions$Builder.userAgent

给你一囗甜甜゛ 提交于 2020-06-17 09:34:08
问题 As my last post at 403 Forbidden error for Gremlin to AWS Neptune, I could successfully connect to my Neptune Cluster DB via my Tinkerpop Gremlin console v 3.4.3 that installed at my EC2 instance as v 3.4.1 suggested at https://docs.aws.amazon.com/neptune/latest/userguide/iam-auth-connecting-gremlin-console.html didn't work for me. \,,,/ (o o) -----oOOo-(3)-oOOo----- plugin activated: tinkerpop.server plugin activated: tinkerpop.utilities plugin activated: tinkerpop.tinkergraph gremlin>

What is the equivalent of the gremlin queries in gremlin javascript?

妖精的绣舞 提交于 2020-05-30 08:23:46
问题 How can I write the 3 gremlin queries below with gremlin javascript, please? gremlin> g.V.filter{it.name.matches(".*ark.*")}.name g.V().filter({ it.getProperty("name").contains("ark") }) g.V().filter(label().is('person')) 回答1: filter() traversal method expects a predicate or a traversal. Predicates using lambdas are not yet supported on the JavaScript GLV, I've filed a ticket for it: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/TINKERPOP-2001 const gremlin = require('gremlin'); const __ = gremlin

What is the equivalent of the gremlin queries in gremlin javascript?

允我心安 提交于 2020-05-30 08:22:48
问题 How can I write the 3 gremlin queries below with gremlin javascript, please? gremlin> g.V.filter{it.name.matches(".*ark.*")}.name g.V().filter({ it.getProperty("name").contains("ark") }) g.V().filter(label().is('person')) 回答1: filter() traversal method expects a predicate or a traversal. Predicates using lambdas are not yet supported on the JavaScript GLV, I've filed a ticket for it: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/TINKERPOP-2001 const gremlin = require('gremlin'); const __ = gremlin

Janusgraph using Gremlin query in .net core 3.0

孤者浪人 提交于 2020-04-29 03:28:46
问题 We currently use gremlin.net library in a net core 3.0 application to connect to Janusgraph db. We need to execute below query in janusgraph g.V('12345').outE('myedge').has('datetime',lt(1581922847)).order().by('datetime', incr).limit(100).valueMap().as('time').inV().as('user').select('time','user') The query runs fine as long as we dont have inV() part. If we have inV() , we are facing below error, ScriptEvaluationError: java.util.LinkedHashMap cannot be cast to org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin