
Full text search does not work if stop word is included even though stop word list is empty

孤街醉人 提交于 2021-01-29 12:49:24
问题 I would like to be able to search every word so I have cleared the stop word list. Than I have rebuilt the index. But unfortunately if I type in a search expression with stop word in it it still returns no row. If I leave out just the stop word I do get the results. E.g. "double wear stay in place" - no result, "double wear stay place" - I get the results that actually contain "in" as well. Does anyone know why this can be? I am using SQL Server 2012 Express. Thanks a lot! 回答1: Meanwhile I

How do I change “Database default locations” for LocalDB in SQL Server Management Studio?

ぃ、小莉子 提交于 2020-12-30 04:53:23
问题 Connect to LocalDB in SSMS Open Server Properties -> Database Settings Change Data/Log/Backup locations -> click OK When I click OK I get this error: Found some blogpost and changed this in regedit but it didn't help. Anyone got any other ideas I could try? 回答1: I do not believe that these default paths for SQL Server LocalDB are changeable. This is quite unfortunate due to what appears to be a bug with SQL Server Express 2017 LocalDB ** (fixed as of CU 6 for SQL Server 2017) , as per this

How do I change “Database default locations” for LocalDB in SQL Server Management Studio?

梦想的初衷 提交于 2020-12-30 04:52:03
问题 Connect to LocalDB in SSMS Open Server Properties -> Database Settings Change Data/Log/Backup locations -> click OK When I click OK I get this error: Found some blogpost and changed this in regedit but it didn't help. Anyone got any other ideas I could try? 回答1: I do not believe that these default paths for SQL Server LocalDB are changeable. This is quite unfortunate due to what appears to be a bug with SQL Server Express 2017 LocalDB ** (fixed as of CU 6 for SQL Server 2017) , as per this

Remote SQL Server connection string

心不动则不痛 提交于 2020-01-05 08:26:13
问题 I have had a project where SQL Server and development all worked locally. The following connection string was used: SqlConnection connection= new SqlConnection("Data Source=.\\MYDB;Initial Catalog=Database;Integrated Security=true"); connection.Open(); My development team is now growing and I am looking to have another developer access this same database. He will need to alter this connection string and we are trying to workout what to change in the string - so far we have tried:

Issue when deploying an ASP.NET MVC + LocalDB application

久未见 提交于 2020-01-04 13:36:34
问题 I have deployed my ASP.NET MVC 5 application on a server but it crashes on every page using the localdb. Yet I copied the App_Data folder where the .mdf file is located. And I even installed SQL Server 2012 Express on the machine. Nevertheless every time I get the same error. Le fichier spécifié est introuvable Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated

SQL Server 2012: Login to PC-NAME\SQLEXPRESS works, but not to local/(local)

感情迁移 提交于 2020-01-04 05:28:46
问题 I'd like to login to my SQL Server 2012 Express with servername local or (local) but it doesn't work. The only servername which works is PC-Name\SQLEXPRESS . local/(local) has to work somehow because I have to use the following connection string: Data Source=localhost;Initial Catalog=... 回答1: I've reinstalled it and ensures to select "default instance" instead of "named instance" during the installation. Now everything is fine again. 回答2: I think I see what you're trying to do now. If you

How do I get values for all months in T-SQL

馋奶兔 提交于 2020-01-02 18:34:38
问题 I have a query that I would like to display all months for the year regardless if they have sales for that month or not. I know the issue is with the Group By, but how do I change the query so I don't need it? SELECT ISNULL(MONTH(sd.SBINDT),0) AS MonthSold, SUM(sd.SBQSHP) AS QtySold FROM dbo.SalesData sd WHERE sd.SBTYPE = 'O' AND sd.SBITEM = @Part AND YEAR(sd.SBINDT) = @Year AND sd.DefaultLocation = @Location GROUP BY MONTH(sd.SBINDT) 回答1: Try this:- SELECT M.Months AS MonthSold,D.QtySold as

How do I get values for all months in T-SQL

你说的曾经没有我的故事 提交于 2020-01-02 18:34:19
问题 I have a query that I would like to display all months for the year regardless if they have sales for that month or not. I know the issue is with the Group By, but how do I change the query so I don't need it? SELECT ISNULL(MONTH(sd.SBINDT),0) AS MonthSold, SUM(sd.SBQSHP) AS QtySold FROM dbo.SalesData sd WHERE sd.SBTYPE = 'O' AND sd.SBITEM = @Part AND YEAR(sd.SBINDT) = @Year AND sd.DefaultLocation = @Location GROUP BY MONTH(sd.SBINDT) 回答1: Try this:- SELECT M.Months AS MonthSold,D.QtySold as

Keep getting “Login failed for user IIS APPPOOL\DefaultAppPool” no matter what I do

 ̄綄美尐妖づ 提交于 2020-01-01 10:19:08
问题 I'm trying to give an ASP NET App access to a database (These are test only not production). It's the first time I try it in this network, and I haven't done it with VS2012, SQL Server 2012 Express, Windows 7 before What I have done: I upgraded my Sql Server 2012 Express since what VS2012 first installs is a version that doesn't allow access from IIS I found that I had to configure SQL Server 2012 Express to accept remote connections , then I followed a good blog I found here In SSME 2012, I

Hiding databases for a login on Microsoft Sql Server 2008R2 and above [closed]

限于喜欢 提交于 2019-12-31 14:46:34
问题 Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it's on-topic for Stack Overflow. Closed 6 years ago . Please can anyone assist with hiding the available databases on sql server 2008R2 or newer versions. I have a new login user that I mapped to a specific database. When logging in with the specific login user I can see all the databases on the server, although I cannot access them except for the one I mapped to