
MMDetection 入门 | 二

|▌冷眼眸甩不掉的悲伤 提交于 2020-04-21 16:17:48
作者|open-mmlab 编译|Flin 来源|Github 入门 本页提供有关MMDetection用法的基本教程。 有关安装说明,请参阅上一篇的安装文档 。 预训练模型的推论 我们提供测试脚本来评估整个数据集(COCO,PASCAL VOC等)以及一些高级api,以便更轻松地集成到其他项目。 测试数据集 [x]单个GPU测试 [x]多个GPU测试 [x]可视化检测结果 你可以使用以下命令测试数据集。 #单GPU测试 python tools / $ {CONFIG_FILE} $ {CHECKPOINT_FILE} [--out $ {RESULT_FILE}] [--eval $ {EVAL_METRICS}] [--show] #多GPU测试 ./tools/ $ {CONFIG_FILE} $ {CHECKPOINT_FILE} $ {GPU_NUM} [--out $ {RESULT_FILE}] [--eval $ {EVAL_METRICS}] 可选参数: RESULT_FILE :输出结果的文件名是pickle格式。如果未指定,结果将不会保存到文件中。 EVAL_METRICS :要根据结果评估的项目。允许的值取决于数据集,例如 proposal_fast , proposal , bbox , segm 可用于COCO和

How to configure the content of slurm notification emails?

巧了我就是萌 提交于 2020-03-14 17:57:28
问题 Slurm can notify the user by email when certain types of events occur using options such as --mail-type and --mail-user . The emails I receive this way contain a void body and a title that looks like : SLURM Job_id=9228 Name=toto Ended, Run time 07:32:31, COMPLETED, ExitCode 0 I'd like to configure slurm so that the title or even better the body of the email contains other informations in a similar way of what the slurm command squeue --format returns. (actually I'd like the email to contain

How to configure the content of slurm notification emails?

限于喜欢 提交于 2020-03-14 17:54:22
问题 Slurm can notify the user by email when certain types of events occur using options such as --mail-type and --mail-user . The emails I receive this way contain a void body and a title that looks like : SLURM Job_id=9228 Name=toto Ended, Run time 07:32:31, COMPLETED, ExitCode 0 I'd like to configure slurm so that the title or even better the body of the email contains other informations in a similar way of what the slurm command squeue --format returns. (actually I'd like the email to contain

How to let SBATCH send stdout via email?

天涯浪子 提交于 2020-02-24 05:29:58
问题 I would like to let the slurm system send myprogram output via email when the computing is done. So I wrote the SBATCH as following #!/bin/bash -l #SBATCH -J MyModel #SBATCH -n 1 # Number of cores #SBATCH -t 1-00:00 # Runtime in D-HH:MM #SBATCH -o JOB%j.out # File to which STDOUT will be written #SBATCH -e JOB%j.err # File to which STDERR will be written #SBATCH --mail-type=END #SBATCH echo $SLURM_JOB_ID echo $SLURM_JOB_NAME /usr/bin/mpirun -np 1 ./myprogram /usr/bin

Installing/emulating SLURM on an Ubuntu 16.04 desktop: slurmd fails to start

强颜欢笑 提交于 2020-01-31 05:20:47
问题 Edit What I am really looking for is a way to emulate SLURM, something interactive and reasonably user-friendly that I can install. Original post I want to test drive some minimal examples with SLURM, and I am trying to install it all on a local machine with Ubuntu 16.04. I am following the most recent slurm install guide I could find, and I got as far as "start slurmd with sudo /etc/init.d/slurmd start ". [....] Starting slurmd (via systemctl): slurmd.serviceJob for slurmd.service failed

Is it possible to submit a series of different jobs to slurm?

妖精的绣舞 提交于 2020-01-24 01:09:37
问题 For example, I have a script called myScript that processes one input file, and I have a list of filenames. That is, I need to run $ myScript <filename> for a list of filenames stored in a filenames.txt . The only way to distribute my jobs I found in Slurm is to specify -n parameter, which duplicates your command or batch script. But notice that I need to pass in a variable parameter into each run. Is it possible to do so in Slurm? My current solution is to fire a lot of sbatch scripts, each

slurm: How to submit a job under another user and prevent to read other users' files?

試著忘記壹切 提交于 2020-01-23 09:53:05
问题 Based on following thread; I am trying to send a job under another user. I am logged in as the main_user , and slurm jobs are submit via main_user that can do rm -rf /home/main_user that is pretty dangerous. In order to prevent this I want to run a job under another user's permission under the main_user 's directory. I think that if I am able managed to submit the job through newly created user , that user has no permission to alter into any of my files, expect the folder that the user is

slurm: How to submit a job under another user and prevent to read other users' files?

别来无恙 提交于 2020-01-23 09:52:07
问题 Based on following thread; I am trying to send a job under another user. I am logged in as the main_user , and slurm jobs are submit via main_user that can do rm -rf /home/main_user that is pretty dangerous. In order to prevent this I want to run a job under another user's permission under the main_user 's directory. I think that if I am able managed to submit the job through newly created user , that user has no permission to alter into any of my files, expect the folder that the user is

How to run a job array in R using the rscript command from the command line? [closed]

荒凉一梦 提交于 2020-01-20 04:26:24
问题 Closed . This question needs to be more focused. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it focuses on one problem only by editing this post. Closed 2 years ago . I am wondering how I might be able to run 500 parallel jobs in R using the Rscript function. I currently have an R file that has the header on top: args <- commandArgs(TRUE) B <- as.numeric(args[1]) Num.Cores <- as.numeric(args[2]) Outside of the R file, I wish to pass which of

How to change how frequently SLURM updates the output file (stdout)?

天大地大妈咪最大 提交于 2020-01-11 03:09:08
问题 I am using SLURM to dispatch jobs on a supercomputer. I have set the --output=log.out option to place the content from a job's stdout into a file ( log.out ). I'm finding that the file is updated every 30-60 minutes, making it difficult for me to check on the status of my jobs. Any idea why it takes so long to update this file? Is there a way to change settings so that this file is updated more frequently? Using SLURM 14.03.4-2 回答1: This may be related to buffering. Have you tried disabling