How to create a condition to obtain an automatic object property relation in Protege?

假装没事ソ 提交于 2021-01-28 18:53:22


I'm doing a project in Protege on the ontology related to the university problem. I have some classes and object properties relations between them:


As depicted, there are several classes and relations. My issue is, how (and where) to write the condition to obtain the automatic inference that, if all blue-arrow relations are satisfied by the individual, the red-arrow relation must be also satisfied (thus it is inferred then by the reasoner)?

I will appreciate any help! Thanks. Hubert


Option 1

Use SWRL. On the SWRL tab, type the following:

isTakingCourse(?s, ?c) ^ hasModule(?c, ?m) ^ isExamOn(?e, ?m) -> takesExam(?s, ?e)

Option 2

Use property chains and inverse properties. In the Description view, declare takesExam to be a superproperty of:

isTakingCourse o hasModule o inverse isExamOn

