
How to clone or copy a Jena-Ontology-Model (OntModel) to apply temporary changes?

浪尽此生 提交于 2021-02-19 03:58:13
问题 I've been searching for a solution for days now and since there is no forum at Apache Jena I had to create an account at stackoverflow to ask. My problem is that I need a temporary (deep) copy of an already loaded ontology, namely an object of OntModelImpl (with some imports but without any attached inference machine). Its purpose is to apply some validation steps on the model which require some SPARQL UPDATE queries to add some automatically generated triples first. These additional triples

protege pellet deduce issue

谁都会走 提交于 2021-01-28 21:30:53
问题 this is my sample ontology created by protege 5.5.2: <?xml version="1.0"?> <rdf:RDF xmlns="" xml:base="" xmlns:owl="" xmlns:rdf="" xmlns:xml="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:rdfs=""> <owl

How to create a condition to obtain an automatic object property relation in Protege?

假装没事ソ 提交于 2021-01-28 18:53:22
问题 I'm doing a project in Protege on the ontology related to the university problem. I have some classes and object properties relations between them: As depicted, there are several classes and relations. My issue is, how (and where) to write the condition to obtain the automatic inference that, if all blue-arrow relations are satisfied by the individual, the red-arrow relation must be also satisfied (thus it is inferred then by the reasoner)? I will appreciate any help! Thanks. Hubert 回答1:

OWL: scoped domain and range

落爺英雄遲暮 提交于 2021-01-05 07:52:25
问题 What is the difference between scoped domain and domain ? Also scoped range and range . And how is it defined in Protege for a single property to have two different scoped domains or scoped ranges? P.S. I mean using two different scoped domain means: R has range B if domain is A R has range D if domain is C 回答1: The fact that the domain of the object property R is A could be written in this way: R some owl:Thing SubClassOf A The fact that the range of the object property R is B could be

成为一流软件开发者的 34 条建议

烂漫一生 提交于 2020-08-11 20:23:08
我们列出了一张包含 34 条建议的清单,来帮助你成为一流的软件开发者,在技术行业中打造出成功的职业生涯。 这些建议中,有一些是特别针对增强编程技能的,其他的一些建议则是软件开发职业生涯中的软技能,还有些甚至能够帮助你成为一个更好的人。 1. 规划方法 & 在编码前先写伪代码 当你试图构建一个项目或者完成一个任务时,如果没有规划就直接开始编写代码,可能会浪费大量时间,还会经历很多不同程度的挫折。 在开始编码前,花一点时间写下要实现的功能或者待解决问题的大致结构。这会让实际的编码过程更加顺畅,防止潜在的缺陷发生。向队友或者同事主动寻求反馈或者其他想法,这会让你更好地向他们解释你所处理的事情。 作为一名软件开发者,很容易陷入编码的细节中,导致只见树木不见森林(正如这条著名谚语所说的那样)。做好规划并预先编写伪代码能让你同时看到两者,也许,你还能听到森林里鸟儿的鸣叫声呢! 2. 总是寻找新东西来学习 这可能是老调重弹,但事实就是这样。软件行业变化非常迅速。如果你想一直待在程序员这个圈子里,你就不得不持续学习新的东西。 你持续学习得越多,你就越会觉得这是很自然的一件事,你会觉得学习是一种享受,而且当你不去学习时,反倒会觉得自己停滞不前。阅读一些科技博客或者新闻网站,花一点时间来研究你感兴趣的事情,或者那些会影响到软件行业未来的事情。 3. 不要尝试去学习所有的东西 尽管不断地学习新东西很重要

protege 构建本体

生来就可爱ヽ(ⅴ<●) 提交于 2020-02-04 16:00:29
protege 构建本体 这里我们使用的是 Protégé-OWL 规范。 一、 什么是本体( Ontologie ) 本体是用来获得你所感兴趣的领域的知识; 二、 OWL Ontologies OWL Ontologies由w3c从斯坦福大学的本体语言发展而来的。 三、 OWL Ontologies的组成 OWL Ontologies是由个体(Individuals),属性(Properties),类(Classes)组成。 1. Individuals(个体) 指的是在域(domain)中我们感兴趣的对象。类中的一个实例。 Individuals必须明确的声明彼此之间是否相同。不同的名字可能指的是相同的Individuals。 2. Properties(属性) 指的是Individuals上二元关系,他连接着两个Individuals。如:小三的父亲叫大三。其中,“的父亲叫”就连接着小三和大三两个Individuals。 Properties可以存在reverse,如上所示,“的父亲叫”的reverse就是“的儿子叫”。 Properties可以被限定成单值,此时Properties是functional的。(后面介绍) Properties也可以是transitive (可传递的)或symmetric(对称的)(后面介绍) 3. Classes

How to get individuals data property value in sparql

爱⌒轻易说出口 提交于 2020-01-24 20:08:26
问题 Hi i am in new to ontologies. I have developed a restaurant ontology by Protege software. But I badly need a SPARQL query that finds property values for all individuals of a class. I want to get a result like: Angels_n_Gypsies House #30, Rd No. 19/A, Dhaka 1213, Bangladesh 回答1: Just follow the property values... SELECT ?rname ?lname WHERE { ?inst a :Popular_restaurant . ?inst :restaurant_name ?rname . ?inst :Location_name ?lname . } But that's just the end result. A way to understand SPARQL