
Delay running a function for 3 seconds?

放肆的年华 提交于 2019-12-24 14:12:33
问题 I'm looking to delay running this function for 3 seconds: <script type="text/javascript"> $('#FormsPageID table tr:nth-child(12) td:nth-child(2) div span span input') .on('focus', function(){ var $this = $(this); if($this.val() == '4/11/2013'){ $this.val(''); } }) .on('blur', function(){ var $this = $(this); if($this.val() == ''){ $this.val('4/11/2013'); } }); </script> The examples I've come across all involve using setTimeout to or show an element after X seconds. But I'm unsure how that

Replace default search box in SharePoint 2010 with custom one

ぐ巨炮叔叔 提交于 2019-12-24 10:24:37
问题 On every new SharePoint 2010 site you get the default search box (In the MasterPage) that allows you to just do a normal search. I would like to replace this with some item that will allow you to pick Advanced or People Search, something like this......... Is it possible to replace/alter the default search box in the MasterPage? 回答1: The search box is a so called delegate control, so it is not that easy to customize as you would have to overwrite the control with your own to change it. There

No-code solution for calendar view of SharePoint news items

北战南征 提交于 2019-12-24 08:11:36
问题 MOSS provides you an excellent option to create a "news" site in your portal. It adds some "Archive" functionality, but it is very limited - a list of all articles published in that particular site. My users would like to see something better, a real archive of published articles, browsable by publishing date. What I've tried so far, is creating a "Calendar" view in the http://portal/publishingsite/pages/ library. It works, but when you click a link in this calendar, it opens the "dispform

Add a WebPart to an Application page

喜你入骨 提交于 2019-12-24 03:43:35
问题 I have a "Data view web part" created from SharePoint Designer. I added the web part to my visual studio project as a "Web Part" . I want to know how to add the web part to an application page. 回答1: Hi i know its kind of late but, today i had to do the same thing, so i followed a great answer on But basically is like adding any other control on an APS.NET page. First you need to define the prefix for that assembly <%@ Register tagprefix="prefix" namespace

How to design a collapsable menu in sharepoint 2013 using sharepoint designer

僤鯓⒐⒋嵵緔 提交于 2019-12-23 03:02:57
问题 i need to make a menu where once a menu is clicked it will span to show sub menu and i need to add styles and colors as well. i am new to sharepoint so please elaborate in details where to write code and in which language. responses will be highly appreciated. 回答1: A very smooth and simple way to do this is by adding a Script Editor webpart to the page. Inside that content editor, you can use a the jQuery Accordion menu. The code just "works" so all you need to do is fill in the HTML section

In sharepoint designer's workflow editor how do I get the workflow initiators username?

纵饮孤独 提交于 2019-12-21 01:11:11
问题 In Sharepoint designer's workflow editor I wish to retrieve the username/name of the work flow initiator (i.e. who kicked it off or triggered the workflow) - this is relatively easy to do using 3rd party products such as Nintex Workflow 2007 (where I would use something like {Common:Initiator}) - but I can't seem to find any way out of the box to do this using share point designer and MOSS 2007. Update It does not look like this rather obvious feature is supported OOTB, so I ended up writing

how to use c# code in the page source of custom newform of a list to update some fields of it

孤街浪徒 提交于 2019-12-13 04:46:37
问题 I was looking for a solution where I'll populate the value from one list and display it to the another list. I have now got some code but not sure how use it. I have to now use some c# code into page source of custom newform of a list. This code will actually retrieve the user information and update to the field in the custom newform in the list. Following C# code I want to use in newform page source using sharepoint designer SPSite _site = SPContext.Current.Site; ServerContext serverContext

Why Sharepoint refresh it self after a javascript function was executed?

♀尐吖头ヾ 提交于 2019-12-13 04:12:50
问题 I've created a Button in a Content Editor, which changes for example the background color of the content box. After i press the button, the background color is changed from black to white. But Sharepoint refresh it self automatically and didnt save the change. Does anyone have an idea about this ? It happens in IE and Chrome as well. Best Regards, Andy <button onclick="changeCo()">Change Color</button> <style> #contentBox { background-Color:black; } </style><script> function changeCo(){ var

PreSaveAction is not working in SharePoint office 365 (2016)

痴心易碎 提交于 2019-12-12 04:37:13
问题 I am working on SharePoint office 365 (2016), and facing issue while adding custom validation in new item form. Here scenario is complex, I can't handle by using Validation setting/formula. So I have choose custom JavaScript code. As validation should be perform on click of Save button and PreSaveAction method successfully called but only in 'Classic Experience' but when user changed to 'New Experience' it won't call because of change of HTML structure of the form. Does any one have an idea

Sharepoint's “New Folder” doesn't ask for a required field

不羁岁月 提交于 2019-12-12 03:56:12
问题 I am using Web Part Connections to filter documents in a documents library in SharePoint. To do this, there's a column that is required, which I've named "related contact." Here's my problem: When I go add a New Folder (instead of just a document) SharePoint only asks me for a title for the Folder. The "related contact" column (which is required for the documents) doesn't even appear. Since the info on that column is empty, web part connections doesn't see the folder at all. Is there any way