
Power Spectral Density from jTransforms DoubleFFT_1D

ぐ巨炮叔叔 提交于 2019-11-27 01:38:52
问题 I'm using Jtransforms java library to perform analysis on a given dataset. An example of the data is as follows: 980,988,1160,1080,928,1068,1156,1152,1176,1264 I'm using the DoubleFFT_1D function in jTransforms. The data output is as follows: 10952, -152, 80.052, 379.936, -307.691, 12.734, -224.052, 427.607, -48.308, 81.472 I'm having trouble interpreting the output. I understand that the first element in the output array is the total of the 10 inputs (10952). It's the other elements of the