
no lwjgl in java.library.path in playN hello sample

本小妞迷上赌 提交于 2019-12-12 16:28:04
问题 I'm having an error trying to run java playN project. The other ons seems to be fine. The error is: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no lwjgl in java.library.path. There is dependencied library lwjgl 2.83 in the project. Whatis wrong here? 回答1: While you have the java dependency, you don't have the native library. You'll need to download lwjgl from, unpack and set up according to

PlayN - Repeat image in background layer

白昼怎懂夜的黑 提交于 2019-12-12 04:13:44
问题 How I can repeat (X and Y) an image in background layer? 回答1: I believe this code does something similar: final ImageLayer bgLayer = graphics().createImageLayer(bgImage); bgLayer.setRepeatX(true); bgLayer.setRepeatY(true); graphics().rootLayer().add(bgLayer); 来源:

In the HTML version of PlayN, why does the following JSON-handling code throw an exception?

五迷三道 提交于 2019-12-11 18:19:16
问题 I'm trying to figure out if this is a bug within or in my implementation. I just upgraded to PlayN version 1.2. My code attempts to load a Json.Object into a Json.Writer . This works in the Java version. This is the code below. The exception is raised by line jsonWriter.object(jsonData); (note comment in code): private void loadStoredData() { // storage parameters String storageKey = "jsonData"; Json.Object jsonData = PlayN.json().createObject(); // attempt to load stored data

How do I run a maven/eclipse/GWT/playN app in production mode?

一笑奈何 提交于 2019-12-10 11:18:34
问题 There seems to be an issue if you want to launch a playN/GWT/maven app from eclipse in production mode using the following procedure: Right click on playn-showcase-html and select Goolge-GWT Compile Compiling module playn.showcase.Showcase Resolving Found type '' Found type 'javax.validation.constraints.DecimalMax' [WARN] Detected warnings related to

When I compile PlayN core code to HTML in Eclipse, where do I find the JS/HTML files?

蓝咒 提交于 2019-12-08 14:06:57
问题 I'd like to take the files and upload them to a publicly hosted site. This is the document tree I find when I follow the path listed in the Eclipse output: /home/.../playndev/html/target/playndev-html-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT/playndev ├── clear.cache.gif ├── F23CD74BBFAF29D08D2B82AA57A90407.cache.html ├── gwt-voices.swf ├── hosted.html ├── images │ └── bg.png └── playndev.nocache.js I would expect to be able to move the root playndev directory to another public server folder and run my script

With PlayN framework, how can I include unit tests in my project?

只愿长相守 提交于 2019-12-08 12:04:01
问题 Right now I've been maintaining a second sandbox project where I test concepts and work through roadblocks. But this is not very efficient as I end up having to duplicate a lot of code and am unable to maintain a durable set of regression tests for my game. I do have a folder of unit tests within my project, but it is impossible to test components of the framework itself as they depend on platform-specific implementations that are not available to the core branch where development takes place

GWT Compiler Error: Missing Interface Methods on Subclass (PlayN HTML)

限于喜欢 提交于 2019-12-07 02:39:56
问题 Disclaimer: I'm new to GWT/PlayN, so this might be an obvious mistake that I'm making. When I have a basic (starter) PlayN project, my BlahGame class method implements the Game interface, which requires three methods: init , paint , and update . The starter class looks something like: public class BlahGame implements Game { public void init() { ... } public void paint(float alpha) { ... } public void update(float alpha) { ... } } I created a BaseGame class to implement game, like so: public

Playn Sample - How can I use Android res Folder as resources directory?

让人想犯罪 __ 提交于 2019-12-06 14:28:44
问题 Story in short: I was trying to make playn-showcase-android fit to any screen size. And came across many problems like we cant use 9-patch images, and if we go for scaling, it blur, scale9 images doesn't stretch well when there is text on it.. Finally I decided to make my showcase-android res/ folder to be default resource folder, at least for the Android version. I have tried to edit playn source, but realized that it takes the resources path from class loader. Is there any thoughts about

How do I run a maven/eclipse/GWT/playN app in production mode?

99封情书 提交于 2019-12-06 13:55:45
There seems to be an issue if you want to launch a playN/GWT/maven app from eclipse in production mode using the following procedure: Right click on playn-showcase-html and select Goolge-GWT Compile Compiling module playn.showcase.Showcase Resolving Found type '' Found type 'javax.validation.constraints.DecimalMax' [WARN] Detected warnings related to 'javax.validation.Constraint'. Is validation-<version>.jar on the classpath? Specify -logLevel DEBUG

running html version of playn

蓝咒 提交于 2019-12-05 08:08:06
问题 I have playn installed on eclipse (, i loaded the sample programs and they load file, the java one runs fine. But for html I right click the showcase-html > google > compile I don't get any errors: Compiling module playn.showcase.Showcase Compiling 1 permutation Compiling permutation 0... Compile of permutations succeeded Linking into C:\Users\(my path)\playn-samples\showcase\html\target\playn-showcase-html-1.0-SNAPSHOT