
Modify boxplot using sparkline package

风格不统一 提交于 2021-01-29 15:50:31
问题 I am using the sparkline package to insert the boxplot into the DT table rows. I trying to modify the boxplot and add additional information on it. Now boxplots look like this: But I want to display more information on them, for example: for A add values: (4,8,22) for B add values: (5,15,22) The desired output should look something like this: I was trying to use help from here and here but can't figure it out. Code: library(dplyr) library(sparkline) library(DT) df <- data.frame("Type" = c(rep

Getting Datatables and Sparklines to play nice together?

混江龙づ霸主 提交于 2021-01-28 07:28:46
问题 Im currently trying to get Datatables and the Sparklines packages to work together kind of like below: (This stuff is all written in R however) I realize my issue is similar to this one... However, even after looking at some of the code and adapting it to my own, I was only able to render one or the other.. either the data from my server on the chart or the sparklines rendered with all data missing - never both together... Here's the code <table id="table_id" class="display"> <thead> <tr> <th

Using Sparkline bar charts in, can I highlight just one of the bars on the chart with a different color?

人走茶凉 提交于 2021-01-05 08:58:21
问题 I present bar charts in using the configuration suggested by @KevinDasilva at ... What I need is to add a properly placed red bar to either this bar chart, or to add an under or overlapping second chart with one-bar in a different color - I can find no documentation on this. The table and chart looks as follows: Rather than use aocolumns, I leave this datatables config-line out and add text to the data directly in


岁酱吖の 提交于 2021-01-04 02:59:50
自小魔方的公众号开通以来,陆陆续续、啰里啰嗦的分享了很多技巧,但是一直觉得很杂乱,缺乏体系,所以以后有必要定期对各系列分享内容进行阶段性总结。 最近一个系列一直在围绕sparklines这款迷你图插件在写,当然限于时间和精力,只能跟着官方的指导文档和操作案例进行,没有对于各类图表的使用场景进行详尽的描述。 我很喜欢用迷你图来表达数据,(当然不是所有的图表类型都适合使用迷你图表达)因为这样做出来的图表显得灵气十足、清新简洁。(主要是可以利用excel单元格这一纯天然的排版利器) 特别是sparklines迷你图插件中的bulletchart、Pie等图表类型,可以直接完美嵌入单元格,根据单元格的长宽而自动变换大小。 今天这一篇想对之前所有做过的迷你图内容做一个大总结,主要是自己的日常积累的制作技巧和心得。 我按照自己的经验,将最为常见的迷你图总结为以下五类: 一、单元格格式: 在普通的excel数据表中,可以通过设置带数据的单元格格式,讲数据与微图标结合,表达指标涨跌、走势强弱。 详情请看以下旧文章: 三角符号凸显数据的盈亏趋势 以上做法最初是从ExcelPro博客中看到的,简单一句代码让轻松让数据表格变得生动活泼,数据呈现效果焕然一新,博主着实厉害。 2、条件格式: excel中条件格式结合函数功能,可以做出丰富多彩的迷你图,甚至一些创意十足的图表,都可以通过条件格式来完成。

Composited Sparkline in R with DT and Shiny

我怕爱的太早我们不能终老 提交于 2020-06-11 07:39:12
问题 I have got a reference by leonawicz that can combine sparkline and DT perfectly(Many thanks for him). But, could you please give me a help to make a composited sparkline ? Thanks a lot!. Here is the sample code library(data.table) library(DT) library(sparkline) Data <- data.table(Type = c("A", "B", "C"), Value_1 = c("1,1,2,2", "2,2,3,3", "3,3,4,4"), Value_2 = c("0,1,2,3", "2,3,4,5", "4,5,6,7")) r <- c(0, 8) line_string <- "type: 'line', lineColor: 'black', fillColor: '#ccc',

Composited Sparkline in R with DT and Shiny

此生再无相见时 提交于 2020-06-11 07:39:08
问题 I have got a reference by leonawicz that can combine sparkline and DT perfectly(Many thanks for him). But, could you please give me a help to make a composited sparkline ? Thanks a lot!. Here is the sample code library(data.table) library(DT) library(sparkline) Data <- data.table(Type = c("A", "B", "C"), Value_1 = c("1,1,2,2", "2,2,3,3", "3,3,4,4"), Value_2 = c("0,1,2,3", "2,3,4,5", "4,5,6,7")) r <- c(0, 8) line_string <- "type: 'line', lineColor: 'black', fillColor: '#ccc',

Excel sparklines printing issue

◇◆丶佛笑我妖孽 提交于 2020-01-15 08:18:19
问题 In an Excel 2010 document with more than one page of records, where each row includes a sparkline, the sparklines do not print or appear in print preview unless one first scrolls through the entire document to view all lines. In my application that produces a series of Excel reports automatically, this is a very visible issue. Can anyone suggest a fix for this or is this a bug in Excel 2010? 回答1: I know this is an annoying workaround, but you could put a simple macro in that workbook that

Showing sparkine in tree jqgrid

房东的猫 提交于 2020-01-05 08:09:07
问题 I need to show a line graph inside a jqgrid. So, I come across this question Here in this question, it is shown how easily we can show sparkline graph in jqgrid cell. I used the same thing and it worked but the problem is mine is a tree grid. So, here only parent node are populating not the child nodes. This is my code loadComplete: function () { var ts = this; if (ts.p.reccount === 0) { $(this).hide();; } else { $(this).show(); emptyMsgDiv.hide(); } var index =

R YaleToolkit: How to change the font size of tick labels on the sparklines?

梦想与她 提交于 2019-12-29 18:44:32
问题 I'm using this function for some quick and easy sparklines with R but I can't seem to work out how to change the font size to avoid ugly overlaps of the y-axis tick labels. Here's my code (see below for a reproducible example): sparklines(gamma.df, sub=c(1:23),outer.margin = unit(c(2, 2, 2, 2), "cm")) and the resulting plot: I seem to be able to completely suppress the y-axis with sparklines(gamma.df, sub=c(1:23),yaxis=FALSE,outer.margin = unit(c(2, 2, 2, 2), "cm")) But what I really want is