
File Monitoring System Reactive Programming

余生长醉 提交于 2021-02-19 07:39:18
问题 I am using C#.I am new to reactive programming. Using reactive programming, I want to create a folder monitoring system which will invoke if folder A contains any file if yes then it will grab that file & process it and move it in Folder B. Let say, Folder A is empty first.User adds some files into folder A realtime. System detects that new files has been added & it will process it one by one or simultaneously. I am not able to understand what should I use Create or Interval and after that

RxJava: combine two optional observables

烈酒焚心 提交于 2021-02-19 04:09:14
问题 I have two Observable s, let's call them PeanutButter and Jelly . I'd like to combine them to a Sandwich Observable . I can do that using: Observable<PeanutButter> peanutButterObservable = ...; Observable<Jelly> jellyObservable = ...; Observable<Sandwich> sandwichObservable = Observable.combineLatest( peanutButterObservable, jellyObservable, (pb, j) -> makeSandwich(pb, j)) The problem is that RX waits for the first PeanutButter and the first Jelly to be emitted before emitting the first

RxJava: combine two optional observables

守給你的承諾、 提交于 2021-02-19 04:08:20
问题 I have two Observable s, let's call them PeanutButter and Jelly . I'd like to combine them to a Sandwich Observable . I can do that using: Observable<PeanutButter> peanutButterObservable = ...; Observable<Jelly> jellyObservable = ...; Observable<Sandwich> sandwichObservable = Observable.combineLatest( peanutButterObservable, jellyObservable, (pb, j) -> makeSandwich(pb, j)) The problem is that RX waits for the first PeanutButter and the first Jelly to be emitted before emitting the first

Angular 4+ 修仙之路

天大地大妈咪最大 提交于 2021-02-18 20:35:26
Angular 4.x 快速入门 Angular 4 快速入门 涉及 Angular 简介、环境搭建、插件表达式、自定义组件、表单模块、Http 模块等 Angular 4 基础教程 涉及 Angular CLI 使用、创建组件、事件、自定义服务、 ngFor 指令、Input、Output 装饰器等 Angular 4 指令快速入门 涉及如何创建指令、定义输入属性、事件处理、如何获取宿主元素属性值、如何创建结构指令等 Angular 4 表单快速入门 涉及如何创建表单、表单验证、表单控件状态、单选控件、多选控件的使用等 Angular 表单简介 涉及 Template-driven 表单与 Reactive 表单的特点、表单控件状态、Reactive 表单简介等 Angular 4.x 路由快速入门 涉及路由简介、如何配置路由、动态路由、子路由、路由指令及路由相关 API 等 TypeScript 简介 涉及 TypeScript 数据类型、复合类型、箭头函数、可选参数、默认参数、对象解构、数组解构等 Angular 4.x 组件学习线路 (仅供参考) 对于刚从 Angular 1.x 转到 Angular 4.x 的用户,建议先阅读一下 Angular 4.x vs Angular 1.x 章节 (目前还不够完善)。下面提供的学习线路仅供参考,读者可以自行选读

R Shiny: display elapsed time while function is running

早过忘川 提交于 2021-02-11 15:40:30
问题 Taking the same idea of this post: R shiny: display "loading..." message while function is running I'd like actually not only display a "loading" message, but also display the elapsed time of the run. And at the end, that the final running time remains displayed. I adapt a MWE from the R-bloggers library(shiny) ui <- fluidPage( # Sidebar with a slider input for number of bins sidebarLayout( sidebarPanel(

R Shiny - Is it possible to nest reactive functions?

倖福魔咒の 提交于 2021-02-11 12:40:25
问题 In R-Shiny. Trying to break up a really long reactive function (thousands of lines!). Hypothetically, is it possible to nest conditional reactive functions, something similar to: STATE_filter <- reactive({ if(input$selectcounty ends with "-AL") { run AL_filter() } else if (input$selectstate ends with "-AR"){ run AR_filter() } else { return("ERROR") } }) EDIT Non-hypothetically, I'm trying to create a nested reactive filtering function based on user select inputs of U.S. counties. Upon their

R Shiny - Is it possible to nest reactive functions?

不打扰是莪最后的温柔 提交于 2021-02-11 12:40:23
问题 In R-Shiny. Trying to break up a really long reactive function (thousands of lines!). Hypothetically, is it possible to nest conditional reactive functions, something similar to: STATE_filter <- reactive({ if(input$selectcounty ends with "-AL") { run AL_filter() } else if (input$selectstate ends with "-AR"){ run AR_filter() } else { return("ERROR") } }) EDIT Non-hypothetically, I'm trying to create a nested reactive filtering function based on user select inputs of U.S. counties. Upon their

Naming convention for methods returning RxJava's Completable

你离开我真会死。 提交于 2021-02-08 12:40:18
问题 I have and Android app with the view class ( Fragment , Activity ) observing its ViewModel . The ViewModel exposes methods such as getUserName which returns Observable<String> . Although maybe there is a possibility to find a better name (maybe observeUserName ), I'm happy with the current one - it is quite explanatory. However, here starts the hard part: ViewModel also can tell the view to perform some operation - for example close itself, pop backstack etc. For this case ViewModel defines

Using Shiny's updateSelectInput within nested modules

十年热恋 提交于 2021-02-08 08:24:14
问题 Background The application is of the following structure: . ├── R │ ├── mod_observationSelector.R │ ├── mod_previewTable.R │ └── mod_summaryTable.R └── app.R With the files fulling the respective functions: mod_observationSelector.R - provides an updateSelectInput mechanism facilitating selction of integere or real columns in mtcars data mod_previewTable.R - generates head for selected column mod_summaryTable.R - generates summary for selected column Design assumptions mod_observationSelector

Using Shiny's updateSelectInput within nested modules

家住魔仙堡 提交于 2021-02-08 08:23:49
问题 Background The application is of the following structure: . ├── R │ ├── mod_observationSelector.R │ ├── mod_previewTable.R │ └── mod_summaryTable.R └── app.R With the files fulling the respective functions: mod_observationSelector.R - provides an updateSelectInput mechanism facilitating selction of integere or real columns in mtcars data mod_previewTable.R - generates head for selected column mod_summaryTable.R - generates summary for selected column Design assumptions mod_observationSelector