
Cancel a complete PNR

老子叫甜甜 提交于 2021-02-19 06:05:11
问题 I'm writing a service which automtically cancels a PNR left on a certain queue. This sounds pretty straight forward with the OTA_CancelLLSRQ request, however it appears I have to loop through each segment individually, or is there a way I can cancell ALL segments at once? In the application we defined a PNR class, this class contains all of the information we can obtain with the "" call. To cancel the PNR I currently use the following code: MessageHeader msgHeader = new MessageHeader {

Cancel a complete PNR

喜欢而已 提交于 2021-02-19 06:03:33
问题 I'm writing a service which automtically cancels a PNR left on a certain queue. This sounds pretty straight forward with the OTA_CancelLLSRQ request, however it appears I have to loop through each segment individually, or is there a way I can cancell ALL segments at once? In the application we defined a PNR class, this class contains all of the information we can obtain with the "" call. To cancel the PNR I currently use the following code: MessageHeader msgHeader = new MessageHeader {

How can i delete pnr by sabre api?

我怕爱的太早我们不能终老 提交于 2021-01-29 12:58:04
问题 I have create PNR using sabre rest api. Is there any way to cancel or delete this pnr through the api. I am using version v2.2.0 and mode "create". 回答1: It depends on the data your PNR has. There is no way to cancel a whole PNR, it will be purged by the system. You cancel segments instead. At the moment Sabre services that cancel segments can be used with SOAP and session tokens. 来源:

How can i delete pnr by sabre api?

半城伤御伤魂 提交于 2021-01-29 12:11:02
问题 I have create PNR using sabre rest api. Is there any way to cancel or delete this pnr through the api. I am using version v2.2.0 and mode "create". 回答1: It depends on the data your PNR has. There is no way to cancel a whole PNR, it will be purged by the system. You cancel segments instead. At the moment Sabre services that cancel segments can be used with SOAP and session tokens. 来源:

Sabre UPA integration

余生颓废 提交于 2020-06-17 09:38:08
问题 We would like to use sabre services. We would like to query the available UPAs (Universal Product Attributes) so we could show them to our customers. Currently we would like to show this pre-booking. We have registered on the site: found some documentations but not everything is fully clear yet. Do we have a development guide about this topic? If yes, then which document it is? When searching for product catalog here: we

基于 Flink 构建 CEP 引擎的挑战和实践

瘦欲@ 提交于 2020-01-13 18:01:46
奇安信集团作为一家网络安全公司是如何基于 Flink 构建 CEP 引擎实时检测网络攻击?其中面临的挑战以及宝贵的实践经验有哪些?本文主要内容分为以下四个方面: 背景及现状 技术架构 产品及运维 未来发展与思考 作者:韩鹏@奇安信 背景及现状 奇安信集团作为一家网络安全公司,专门为政府、企业,教育、金融等机构和组织提供企业级网络安全技术、产品和服务,奇安信的 NGSOC 产品的核心引擎是一个 CEP 引擎,用于实时检测网络攻击,其技术演进过程如下图所示。 2015 年开始使用基于 Esper 的 CEP 方案,但是当时遇到了很多问题,其中最显著的是性能问题,因为 Esper 对于规则条目的支持数量不多,一般情况下超过几十条就会受到严重影响; 2017 年奇安信的技术方案演进到了使用 C++ 实现的 Dolphin 1.0,其在单机上的性能表现大幅度提升; 2018 年奇安信决定将技术方案全面转向基于 Flink 的 Sabre。 奇安信产品具体的应用场景是企业系统的安全检测和数据分析,其自下而上分为四个业务处理流程,分别是数据的采集、解析、处理和展示结果,这其中最核心的是第三层数据处理。该产品的用户主要是安全规则团队,其可以使用规则编辑器来对安全规则进行添加、删除、编辑和查找操作,并可批量启动/停用多个规则,同时可以将处于启动状态的有效规则统一发送给产品。 在数据规模方面

Choose different return flight for Bargain Finder Max Flight

烂漫一生 提交于 2020-01-11 07:55:34
问题 I'm developing a travel application powered by Sabre's Soap Api. I am calling the BargainFinderMax(BFM) endpoint with the Given request <OTA_AirLowFareSearchRQ xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" Version="3.0.0" ResponseType="OTA" ResponseVersion="3.0.0"> <POS xmlns=""> <Source PseudoCityCode="XXXX"> <RequestorID Type="1" ID="1"> <CompanyName Code="TN"/> </RequestorID> </Source> </POS>

Segment Status Handling: NumAttempts WaitInterval params

放肆的年华 提交于 2020-01-06 16:23:03
问题 At this documentation at page 15 of 22 it gives example: <EnhancedAirBookRQ xmlns=""> <OTA_AirBookRQ> <HaltOnStatus Code="NN"/> <OriginDestinationInformation> <FlightSegment DepartureDateTime="2014-06-03T12:30:00" FlightNumber="1022" NumberInParty="1" ResBookDesigCode="F" Status="NN"> <DestinationLocation LocationCode="LAS"/> <MarketingAirline Code="AA" FlightNumber="1022"/> <OriginLocation LocationCode="DFW"/> </FlightSegment> <

How to query for oneway flights using the Sabre Insta Flights Search REST API?

丶灬走出姿态 提交于 2020-01-06 16:14:30
问题 What query params do I need to pass to search for oneway flights only using the Sabre Insta Flights Search REST API? I get an error from the service if I do not include a returndate param. If I do include a returndate, I get roundtrip flights in the result. Thanks 回答1: Not every market has one-way flights loaded, specially in TEST. For instance, US does not currently support one-ways with InstaFlights. As an example, the following RQ will yield resulsts in PROD, but not in TEST. v1/shop

Cannot find an attribute ID for an element RequestorID for added SOAP (wsdl) Generated serialized XML

ぃ、小莉子 提交于 2020-01-04 05:53:12
问题 I am using sabre SOAP Bargain Max finder api. i am missing "ID" Attribute in RequestorID node. In response it return an error of Schema Not Valid. and shows the error "cvc-complex-type.4: Attribute 'ID' must appear on element 'RequestorID , Code:INVALIDREQ" please Guide me what to do with wsdl and generated schema. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <OTA_AirLowFareSearchRQ xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" Version="1.9.2"