

别等时光非礼了梦想. 提交于 2021-01-15 13:19:31
wget https://fossies.org/linux/privat/rlwrap-0.43.tar.gz yum -y install readline* https://fossies.org/linux/privat/rlwrap-0.43.tar.gz tar zxvf rlwrap-0.43.tar.gz cd rlwrap-0.43 ./configure make && make install alias sqlplus='rlwrap sqlplus' alias rman='rlwrap rman' 来源: oschina 链接: https://my.oschina.net/u/4339481/blog/4899828

Oracle GoldenGate实现数据库同步

混江龙づ霸主 提交于 2020-11-26 03:49:39
前言:最近刚好在弄数据库同步,网上查了些资料再加上自己整理了一些,做个分享! 一、 GoldenGate 的安装 官方文档: Oracle®GoldenGate 安装和配置 Oracle GoldenGate for Oracle 数据库 ( https://docs.oracle.com/goldengate/1212/gg-winux/GIORA/toc.htm ) 1、安装包准备 数据库版本: Oracle Database 11g Release 2( 此次使用的安装包版本为 Oracle GoldenGate for Oracle on Linux x86-64 root 权限 ( 创建 安装包存放目录 ) [root@dbsrc oracle]# mkdir /data/goldengate ( 创建 源端安装目录 ) [root@dbsrc oracle]# mkdir /data/oracle/product/ogg_src ( 创建 目标端安装目录 ) [root@dbtrg oracle]# mkdir /data/oracle/product/ogg_trg 将U盘中的安装包拷贝到本地目录进行解压缩(此处不再赘述) 2、配置环境变量 (oracle 权限 ) [oracle@dbsrc ~]$ vim ~/.bash


半城伤御伤魂 提交于 2020-04-09 14:25:12
初始环境:阿里云轻量应用服务器已经重置系统为CentOS7.3-64位 具体目标:安装Oracle Database 19c 第一步:检查Linux系统版本 执行命令 lsb_release -a 查看系统版本 可以看到,目前我的系统版本为CentOS7.3-64位。 2.为了确保一切正常,我准备升级自己的系统到当前最新。 3.用yum更新升级 执行命令 yum -y clean all 执行命令 yum -y update 最后看见“Complete!”就是更新完成了。 4.更新完成后,执行命令 lsb_release -a 查看系统版本 可以看到,现在我的系统版本为CentOS7.7-64位。 第二步:下载Oracle19c的安装包 1.就是下载 oracle-database-ee-19c-1.0-1.x86_64.rpm 这个文件。 2.由于Oracle官网下载较慢,于是提供了下方的百度网盘链接。 链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1QDDFUGPu39kh7ObmHQTF2g 提取码: leaf 3.感兴趣的小伙伴也可以在Oracle官网进行下载,切记下载之前需注册登录Oracle账号。 https://www.oracle.com/database/technologies/oracle-database-software-downloads

rlwrap: Could not open master pty: No such file or directory

青春壹個敷衍的年華 提交于 2019-12-11 04:08:45
问题 When trying to run rlwrap tclsh I am getting this error message: rlwrap: Could not open master pty: No such file or directory What causes this? How to fix this issue? P.S. I am running 64 bit CentOS. 回答1: check /dev/ptmx it should have crw-rw-rw- I once had it crw------- this caused the error message at my system. see also man ptmx : The file /dev/ptmx is a character file with major number 5 and minor number 2, usually of mode 0666 and owner.group of root.root. It is used to create a pseudo

yum showing readline installed but readline command not working

萝らか妹 提交于 2019-12-10 02:17:14
问题 yum My system shows readline installed rlwrap-0.41]$ sudo yum install readline Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, presto, security Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile . . . Package readline-6.0-4.el6.x86_64 already installed and latest version Nothing to do But when I run readline command it doesn't work -bash: readline: command not found I thought command binary may not be on path so tried searching for it but no luck..!! sudo find /usr/ -iname readline basically I'm trying to install

Bash on Ubuntu on Windows - rlwrap could not open master pty

时间秒杀一切 提交于 2019-12-07 09:54:58
问题 After installing Bash on Ubuntu on Windows, I'm receiving an error from any rlwrap command. root@localhost:~# rlwrap ls rlwrap: Could not open master pty: No such file or directory I've made sure that /dev/ptmx has the correct permissions root@localhost:~# ls -ld /dev/ptmx crw-rw-rw- 1 root tty 5, 2 Apr 9 22:44 /dev/ptmx Yet I still can't get it working. Am I the only one encountering this error? Any help would be greatly appreciated. 回答1: Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) doesn't (yet?) have


落花浮王杯 提交于 2019-12-06 02:47:36
使用最小化的设定安装完CentOS7后,进入安装Oracle步骤前,需要安装几个工具。具体步骤: yum -y install vim --vim编辑器 yum -y install unzip --zip文件的解压工具 yum -y install lrzsz --上传下载工具 yum -y update --升级所有包,系统版本和内核,改变软件设置和系统设置 注:使用yum安装前,先保证系统可访问互联网。如果在系统无法访问的情况下,可以配置yum资源中心为镜像文件或者下载rpm包进行安装。 完成工具的安装之后,准备进入Oracle的安装过程。 第一步: 安装必须的依赖包 yum -y install gcc yum -y install gcc-c++ yum -y install make yum -y install binutils yum -y install compat-libstdc++-33 yum -y install elfutils-libelf yum -y install elfutils-libelf-devel yum -y install elfutils-libelf-devel-static yum -y install glibc yum -y install glibc-common yum -y install glibc-devel

Bash on Ubuntu on Windows - rlwrap could not open master pty

◇◆丶佛笑我妖孽 提交于 2019-12-05 13:16:56
After installing Bash on Ubuntu on Windows, I'm receiving an error from any rlwrap command. root@localhost:~# rlwrap ls rlwrap: Could not open master pty: No such file or directory I've made sure that /dev/ptmx has the correct permissions root@localhost:~# ls -ld /dev/ptmx crw-rw-rw- 1 root tty 5, 2 Apr 9 22:44 /dev/ptmx Yet I still can't get it working. Am I the only one encountering this error? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) doesn't (yet?) have a working pty implementation. I suspect that opening /dev/ptmx always fails for this reason, even though


落爺英雄遲暮 提交于 2019-11-30 20:53:08
使用最小化的设定安装完CentOS7后,进入安装Oracle步骤前,需要安装几个工具。具体步骤: yum -y install vim --vim编辑器 yum -y install unzip --zip文件的解压工具 yum -y install lrzsz --上传下载工具 yum -y update --升级所有包,系统版本和内核,改变软件设置和系统设置 注:使用yum安装前,先保证系统可访问互联网。如果在系统无法访问的情况下,可以配置yum资源中心为镜像文件或者下载rpm包进行安装。 完成工具的安装之后,准备进入Oracle的安装过程。 第一步: 安装必须的依赖包 yum -y install gcc yum -y install gcc-c++ yum -y install make yum -y install binutils yum -y install compat-libstdc++-33 yum -y install elfutils-libelf yum -y install elfutils-libelf-devel yum -y install elfutils-libelf-devel-static yum -y install glibc yum -y install glibc-common yum -y install glibc-devel