
How to select an element which doesn't have a specific class name, using jQuery?

让人想犯罪 __ 提交于 2021-01-27 02:17:53
问题 How could a Commando, like myself, select an element witch does not have a class named "active", using the infamous and powerful jQuery Sizzle CSS and everything else - Selector? I've tried with: $('a[class!="active"]').etc(); But it gives no adequate results. 回答1: $('a:not(.active)') should work yours works as well. just tested: 来源:

How and what benefit can I take by including Sizzle.js along with jquery1.4.2?

杀马特。学长 韩版系。学妹 提交于 2020-12-01 02:10:51
问题 latest jquery 1.4.2 downloaded from comes with Sizzle.js also. How and what benefit can I take from included Sizzle.js? Is Sizzle.js a standalone library? Why it's included inside jquery library, for what purpose? /*! * jQuery JavaScript Library v1.4.2 * * * Copyright 2010, John Resig * Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses. * * * Includes Sizzle.js * * Copyright 2010, The Dojo Foundation * Released


五迷三道 提交于 2020-07-28 10:17:10
对于刚学前端的同学来讲,他们缺乏开发经验,在项目开发中容易犯错,为了使大家少走弯路,收集了一些最常见的错误,供大家学习,避免掉坑。 一、JQuery 选择器 在一个HTML DOM 树中,进行一个比较复杂的元素选择,不包含某些文字的带有某某类名的元素的邻居的父元素的……然后怎么做?写一个很复杂的jQuery选择器?打住。jquery选择器原理是用正则表达式去分解你的选择器字符串(这一部分叫做Sizzle),然后再用内置的一些遍历函数如prev,next等(其实这些函数也是基于DOM提供的方法),去找到你想要的元素。我会不去盲目地进行Sizzle的语义歧义测试,而是自己根据自己的逻辑去用prev,next等去找到自己的元素;而且退一万步来说,我也会尽量避免使用复杂的选择器(之前的方案也有提及),单位个元素用ID,多个元素用类,绝对高效准确。 二、基础数据结构与算法 现在有两个不同的JSON,比较复杂,可以参考这里的DEMO中返回的JSON。要比较它们的差异,除了用现成的工具如beyond compare以外,如果我们的机器上没有安装这个工具,能如何较快解决?作为一个程序员,一个个对比是不可行的,对比完也不会有什么收获。我会把之放进Excel中(如果你机器连这个都没有,那忽视我),先排序,再用二分法去快速定位找到有差异的JSON属性,即使是1024个字段的大数据


…衆ロ難τιáo~ 提交于 2020-04-14 15:27:02
【推荐阅读】微服务还能火多久?>>> 注释 注释分为单行注释和多行注释。 单行注释以//开头。 // 单行注释示例 多行注释以/ 开始,以 /结束。 /* * 多行注释 * 示例 */ 团队约定 单行注释 一般用于简单的描述,如状态描述,属性描述等。书写时应遵循以下规范: 注释符号//与注释内容之间一个空格字符 注释位于注释代码上面 单独占一行 示例 推荐写法: // 初始化 let statusCode = -1; 不推荐写法: //初始化 let statusCode = -1; let statusCode = -1; // 初始化 多行注释 一般用于描述某一块代码的功能,逻辑思路,或参数说明等。书写时应该遵循以下规范 注释开始符号/ 和结束符号 /各占一行 结束符号*/前面加一个空格字符 代码块与代码块之间相隔一行 示例 推荐写法: /* * 多行注释 * 多行注释 * 多行注释 */ 不推荐写法: /* 多行注释 * 多行注释 * 多行注释 * 多行注释 */ /* 多行注释多行注释 */ 文件注释 文件注释位于文件的最前面,主要是对当前这个文件的代码做个整体说明或注意的事项 示例 推荐写法: /*! * jRaiser 2 Javascript Library * sizzle - v1.9.1 (2013-03-15T10:07:24+0800) * http:/

How to make jQuery's 'filter' function work correctly for SVG nodes?

痞子三分冷 提交于 2020-01-07 02:52:05
问题 Say I have the following SVG and jQuery: <g id="test"> <rect> <text>demo</text> </g> $('#test').filter('text').each(function(){ // do something }); The filter function doesn't work with SVG, probably because jQuery was designed for DOM manipulation, not namespaced SVG. But how can I adapt jQuery's filter function to accept SVG correctly? Sizzle.filter = function( expr, set, inplace, not ) { var match, anyFound, old = expr, result = [], curLoop = set, isXMLFilter = set && set[0] && Sizzle

makeArray function in Sizzle (jQuery 1.3)

好久不见. 提交于 2020-01-05 07:56:30
问题 I've been having a lot of problems with jQuery 1.3.2 on only one of my sites. It's a Joomla site, so Mootools is included on the page as well (and it's too difficult to remove Mootools). Basically the problem is that calling the basic jQuery selector with one selector (eg: "a", ".myClass" , not "html a", ".myClass td" ), will only return the first element. I've stepped through the code and have narrowed it down to this function in the Sizzle engine: (see for yourself, line 2058 jquery.js) var

makeArray function in Sizzle (jQuery 1.3)

五迷三道 提交于 2020-01-05 07:55:10
问题 I've been having a lot of problems with jQuery 1.3.2 on only one of my sites. It's a Joomla site, so Mootools is included on the page as well (and it's too difficult to remove Mootools). Basically the problem is that calling the basic jQuery selector with one selector (eg: "a", ".myClass" , not "html a", ".myClass td" ), will only return the first element. I've stepped through the code and have narrowed it down to this function in the Sizzle engine: (see for yourself, line 2058 jquery.js) var

How to select table cells without selecting nested table cells in jQuery

霸气de小男生 提交于 2020-01-02 10:27:06
问题 I want to select only the first level of 'td' elements in a table and not the cells of any nested tables. eg: <table id="Outer"> <tr> <td> --this one </td> <td> --this one <table> <tr> <td></td> -- but not this one or any deeper nested cells </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> (and yes in prod code i would include tbody, thead...) 回答1: I'd use the children selector, which only selects the immediate children matching the expression. To make it easy to select just the outer table, I'd give it a