
Error 405: Unable to Upload a Custom Playlist Cover Image

落爺英雄遲暮 提交于 2021-01-29 18:34:38
问题 I want to upload a playlist image from my iOS application to the Spotify Web API. I followed the instructions on the docs page: I requested the ugc-image-upload , playlist-modify-public and playlist-modify-private scopes, added the content type header and made a jpeg Base64 String. But I keep getting back a 405 Method Not Allowed error. I am able to create a image with the same URL and Authorization Token on android. I already tried to add the android generated Base64 String to my swift

How does Discord connect to third party APIs?

▼魔方 西西 提交于 2021-01-29 17:33:10
问题 I am trying to reproduce something similar in my app. I only see things like OAuth where you can "login" with an external API and a new user will be created/authenticated with their third party credentials. Or alternatively some authorization flow where access tokens must be refreshed every hour or so. Discord, however, connects to these APIs and does not create or login a new user, they only access the user's data from that external API and presents it on the Discord GUI. Furthermore, as a

How to autoplay Spotify playlist URI?

ぃ、小莉子 提交于 2021-01-29 17:26:30
问题 Currently developing a website that embeds a spotify playlist with its URI as so: "" I'm wondering if there's an autoplay parameter that allows the playlist to play automatically when the web page is loaded ? It seems like this idea (to have an autoplay parameter) has been proposed before in these posts: (But none of them have gotten enough votes to succeed)

Angular: Cannot find namespace “Spotify” when using @types/spotify-web-playback-sdk

别等时光非礼了梦想. 提交于 2021-01-29 12:33:15
问题 I'm trying to use in my angular project to type out the spotify player in one of my components. I Installed the types, as instructed... npm install --save @types/spotify-web-playback-sdk The Visual Studio code linter doesn't complain when I define this class variable and type it to a SpotifyPlayer ... // class variable spotifyPlayer: Spotify.SpotifyPlayer; But, when I go to build my code, I get this error... ERROR in src/app

Spotipy on Django authorization without copy-paste to console

我与影子孤独终老i 提交于 2021-01-28 09:00:00
问题 I have a Django site in which I want to use spotipy to look for statistics of the song like popularity and views. I have this code right now: import spotipy import spotipy.util as util #luxury import json import webbrowser username = 'dgrqnco2rx8hdu58kv9if9eho' scope = 'user-read-private user-read-playback-state user-modify-playback-state' token = util.prompt_for_user_token(username, scope, client_id='08bb526962574a46b359bffc56048147', client_secret='bf6d4184c8ae40aca207714e02153bad',

Can I listen for events, like a song ending, with the Spotify API?

血红的双手。 提交于 2021-01-28 07:05:03
问题 Can I listen for events, like a song ending, with the Spotify API? If so, how? Thanks! 回答1: Yes. Add an observer for models.EVENT.CHANGE on the player object. When this fires, check that playing is false . The song has ended if the position of the player object is the length of the playing track, or if the playing track is null . 来源:

How is a track's 30sec defined that's obtained from preview_url (Spotify Web API)?

随声附和 提交于 2020-12-27 07:07:45
问题 I am interested to use an audio raw dataset provided by Spotify Web API in Python. I wonder if the audio sample follows any rules to define the 30sec provided by the preview_url. preview_url | string | A link to a 30 second preview (MP3 format) of the track. Can be null Is the 30sec of the track extracted from: The first 30 sec? The track after 1 minute? The track between 1-3mins? A random part of the track? 回答1: Spotify analyses every track and then is able to tell where different parts of

How is a track's 30sec defined that's obtained from preview_url (Spotify Web API)?

帅比萌擦擦* 提交于 2020-12-27 07:02:04
问题 I am interested to use an audio raw dataset provided by Spotify Web API in Python. I wonder if the audio sample follows any rules to define the 30sec provided by the preview_url. preview_url | string | A link to a 30 second preview (MP3 format) of the track. Can be null Is the 30sec of the track extracted from: The first 30 sec? The track after 1 minute? The track between 1-3mins? A random part of the track? 回答1: Spotify analyses every track and then is able to tell where different parts of