
PUT request giving 400 Bad Request Error

我们两清 提交于 2020-01-06 08:51:19
问题 I'm implementing a Contact application using Google Contact API . Now I'm trying to update a contact by sending a put request in the below format PUT /m8/feeds/contacts/default/full/{contactId} If-Match: {lastKnownEtag} GData-Version: 3.0 Content-Type: application/atom+xml And I have the XML as a string that I'm going to send as a body of the request. This is my xmlString ( Body of the Request ) <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <entry xmlns:gd="http://schemas.google.com/g/2005" gd:etag=

Alternative bodies for HTTP PUT

跟風遠走 提交于 2020-01-06 01:51:07
问题 I'm developing a REST-ful webservice, and I have a question about the HTTP PUT method. I want to allow people to submit content using a application/form-data request body. However, the default response will be in application/xml. Is this acceptable? Evert 回答1: Content types are only important within the scope of a single request. All they do is describe the format of the content that is being sent. Your web service should provide the response most acceptable to the client request that it is

SignatureDoesNotMatch error when uploading to s3 via a pre signed url using Ionic 2

点点圈 提交于 2020-01-04 07:47:12
问题 I am trying to upload a video to s3 and have a pre-signed PUT url. The following is the code to do so. import {Component} from '@angular/core'; import {NavController} from 'ionic-angular'; import {MediaCapture} from 'ionic-native'; import {Http} from '@angular/http'; import { Transfer } from 'ionic-native'; @Component({ selector: 'page-home', templateUrl: 'home.html' }) export class HomePage { public base64Image: string; constructor(private navController: NavController, public http: Http) {

django-rest-framework: independent GET and PUT in same URL but different generics view

て烟熏妆下的殇ゞ 提交于 2020-01-02 00:57:11
问题 I'm using django-rest-framework and I need to map in the URL file two generic views with the same url (iḿ already using URLs but not Routes): I need to allow GET, PUT and DELETE verbs in just one url (like /api/places/222) and allow everyone to get every field with the related Entity Place but just allow to update (PUT) one field using the same url. Place Entity: - id (not required in PUT) - name (required always) - date (not required in PUT but required in POST) URL url(r'^api/places/(?P<pk>

Making a REST API request in PHP

放肆的年华 提交于 2020-01-01 15:05:25
问题 Apologies for newbishness of this question. I'm looking into integrating one website's API into my own website. Here's some quotes from their documentation: At the moment we only support XML, when calling our API the HTTP Accept header content type must be set to “application/xml”. The API uses the PUT request method. I have the XML I want to send, and I have the URL I want to send it to, but how do I go about constructing a suitable HTTP Request in PHP that will also grab the XML that's

What does “$x->Put” do in Perl?

风流意气都作罢 提交于 2019-12-31 07:46:06
问题 I am looking at this piece of code: $diag_cmd = pack("CCSV", DIAG_SUBSYS_CMD_F, DIAG_SUBSYS_PWRDB, PWRDB_DIAG_PKT_SCRIPT | $processor_select, length($s_part)) . $s_part; $diag_request_var = Variant(VT_ARRAY | VT_UI1, length $diag_cmd); $diag_request_var->Put($diag_cmd); where Variant is defined below: sub Variant { return Win32::OLE::Variant->new(@_); } I am not sure what does it do and what does PUT actually do in Perl. Any ideas? 回答1: Put is not a standard function that comes with Perl. In

Spring boot: Request method 'PUT' not supported

回眸只為那壹抹淺笑 提交于 2019-12-30 07:31:41
问题 I am getting a Request method 'PUT' not supported error on hitting a PUT method on a restful API to upload a file. Following is the information uploaded to this ticket. Client Log RestController Spring Boot App Config Tomcat log POM.xml 1. Client Log $ curl -X PUT -T "/cygdrive/c/a/documents/test.pptx" http://localhost:8080/piranha-storage-service/buckets/gnaval.bucket1/test.pptx <html><head><title>Apache Tomcat/7.0.52 - Error report</title><style><!--H1 {font-family:Tahoma,Arial,sans-serif

PUT vs. POST for files upload RESTful api to be built using Zend Framework

走远了吗. 提交于 2019-12-29 02:33:33
问题 I'm building a RESTful api using Zend Framework via the Zend_Rest_Route. For files upload, should I use PUT or POST to handle the process? I'm trying to be as consistent as possible with the definition of the REST verbs. Please refer to: PUT or POST: The REST of the Story The way I understand this is that I should use PUT if and only if I'm updating the full content of the specified resource. I'll have to know the exact URL to PUT to. On the other hand, I should use POST if I'm sending a

how to put <b> tag in string in smarty template

China☆狼群 提交于 2019-12-25 19:01:43
问题 I am using SMARTY and I need to put <b> tag in string in the following php code i can put tag in string $search = 'this is my sample strangا'; $dbContent = 'this strang is for sample hello world'; $search = explode( ' ' , $search ); function wrapTag($inVal){ return '<b>'.$inVal.'</b>'; } $replace = array_map( 'wrapTag' , $search ); $dbContent = str_replace( $search , $replace , $dbContent ); echo $dbContent; how to use this code in smarty template or how to convert this code for smarty 回答1:

how to put <b> tag in string in smarty template

老子叫甜甜 提交于 2019-12-25 19:01:09
问题 I am using SMARTY and I need to put <b> tag in string in the following php code i can put tag in string $search = 'this is my sample strangا'; $dbContent = 'this strang is for sample hello world'; $search = explode( ' ' , $search ); function wrapTag($inVal){ return '<b>'.$inVal.'</b>'; } $replace = array_map( 'wrapTag' , $search ); $dbContent = str_replace( $search , $replace , $dbContent ); echo $dbContent; how to use this code in smarty template or how to convert this code for smarty 回答1: