
Nodejs Childexec execute command for each line in file but wait for the first command to exit before running the next

北慕城南 提交于 2021-02-10 05:06:56
问题 I am using nodejs to communicate with a casperjs script i have made. first of all i will tell you what my Casperjs script does. i have set it up with command line input. i the run this command casperjs script.js "Inputdata1" "inputdata2" this script then executes and visits one of my servers submits the input data 1 & 2. then waits for a server response and rights a line to one of 10 text files depending on the result the script gets from my server this then exit. this casperjs script works

Why am I getting unwanted newline in my string?

若如初见. 提交于 2021-02-09 10:56:35
问题 This should be so simple, it's silly. But I can't get it to work. I have a header which I define while reading a file: if "[gene=env]" in line or "[gene=HIV2gp7]" in line: header = line now this header looks something like ">lcl|NC_001802.1_prot_NP_057856.1_8 [gene=env]" I need to attach a number to it like so: ">lcl|NC_001802.1_prot_NP_057856.1_8 [gene=env]1" I have 100 identical headers, which have to be numbered 1 through 100 But whatever I try, I can't get the number on the same line. The

c# 2进制 转16进制 ,16进制转2进制

[亡魂溺海] 提交于 2021-02-09 07:52:22
static void Main( string [] args) { string bin = " 101011111110101101010 " ; Console.WriteLine( " 二 转 十六进制: " + string .Format( " {0:x} " ,Convert.ToInt32(bin, 2 ))); string s1 = string .Format( " {0:x} " , Convert.ToInt32(bin, 2 )); string s2 = HexString2BinString(s1); Console.WriteLine( " 十六进制 转 二 : " + s2); Console.ReadLine(); } static string HexString2BinString( string hexString) { string result = string .Empty; foreach ( char c in hexString) { int v = Convert.ToInt32(c.ToString(), 16 ); int v2 = int .Parse(Convert.ToString(v, 2 )); // 去掉格式串中的空格,即可去掉每个4位二进制数之间的空格, result += string .Format(

GNU Readline (libreadline): Displaying output message asynchronously

99封情书 提交于 2021-02-08 06:32:13
问题 While using readline (blocking) for user input, I would like to output lines of text to the console asynchronously from another thread. Further, I would like that the readline prompt and current partial input line be removed from the console, the output line written, then the readline prompt and the partial user line restored - so as to give the appearance that the output was written "above" the prompt. By what combination of readline redisplay functions (or otherwise) can this be achieved?

readLine() only reads second input in console

与世无争的帅哥 提交于 2021-02-08 06:30:09
问题 I'm just getting started with Kotlin, so I apologize if it's a dumb problem (which I think it probably is). I'm following this guide, but ran in an issue: the readLine function ignores my first input, and returns only the second line I insert. fun main() { println("What's your name?") val name= readLine() println("Hello $name!") } And this is the output I'm getting (">" marks my input into the console): What's your name? > Paul > John Hello John! I'm using IntelliJ IDEA Community 2020.2, if


不打扰是莪最后的温柔 提交于 2021-02-08 03:28:48
项目 内容 这个作业属于哪个课程 这个作业的要求在哪里 作业学习目标    1.掌握java异常处理技术; 2.了解断言的用法; 3.了解日志的用途; 4.掌握程序基础调试技巧。 第一部分:总结第七章理论知识   1.异常(exception):      1)异常对象是派生于Throwable类的一个封装了错误信息的对象实例。     2)异常具有自己的语法和特定的继承结构。     3)所有的异常都是由Throwable继承而来,但在下一层分解为两个分支:Error 和 Exception       1.Error类层次结构描述了Java运行时系统的内部错误和资源耗尽错误。       2.Exception层次结构又分为两个分支: 由程序错误导致的异常属于RuntimeException,例如:错误的类型转换;数组访问越界;访问空指针。  另一个分支包含其他异常。      2. 抛出(throws)异常 :声明抛出异常在方法声明中用throws子句中来指明。     1)throws子句可以同时指明多个异常,说明该方法将不对这些异常进行处理,而是声明抛出它们。     2


有些话、适合烂在心里 提交于 2021-02-08 02:56:43
Runtime 类代表着Java程序的运行时环境,每个Java程序都有一个Runtime实例,该类会被自动创建,我们可以通过 Runtime.getRuntime() 方法来获取当前程序的Runtime实例。 获取当前Jvm的内存信息 /* * 获取当前jvm的内存信息,返回的值是 字节为单位 * */ public static void getFreeMemory() { // 获取可用内存 long value = Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory(); System.out.println( "可用内存为:"+value/1024/1024+"mb" ); // 获取jvm的总数量,该值会不断的变化 long totalMemory = Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory(); System.out.println( "全部内存为:"+totalMemory/1024/1024+"mb" ); // 获取jvm 可以最大使用的内存数量,如果没有被限制 返回 Long.MAX_VALUE; long maxMemory = Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory(); System.out.println( "可用最大内存为:"+maxMemory/1024/1024+"mb" ); }

Python: Read multiple lines from a file and make instances stored in an dictionary

爱⌒轻易说出口 提交于 2021-02-04 19:12:14
问题 My struggle: Reading two lines and jumping over the third. Then I want to store all the objects in a dictionary with the name as keys. **** Ingredients.txt **** Name1 ingredient1/ingredient2/ingredient3 Name2 ingredient1/ingredient2 Name3 ... class Foodset(object): def __init__(self, name): = name self.ingredients = set([]) def __str__(self): return str( + ' consits of: ' + ", ".join(str(e) for e in self.ingredients) + '.' def setIngredients(self, list): for i in list:

使用socket通信本地电脑与阿里云服务器报错connection time out及解决方案(java语言)

主宰稳场 提交于 2021-02-03 06:00:47
本地电脑使用客户端,阿里云服务器使用远程桌面用服务器端 测试代码如下(代码来源于网络,已测试通过): 客户端: 1 import* ; 2 import* ; 3 import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; 4 5 public class TcpClient { 6 public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{ 7 try { 8 // 建立套接字 9 Socket socket = null ; 10 socket = new Socket(); 11 socket.connect( new InetSocketAddress("服务端ip",7327),8000 ); 12 // 建立连接 13 InputStreamReader Sysin = new InputStreamReader(; 14 BufferedReader SysBuf = new BufferedReader(Sysin); 15 16 InputStreamReader Socin = new InputStreamReader(socket.getInputStream()); 17 BufferedReader


时光总嘲笑我的痴心妄想 提交于 2021-02-02 04:52:20
一、RPC   RPC(Remote Procedure Call)—远程过程调用,它是一种通过网络从远程计算机程序上请求服务,而不需要了解底层网络技术的协议。有很多方式可以实现,譬如UNIX RPC、REST API、WCF和SOAP。这些传统的RPC实现方法有共同之处:那就是客户端和服务器端紧密相连,客户端直接连接上服务器,发送一个请求,然后就停下来等待服务器的应答。   这种点对点的性质模式有很多好处,它使得在小范围内的拓扑变得简单。但是当有众多服务器的时候,客户端如何发现在那台服务器上可以找到其他想要的服务就变的麻烦,SOAP和大多数的企业RPC已经采用复杂的补充协议和服务目录,但也带来了额外的复杂度和众多故障点。   但是,用RabbitMQ来实现RPC可以无需关心由那台服务器来处理,也不必担心服务器奔溃,只需要简单的发送消息,然后等待响应即可。一般接触RabbitMQ的都是用发后即忘模型,用于发送邮件等通知或者处理其他并行处理事件,也就是AMQP的消息是单向的。如何才能让服务器将处理结果返回给原始的客户端呢? 二、消息应答和私有队列   RabbitMQ有一个优雅的解决方案:使用消息来发回应答。在每个AMQP消息头里有个字段 reply_to .消息的生产者可以通过该字段来确定队列的名称,并监听应答队列等待应答。然后接收消息的RPC服务器能偶检查reply_to字段