
svg SMIL Animation动画

北城以北 提交于 2020-04-27 18:51:45
svg path路径绘制:贝塞尔曲线 二次贝塞尔曲线: 三次贝塞尔曲线: 基本参数: 指令字母(绝对坐标) 中文含义 参数示意 具体说明 M 移动到 (moveTo) x,y 路径起始点坐标 Z 闭合路径 (closepath) 将路径的开始和结束点用直线连接 L 直线 (lineTo) x,y 当前节点到指定 (x,y) 节点,直线连接 H 水平直线 x 保持当前点的 y 坐标不变, x 轴移动到 x, 形成水平线 V 垂直直线 y 保持当前点的 x 坐标不变, y 轴移动到 y, 形成垂直线 命令 名称 参数 M moveto 移动到 (x y)+ Z closepath 关闭路径 (none) L lineto 画线到 (x y)+ H horizontal lineto 水平线到 x+ V vertical lineto 垂直线到 y+ C curveto 三次贝塞尔曲线到 (x1 y1 x2 y2 x y)+ S smooth curveto 光滑三次贝塞尔曲线到 (x2 y2 x y)+ Q quadratic Bézier curveto 二次贝塞尔曲线到 (x1 y1 x y)+ T smooth quadratic Bézier curveto 光滑二次贝塞尔曲线到 (x y)+ A elliptical arc 椭圆弧 (rx ry x-axis


对着背影说爱祢 提交于 2020-04-24 16:13:00
随着响应式网页的发展,对于内容呈现的要求也越来越高,尤其是图像。为了在各种设备上能实现自然伸缩或扩展而不影响图片质量,所以矢量图形(SVG)正变得越来越受欢迎。 大家都知道,在计算机图形学中,有两种主要的图像类型:矢量和位图。位图[bitmap],也叫做点阵图,栅格图象,像素图,简单地说,就是最小单位由像素构成的图,缩放会失真。矢量图,简单地说,就是缩放不失真的图像格式。 为什么SVG更受欢迎?主要有这几方面的原因: SVG 是可伸缩的矢量图形,在浏览器中改变尺寸,其图形质量不会有所损失 相比其它位图,SVG图像文件更小,可压缩性更强 SVG 可以被记事本等阅读器、搜索引擎访问 SVG 图像中的文本是可选的,同时也是可复制的 SVG 图像可以与DOM,CSS和JavaScript交互 SVG 可以制作成整体或局部动画 你可以使用 Illustrator 或者 Inkscape 来创建 SVG 图像。 但当进行 Web 设计时,我们还需要做一些优化来使得 SVG 变得更加轻量。要创建和使用SVG文件,你需要一个矢量图形编辑器。以下是 摹客 团队为大家整理的适用于Windows,Mac,Linux,Web,iOS和Android的免费或付费的SVG编辑器。 1. Adobe Illustrator 支持:Windows/Mac Adobe

How to parse SVG element's viewBox x, y, width and height values?

孤人 提交于 2020-01-30 07:40:28
问题 Suppose I have an SVG element : <svg id="myMap" viewBox="0 0 200 200"></svg> How would I get get a specific value of myMap's viewBox? For a simplified example : how to get the "x" value of the viewBox attribute of myMap? (for the above example, the x value is the first zero (0)). Below is some variation of syntax I've tried : <script> var myMap = Snap("#myMap"); alert(myMap.attr("viewBox"));//dislays [object Object] alert(myMap.attr("viewBox.vbx"));//also dislays [object Object] alert(myMap

How to parse SVG element's viewBox x, y, width and height values?

穿精又带淫゛_ 提交于 2020-01-30 07:40:09
问题 Suppose I have an SVG element : <svg id="myMap" viewBox="0 0 200 200"></svg> How would I get get a specific value of myMap's viewBox? For a simplified example : how to get the "x" value of the viewBox attribute of myMap? (for the above example, the x value is the first zero (0)). Below is some variation of syntax I've tried : <script> var myMap = Snap("#myMap"); alert(myMap.attr("viewBox"));//dislays [object Object] alert(myMap.attr("viewBox.vbx"));//also dislays [object Object] alert(myMap

SVG - Follow rotated path

穿精又带淫゛_ 提交于 2020-01-25 17:25:27
问题 I'm trying to have a circle follow an elliptical path that is rotated, using Snap.svg, but I've ran into a problem. Using the getPointAtLength only returns the point of the path that is not rotated, so when I rotate the path, the circle will still follow the original path, before rotation. var firstOrbit = s.path("M250,400a150,75 0 1,0 300,0a150,75 0 1,0 -300,0") .attr({stroke: "#000", strokeWidth:"5", fill: "transparent"}); var len = firstOrbit.getTotalLength(); firstOrbit = firstOrbit

SVG - Follow rotated path

不羁岁月 提交于 2020-01-25 17:24:07
问题 I'm trying to have a circle follow an elliptical path that is rotated, using Snap.svg, but I've ran into a problem. Using the getPointAtLength only returns the point of the path that is not rotated, so when I rotate the path, the circle will still follow the original path, before rotation. var firstOrbit = s.path("M250,400a150,75 0 1,0 300,0a150,75 0 1,0 -300,0") .attr({stroke: "#000", strokeWidth:"5", fill: "transparent"}); var len = firstOrbit.getTotalLength(); firstOrbit = firstOrbit

How do you animate path morphs inside of loaded SVG with Snap.svg?

倾然丶 夕夏残阳落幕 提交于 2020-01-25 11:06:53
问题 I know you can animate path morhs with snap.svg (How to animate path morphs using snap.svg) Is it possible to 'load' a path and then animate path morph? Or do you HAVE to define the path inside of Snap.svg? (function($) { 'use strict'; // grab the empty svg element in the html var s = Snap(800,600); // load the svg and grab the #arm and its inner elemmnts Snap.load('body.svg', function(f) { var arm ='#arm'), forearm ='#forearm'), bicep ='#bicep'); s.append(arm);

Snap.svg - drag event handler

泄露秘密 提交于 2020-01-22 13:36:46
问题 Question is about the onstart event handler for Element.drag in the newly announced Snap.svg. The intention of the code below is to register event handlers for the start and stop of a drag (onstart/onstop) on an svg object. var s = Snap(800,600); var bigCircle =,150,100); bigCircle.drag(null, function(){ console.log("Move started"); }, function(){ console.log("Move stopped"); } ); The console messages work fine on drag start and stop, but the null overrides the default onmove

How to initial exist image matrix with snap svg?

夙愿已清 提交于 2020-01-16 08:42:09
问题 Thanks lan who helped me to complete svg transform with slider Fiddle. After some progresses I got another problem about it.If the image has exist matrix, how should I apply it to the slider at the beginning? As Fiddle example, the image behavior looks strange while I drag the slider. $(function() { Snap.plugin(function(Snap, Element, Paper, global) { Element.prototype.updateTransform = function() { var newTransform = 't' + ('xy').x) + ',' + ('xy').y); newTransform += 'r'

Problems with my inline SVG and embeded SVG

天涯浪子 提交于 2020-01-05 19:42:19
问题 I have a simple SVG map like this : <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?> <svg> /*The opening svg tag is longer, thanks to attributes, but for the sake of simplicity, i cut it short like this....*/ <script xlink:href="/resources/helper_functions.js" type="text/ecmascript"/> <script xlink:href="/resources/mapApp.js" type="text/ecmascript"/> <script xlink:href="/resources/snap.svg-min.js" type="text/ecmascript"/> //it is almost 1 Mb filesize, so shortened it, for simplicity.. <