
How to get the host name and ipv4 address in Powerbuilder 2019?

让人想犯罪 __ 提交于 2021-02-11 12:32:15
问题 I would like to create a log of connections to the database with the user name, computer name, and ipv4 address, but using calls to the kernel32.dll gets me garbage characters, like 䍐䌭位剎奏. I was thinking on something along the lines of: $computer = [System.Net.Dns]::GetHostName() $ipcomputer = [System.Net.Dns]::GetHostEntry($computer) assuming I can get those values back to PB2019. Any ideas will be appreciated. 回答1: The garbage the function spits needs to be converted to ANSI before making

Use C# created DLL in PowerBuilder 12.5.2

♀尐吖头ヾ 提交于 2021-01-29 01:32:12
问题 I have created a simple C# class library targetting .Net Framework 4.5.2 with one class using Visual Studio 2015 enterprise edition. Sample code: namespace PwdEncryptor { public class Class1 { public string Encrypt (string actualPassword) { return String.Concat(actualPassword, "Encrypt"); } } } I want to use this from my powerbuilder code on another system . Purpose of doing this is to have common code for encryption of password. Problem: I used it in my powerbuilder code by declaring in the

Use C# created DLL in PowerBuilder 12.5.2

江枫思渺然 提交于 2021-01-29 01:31:54
问题 I have created a simple C# class library targetting .Net Framework 4.5.2 with one class using Visual Studio 2015 enterprise edition. Sample code: namespace PwdEncryptor { public class Class1 { public string Encrypt (string actualPassword) { return String.Concat(actualPassword, "Encrypt"); } } } I want to use this from my powerbuilder code on another system . Purpose of doing this is to have common code for encryption of password. Problem: I used it in my powerbuilder code by declaring in the

How to supress the outlook pop up message while sending mails in PB8

杀马特。学长 韩版系。学妹 提交于 2021-01-28 10:27:14
问题 I am trying to send mail after doing some operations in PowerBuilder 8. But it pops up an Outlook pop up message asking whether to allow Outlook to send message or not. Is There any way to bypass this pop up and send mail directly? If the answer is redemption please let me know where to use it in my below code- //string ls_name //integer id ls_name = sle_name.text id = integer(sle_id.text) dw_report.Saveas("d:\abc.xls", Excel!, True) mailSession mSes mailReturnCode mRet mailMessage mMsg //

How to supress the outlook pop up message while sending mails in PB8

落爺英雄遲暮 提交于 2021-01-28 10:24:55
问题 I am trying to send mail after doing some operations in PowerBuilder 8. But it pops up an Outlook pop up message asking whether to allow Outlook to send message or not. Is There any way to bypass this pop up and send mail directly? If the answer is redemption please let me know where to use it in my below code- //string ls_name //integer id ls_name = sle_name.text id = integer(sle_id.text) dw_report.Saveas("d:\abc.xls", Excel!, True) mailSession mSes mailReturnCode mRet mailMessage mMsg //

Powerbuilder: ImportFile of UTF-8 (Converting UTF-8 to ANSI)

牧云@^-^@ 提交于 2021-01-28 06:50:31
问题 My Powerbuilder version is 6.5, cannot use a higher version as this is what I am supporting. My problem is, when I am doing dw_1.ImportFile(file) the first row and first column has a funny string like this:  Which I dont understand until I tried opening the file and saving it to a new text file and trying to import that new file.which worked flawlessly without the funny string. My conclusion is that this is happening because the file is UTF-8 (as shown in NOTEPAD++) and the new file is


白昼怎懂夜的黑 提交于 2020-02-08 23:24:26
原文: https://www.cnblogs.com/wintersun/p/3320296.html 近需要了解某个PowerBuilder程序如何工作的,这已经是某个时代的产物了。除了EXE之外,还有一些PBD文件。PBD文件是PowerBuilder动态库,作为本地DLL的一个替代物。PBD是必须有PB虚拟机才能执行的程序文件。PBD文件也可以理解成类似于DLL的文件。只是DLL是机器码,PBD是伪代码。 在编译的时候如果设置成PCODE,并在某个PBL文件后打勾,编译之后就会产生PBD文件。通常一些大型软件编译的时候都会编译成好多个PBD,这样方便软件的维护,由于PBD是伪代码,所以必须有PB的虚拟机PBVM60.DLL的支持。 在没有源代码情况,我们只能选择反编译它。试用了某个叫PBKiller的程序还不错。如下图,我们打某个PBD文件,可以看到大部分代码结构。 窗体,Properties, Controls, Events,Functions…… 并且支持导出功能, 可惜搜索功能缺乏。 加密与解密的斗争一直都在进行。 文中软件可以从这里下载 http://www.mis2erp.com/index_cn.html http://www.mis2erp.com/soft/PBDeCompiler.rar http://www.mis2erp.com/soft

In Power Builder trying to replace a escape character with ~ sign

生来就可爱ヽ(ⅴ<●) 提交于 2020-01-25 21:47:28
问题 I am new to the power builder I am trying to use replace function. I needed to replace a aposthope(') in string with ~' but it is giving me an error "Bad argument list for function: replace" . Signature = "Gagandeep S'ingh" Signature = Replace (Signature , "'", "~'") Any help here please. 回答1: Tilde is a modifier character in PowerBuilder. The first function it has is to represent special characters, so you have ~r, ~n, ~t for carriage return, newline, and tab. The second function is an

How to re-direct events from one control to another control in PowerBuilder?

泄露秘密 提交于 2020-01-16 17:04:44
问题 A button control can trigger event of a datawindow control with TriggerEvent() function. The button control in my code was set as child object of DataWindow control with SetParent win32 API function. SetParent external function moves button from window to datawindow control but after SetParent the code that was already written for Clicked event is not working anymore. That is why i need to redirect the clicked event of button to buttonclicked event of datawindow. There is good example of

How to upgrade PowerBuilder code?

让人想犯罪 __ 提交于 2020-01-11 10:27:12
问题 I have code from PowerBuilder 5 that can't be built. The compiler just stops before it is done without any error codes. I would like to upgrade the code to the recent version of PowerBuilder but there are some intermediate versions of PowerBuilder that have binary dependencies to an old Microsoft java dll that Microsoft no longer can distribute due to some court case. So, is there a way to get my code running in a newer environment? /johan/ 回答1: Firstly, you don't need to use "intermediate