
set tabindex for button not working

时光毁灭记忆、已成空白 提交于 2020-08-24 06:51:42
问题 I have few controls on a form. I have to set the tabIndex in an order that is not natural to their order of creation on HTML. There is a button at the fag end and the tabIndex is not getting set (it's never focussed) only on this element. <button id="btnSave" tabindex = "86" title='click here'>Submit Here</button> What may be the reasons?? Appreciate your help. 回答1: Tabindex Best Practices Commonly, I would suggest that do not set Tabindex with any incremental values because for any fields

set tabindex for button not working

Deadly 提交于 2020-08-24 06:50:25
问题 I have few controls on a form. I have to set the tabIndex in an order that is not natural to their order of creation on HTML. There is a button at the fag end and the tabIndex is not getting set (it's never focussed) only on this element. <button id="btnSave" tabindex = "86" title='click here'>Submit Here</button> What may be the reasons?? Appreciate your help. 回答1: Tabindex Best Practices Commonly, I would suggest that do not set Tabindex with any incremental values because for any fields

How to prevent SVG elements from gaining focus with tabs in IE11?

不问归期 提交于 2020-06-10 02:20:40
问题 There is an inline SVG element among my HTML form elements. When I navigate through my elements with the Tab key, the SVG element gets focused, in IE11 only, even if the SVG element has the tabindex="-1" attribute set to every element inside it: <svg width="20px" height="20px" tabindex="-1"> <g tabindex="-1"> <circle cx="8.5" cy="8.5" r="7.75" stroke="#999" stroke-width="1" tabindex="-1" /> […] </g> </svg> To be sure that it's focusing on that element, I call document.activeElement in the

Is there a way to prevent the default behavior of the a tag with the tabindex = '-1' attribute?

对着背影说爱祢 提交于 2020-03-25 18:48:50
问题 when the descendant node of the region with tabindex -1 (this is a modal dialog window) has a tag, in the macOS safari browser I needed the tabindex = '-1' attribute to trigger the click event on the a tag. However, this causes an issue where the modal scroll goes up when clicking the a tag. The same issue occurred when adding the href = "javascript: void (0)" attribute to the a tag and calling e.preventDefault() inside a function that works when a tag click event is called. <div tabindex="-1

Is there a way to prevent the default behavior of the a tag with the tabindex = '-1' attribute?

北慕城南 提交于 2020-03-25 18:48:22
问题 when the descendant node of the region with tabindex -1 (this is a modal dialog window) has a tag, in the macOS safari browser I needed the tabindex = '-1' attribute to trigger the click event on the a tag. However, this causes an issue where the modal scroll goes up when clicking the a tag. The same issue occurred when adding the href = "javascript: void (0)" attribute to the a tag and calling e.preventDefault() inside a function that works when a tag click event is called. <div tabindex="-1

Javascript/JQuery remove from tabindex

泪湿孤枕 提交于 2020-01-19 10:27:26
问题 On an HTML form I have INPUT text box followed by a link, then followed by another INPUT text box. I want to remove the link from the tabindex / tab order: <p> <input type="text" name="field1" id="field1" value="" /> <a href="..a url.." id="link1">more info</a> </p> <p> <input type="text" name="field2" id="field2" value="" /> </p> The tab order is field1, link1, field2 and I want it to be field1, field2 without link1 in the tabindex / order at all. Aside from reordering via the tabindex

Javascript/JQuery remove from tabindex

只愿长相守 提交于 2020-01-19 10:24:45
问题 On an HTML form I have INPUT text box followed by a link, then followed by another INPUT text box. I want to remove the link from the tabindex / tab order: <p> <input type="text" name="field1" id="field1" value="" /> <a href="..a url.." id="link1">more info</a> </p> <p> <input type="text" name="field2" id="field2" value="" /> </p> The tab order is field1, link1, field2 and I want it to be field1, field2 without link1 in the tabindex / order at all. Aside from reordering via the tabindex