
How to fetch bytes from SQL Server Database and Convert to Image in Python

馋奶兔 提交于 2021-02-11 12:19:11
问题 -- I'm loading test data into my SQL Server Database using python and was able to successfully take images and break them down into bytes and store them in the database, but when trying to fetch back the bytes and decode it to save it as a new file type, all i get is a blank image file. Not sure what i am doing wrong here... -- I've tried several iterations using base64 from other tutorials and similar questions, but cant seem to find one that will solve my problem. SQLCommand = ("SELECT

How to fetch bytes from SQL Server Database and Convert to Image in Python

自古美人都是妖i 提交于 2021-02-11 12:18:35
问题 -- I'm loading test data into my SQL Server Database using python and was able to successfully take images and break them down into bytes and store them in the database, but when trying to fetch back the bytes and decode it to save it as a new file type, all i get is a blank image file. Not sure what i am doing wrong here... -- I've tried several iterations using base64 from other tutorials and similar questions, but cant seem to find one that will solve my problem. SQLCommand = ("SELECT

How to create and delete database using mssql+pyodbc connection string using python

最后都变了- 提交于 2021-02-10 18:34:08
问题 I have a database engine as the below: from sqlalchemy import create_engine import pydoc # connect db engine = create_engine('mssql+pyodbc://xxxx\MARTRNO_EXPRESS/toolDB?driver=SQL+Server+Native+Client+11.0') connection = engine.connect() I tried to use something like the below code as to create a database using this connection as the below code: from database import connec import pandas as pd def delete_all_tables_from_db(): delete_all_tables_query = "CREATE DATABASE MyNewDatabase" delete_all

pypyodbc execute returns list index out of range error

橙三吉。 提交于 2021-02-10 17:26:15
问题 I have a function that runs 3 queries and returns the result of the last (using the previous ones to create the last) when I get to the 3rd query, it get a list index our of range error. I have ran this exact query as the first query (with manually entered variables) and it worked fine. This is my code: import pypyodbc def sql_conn(): conn = pypyodbc.connect(r'Driver={SQL Server};' r'Server=HPSQL31\ni1;' r'Database=tq_hp_prod;' r'Trusted_Connection=yes;') cursor = conn.cursor() return conn,

pypyodbc - Access Driver is not found

旧城冷巷雨未停 提交于 2020-12-29 08:42:24
问题 i want to work with pypyodbc and whenever I use win_create_mdb I get the error Exception: Access Driver is not found. I have installed Access Database Engine 32-bit, since my MS products are 32-bit. Any thoughts? 回答1: The reason why it shows no driver error is because we didn't install the right driver (should install x64 version, but system will pop up error when install x64 version), then we can follow @nvrslnc's suggestion to install using the command line and do $> AccessDatabaseEngine

pypyodbc - Access Driver is not found

◇◆丶佛笑我妖孽 提交于 2020-12-29 08:40:58
问题 i want to work with pypyodbc and whenever I use win_create_mdb I get the error Exception: Access Driver is not found. I have installed Access Database Engine 32-bit, since my MS products are 32-bit. Any thoughts? 回答1: The reason why it shows no driver error is because we didn't install the right driver (should install x64 version, but system will pop up error when install x64 version), then we can follow @nvrslnc's suggestion to install using the command line and do $> AccessDatabaseEngine

python translate bytecode to utf-8 using a variable

余生颓废 提交于 2020-01-06 06:42:26
问题 I have the following problem: From a SQL Server database I am reading data using python module pypyodbc and ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server and writing to txt files. Database contains all kinds of special characters and they read as: 'PR\xc3\x86KVAL' The '\xc3\x86' part is bytecode and should be interpreted that way. The other characters should be interpreted as shown. UTF8 would translate '\xc3\x86' to Æ. If I type the value in b'PR\xc3\x86KVAL' , python recognizes it as bytecode and I can

Connecting to SQL Server with pypyodbc

|▌冷眼眸甩不掉的悲伤 提交于 2020-01-01 04:40:07
问题 I need to send unicode to SQL Server with Python 2.7. I failed with pymssql. I'm now trying to get pypyodbc working (as opposed to pyodbc ), as it gives working unicode examples. The problem is that the connection string in the example doesn't look like anything I recognize. I looked at this, and, after a little trial and error, constructed this string: conn = pypyodbc.connect("DRIVER={SQL Server};SERVER='MyServer';UID='me';PWD='MyPassword';DATABASE='db'") Got back a DatabaseError focused on

“Optional feature not implemented” error with pyodbc query against Access database

非 Y 不嫁゛ 提交于 2019-12-31 03:28:45
问题 To anyone that can help, thank you in advance. I am running 64bit windows 10, 64bit office and 64bit python 3.7.2 Using pyodbc, I am trying to execute a Select statement such as this: "SELECT * FROM EconVars WHERE Year(ValueDate) = 1999" In order to do this, my code is as follows: existquery = """SELECT * FROM EconVars WHERE Year(ValueDate) = ?""" params = (1999,) cursor.execute(existquery,params) When I run this, I get the following error pyodbc.Error: ('HYC00', '[HYC00] [Microsoft][ODBC

“Optional feature not implemented” error with pyodbc query against Access database

杀马特。学长 韩版系。学妹 提交于 2019-12-31 03:28:05
问题 To anyone that can help, thank you in advance. I am running 64bit windows 10, 64bit office and 64bit python 3.7.2 Using pyodbc, I am trying to execute a Select statement such as this: "SELECT * FROM EconVars WHERE Year(ValueDate) = 1999" In order to do this, my code is as follows: existquery = """SELECT * FROM EconVars WHERE Year(ValueDate) = ?""" params = (1999,) cursor.execute(existquery,params) When I run this, I get the following error pyodbc.Error: ('HYC00', '[HYC00] [Microsoft][ODBC