
sencha touch 2.0 : How to split a form across tab panels

爱⌒轻易说出口 提交于 2020-01-03 04:26:09
问题 I would like to split a form across several tab panels to avoid a (very) long form (forcing the user to scroll quite a lot to fill every field). For the moment, I use fieldsets to group fields, but I would like to put the respective fields in separate tabs. Is there a way to do that ? Thanks 回答1: Actually, it is simply possible to add a 'tabpanel' inside the 'formpanel', and the fields values will still be accessible (when using getValues() or submit())... Simple enough ;) 回答2: Yes, Create a

Routes tutorial : Sencha Touch 2.2.1

青春壹個敷衍的年華 提交于 2020-01-03 04:16:15
问题 I wanted to learn the concept of Routes in Sencha touch 2.2.1 . Can you help me by providing me any easy and live tutorial or demo. Your help will be appreciated. Thanks in advance. 回答1: Did you try Google? The very first result is this exact same question from this very site: Using routes in Sencha touch 2 The Sencha Touch docs also provide a pretty good guide:!/guide/history_support 来源:

Disabling email,number detection in android WebView

柔情痞子 提交于 2020-01-01 19:58:11
问题 I'm developing an app with phonegap+sencha touch2+android. I've one panel showing various content that contains emails, some numbers in textual form. As it's a WebView when I tap on number, andorids default MailCompose Activity starts, when I tap on number Dialer Activity starts. How can I disable this from happening. Is there some config I'm missing from android side before loading url or web settings for WebView. Or something from Phonegap because when I saw log cat it shows following line

Sencha Touch Ext.navigation.View pop to root

▼魔方 西西 提交于 2020-01-01 19:49:28
问题 I have an Ext.navigation.View in which I have pushed a few views. Certain user interactions require that I go directly back to the top level of the navigation view -- the equivalent of popToRootViewControllerAnimated: on a UINavigationController in iOS. I have tried various things like: while(navigationView.getItems().getCount() > 1) navigationView.pop(); and while(navigationView.canPop()) navigationView.pop(); Neither work. The first example seems to put me into an infinite loop which isn't

Sencha touch 2- Ext.dispatch replacement?

别说谁变了你拦得住时间么 提交于 2020-01-01 08:52:26
问题 What is the replacement for sencha touch 1.1 Ext.dispatch method in sencha touch 2? I need replacement for code below listeners:{ itemtap:function(data,index){ var record = data.getStore().getAt(index); // the record that has been clicked. Ext.dispatch({ controller: 'ControllerName' ,action: 'ControllerMethod' ,record: record }); } } 回答1: Method Ext.dispatch still exists in Sencha Touch 2:!/api/ But if you just don't like

Sencha touch 2- Ext.dispatch replacement?

拜拜、爱过 提交于 2020-01-01 08:51:46
问题 What is the replacement for sencha touch 1.1 Ext.dispatch method in sencha touch 2? I need replacement for code below listeners:{ itemtap:function(data,index){ var record = data.getStore().getAt(index); // the record that has been clicked. Ext.dispatch({ controller: 'ControllerName' ,action: 'ControllerMethod' ,record: record }); } } 回答1: Method Ext.dispatch still exists in Sencha Touch 2:!/api/ But if you just don't like

Disable carousel overscroll/overdrag in Sencha Touch

♀尐吖头ヾ 提交于 2020-01-01 00:45:16
问题 At the end or beginning of a Sencha Touch 2 carousel, a user can drag the item past where it should be able to go and display the white background (screenshot here: I'm trying to disable this functionality, so a user can't drag past the end/beginning of a carousel. I've attempted to do this with the various scrollable configurations, including the setup that is typically suggested for dealing with overscrolling scrollable : { direction: 'horizontal',

How to make a signed APK in Sencha Touch 2

隐身守侯 提交于 2019-12-31 10:52:39
问题 Dear All, I have successfully made an application using Sencha touch 2 it's working fine in my Android device, also on Tablet and emulator. But the problem is that the apk file could not be uploaded on Android Market it shows me a error: .apk is not signed also validity year 50 Error in Google market -: Google Play does not accept apks signed with the debug certificate. Create a new certificate that is valid for at least 50 years. I have changed my certificate also "configuration":"Release"

How to make a signed APK in Sencha Touch 2

若如初见. 提交于 2019-12-31 10:52:13
问题 Dear All, I have successfully made an application using Sencha touch 2 it's working fine in my Android device, also on Tablet and emulator. But the problem is that the apk file could not be uploaded on Android Market it shows me a error: .apk is not signed also validity year 50 Error in Google market -: Google Play does not accept apks signed with the debug certificate. Create a new certificate that is valid for at least 50 years. I have changed my certificate also "configuration":"Release"

Sencha Touch 2 android performance

江枫思渺然 提交于 2019-12-31 08:38:44
问题 I am hearing that sencha in general, by the mere fact of using javascript, has performance issues on android devices. I am familiar with limitations of the android webview object, but I was wondering if these performance claims have any merit, especially with Sencha Touch 2 being out Although I don't have a lower end android device, I was looking through the Sencha Touch 2 gallery and could not find free android apps very easily, so perhaps you can explain your experience with Sencha Touch 2