
Calendar Id randomly changed

烈酒焚心 提交于 2021-02-20 03:46:45
问题 Whats the reason that make a calendar change it's id when using microsoft graph ??? This happened today for one of our clients who's been using his main Calendar for over 2 years, and suddenly today, the id is changed and we are unable to add any event since we have the 'old' id Endpoint being called: /me/calendars/AAMkAGFmMzAxNmRkLTg4YTEtNDNhZS1iYjExLWE1OThlYThlNTRmOQBGAAAAAACxNL6zUoo_Qr9AY8vFoIfmBwBstbpyrelbSJu1keAu6bMkAAAAAAEGAABstbpyrelbSJu1keAu6bMkAAAAAFB8AAA=/events Error returned: {

Can't get 'Inbox' folder via Microsoft Graph api

南楼画角 提交于 2021-02-11 13:47:57
问题 I can't get 'Inbox' mailFolder resource via Microsoft Graph api. I tried to use /me/mailFolders to get all of mailFolders under the root folder, but the 'Inbox' didn't show in api response. Besides, I also tried to send api with the well-known folder names, but the server responded ErrorItemNotFound . However, there are many sub-folders under my 'Inbox' mail folder, and I can see them via Office365 website. Here are the detail request and response. Request: GET /users/5df7dac4-5c93-4bb6-8dc9

Can't get 'Inbox' folder via Microsoft Graph api

和自甴很熟 提交于 2021-02-11 13:45:03
问题 I can't get 'Inbox' mailFolder resource via Microsoft Graph api. I tried to use /me/mailFolders to get all of mailFolders under the root folder, but the 'Inbox' didn't show in api response. Besides, I also tried to send api with the well-known folder names, but the server responded ErrorItemNotFound . However, there are many sub-folders under my 'Inbox' mail folder, and I can see them via Office365 website. Here are the detail request and response. Request: GET /users/5df7dac4-5c93-4bb6-8dc9

Is it possible to programmatically access the selected appointment (event) in outlook using Office Add In

萝らか妹 提交于 2021-02-08 11:45:24
问题 How to get the selected appointment data from outlook calendar Add Ins. I have added the Add Ins in Outlook calendar. I want to get the selected appointment ( event ) data. Because i need to display the selected event in Outlook Add Ins. Is this possible ? ( using javascript ) 回答1: You can use Office.js APIs to get the details of current item or mailbox. For selected item's data you can use Office.context.mailbox.item APIs. Please check the API reference doc for complete API set. 来源: https:/

Create a mailing distribution group by outlook office365 API REST

故事扮演 提交于 2021-01-29 21:43:05
问题 I have been struggling myself last two weeks trying to create a mailing distribution group implementing Office365 API REST, the thing is that I am developing an integration to a interactive agent and I am working over the platform of a company, I am not allowed to make some coding. So, basically I need to figure it out with my account of Office 365 and potential APIs REST requests (endpoints, parameters, etc).
 I have found interesting endpoints (just required to be logged on) as:

getSchedule return no odata.nextlink

梦想与她 提交于 2021-01-29 18:25:21
问题 sorry I'm new to MS Graph. I'm working on a app to extract meeting history data for past hour/day/week/month for my company. first I start with getSchedule endpoint. I found I never see odata.nextlink in the response, even I make the large time range, 60 days. still no odata.nextlink. my quesion is: I don't have enough meeting? if yes, how many meetings will cause odata.nextlink? is it possible, getSchedule will never return odata.nextlink? I also try add top=2, (v1.0/me/calendar/getSchedule?

Graph Subscription Created but Notifications Not Being Sent

假装没事ソ 提交于 2021-01-27 13:47:24
问题 My GraphServiceClient subscription was created on my user and I receive a successful response: { "resource": "users/me@my.domain.com/events", "changeType": "created,updated", "clientState": "baedacff-7b53-4aca-81b8-20f9fff68618", "notificationUrl": "https://my.domain.com/notification/listen", "expirationDateTime": "2018-04-27T17:57:16.0115964+00:00", "id": "f4090189-2d12-45a0-9ad2-77c3595b07b4", "@odata.context": "https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/$metadata#subscriptions/$entity" } However,