
Getting element Id Sweet Alert

青春壹個敷衍的年華 提交于 2021-02-08 06:51:07
问题 I'm trying to use sweet alert as a dialog to confirm the deletion of an entry on a table. There's a column on each table row which has a button which opens a 'Sweet Alert' confirm dialog. The code of my table is as follow: <tr> <!-- Other Table Colums --> <td> <button userid="<?php echo $row['id']; ?>" id="<?php echo('bn_delete_' . $row['id']); ?>" class="btn btn-danger btn-xs warning-message-parameter">Delete</button> <td> </tr> The code for my sweet alert dialog is: swal({ title: "Are you

Getting element Id Sweet Alert

会有一股神秘感。 提交于 2021-02-08 06:50:46
问题 I'm trying to use sweet alert as a dialog to confirm the deletion of an entry on a table. There's a column on each table row which has a button which opens a 'Sweet Alert' confirm dialog. The code of my table is as follow: <tr> <!-- Other Table Colums --> <td> <button userid="<?php echo $row['id']; ?>" id="<?php echo('bn_delete_' . $row['id']); ?>" class="btn btn-danger btn-xs warning-message-parameter">Delete</button> <td> </tr> The code for my sweet alert dialog is: swal({ title: "Are you

How to send an error alert in UI whenever an error occurs on server side in nodejs?

风流意气都作罢 提交于 2021-01-29 15:48:27
问题 I am sending the request via AJAX to the server. I want to send the response to the AJAX call back whenever an error occurs. So for that in callback function I am writing this return code inside the error block. res.end('{"msg" : "Some error occurred", "status" : 700}'); And with status I am throwing an alert on UI with this message. But whenever the code fails or some errors occurs the console do writes the console error in console but also the server stops and failed to reload the page

Unable to delete a record with an alert message

我与影子孤独终老i 提交于 2021-01-29 06:54:19
问题 I have react-table which is a simple CRUD application. I have a delete button for each row to delete that record. On click of this delete button, an alert box pops up with options to delete and cancel The delete option inside this alert box is unable to delete the record from the table. Although, I can see that deleted record in the browser console. Well, then it's probably not able to update the table. I think in successDelete() , I'm incorrectly passing the apiInfo: this.state.apiInfo

Sweet Alerts - Queue form

人走茶凉 提交于 2021-01-28 08:48:54
问题 Greetings I am wondering if its possible to get the input data from the - Chaining modals (queue) example. It returns only a generic array of values, would it be possible to get something like field name and value out of it? There are no solutions out there as Iam aware of. swal.mixin({ input: 'text', confirmButtonText: 'Next →', showCancelButton: true, progressSteps: ['1', '2', '3'] }).queue([ { title: 'Question 1', text: 'Chaining swal2 modals is easy' }, 'Question 2', 'Question 3' ]).then(

python 全栈开发,Day77(图书管理系统)

不问归期 提交于 2021-01-07 09:40:40
<div id="cnblogs_post_body" class="blogpost-body"><h1 id="autoid-0-0-0">一、图书管理系统</h1> <p>完整代码链接:</p> <p><a href="https://github.com/py3study/bms_multi" target="_blank">https://github.com/py3study/bms_multi</a></p> <p> </p> <p>本项目使用session来实现一个简单的图书管理系统</p> <p> </p> <h2 id="autoid-1-0-0">未登录不允许访问后台:</h2> <p>直接访问后台页面,会有提示:</p> <p></p> <p><img src="https://images2018.cnblogs.com/blog/1341090/201807/1341090-20180705204204869-605877362.png" alt=""></p> <h2 id="autoid-1-1-0">访问首页:</h2> <p>导航栏下面是一个轮播图</p> <p><img src="https://images2018.cnblogs.com/blog/1341090/201807

Prevent SweetAlert to be closed on clicking outside the popup window

隐身守侯 提交于 2020-11-30 04:21:28
问题 I am using Sweet Alert for a popup on my product view in an E-commerce Application with two buttons: one for going on cart View and another for reloading the view. But when a user clicks outside of the popup, the popup window closes automatically. I've tried following properties to stop it to be closed but nothing works : hideOnOverlayClick: false, hideOnContentClick: false, closeClick: false, helpers: { overlay: { closeClick: false } } Any help/suggestion is highly appreciated. Thanks. 回答1:

Prevent SweetAlert to be closed on clicking outside the popup window

家住魔仙堡 提交于 2020-11-30 04:20:46
问题 I am using Sweet Alert for a popup on my product view in an E-commerce Application with two buttons: one for going on cart View and another for reloading the view. But when a user clicks outside of the popup, the popup window closes automatically. I've tried following properties to stop it to be closed but nothing works : hideOnOverlayClick: false, hideOnContentClick: false, closeClick: false, helpers: { overlay: { closeClick: false } } Any help/suggestion is highly appreciated. Thanks. 回答1:

Laravel 8: How to use Sweet Alert messages for error reporting of forms

痴心易碎 提交于 2020-11-30 00:11:47
问题 The bounty expires in 2 days . Answers to this question are eligible for a +50 reputation bounty. ruwroveajaic is looking for an answer from a reputable source . I have a login blade which contains a form: <form method="POST" action="{{ route('login') }}"> @csrf <div class="field"> <span class="fas fa-user"></span> <input type="email" name="email" required> <label style="right:0;" class="BFarnaz">Email</label> @error('email') alert()->success('{{ $message }}','message')->persistent('Ok');

Laravel 8: How to use Sweet Alert messages for error reporting of forms

混江龙づ霸主 提交于 2020-11-30 00:01:24
问题 The bounty expires in 2 days . Answers to this question are eligible for a +50 reputation bounty. ruwroveajaic is looking for an answer from a reputable source . I have a login blade which contains a form: <form method="POST" action="{{ route('login') }}"> @csrf <div class="field"> <span class="fas fa-user"></span> <input type="email" name="email" required> <label style="right:0;" class="BFarnaz">Email</label> @error('email') alert()->success('{{ $message }}','message')->persistent('Ok');