Graph Subscription Created but Notifications Not Being Sent

假装没事ソ 提交于 2021-01-27 13:47:24


My GraphServiceClient subscription was created on my user and I receive a successful response:

  "resource": "users/",
  "changeType": "created,updated",
  "clientState": "baedacff-7b53-4aca-81b8-20f9fff68618",
  "notificationUrl": "",
  "expirationDateTime": "2018-04-27T17:57:16.0115964+00:00",
  "id": "f4090189-2d12-45a0-9ad2-77c3595b07b4",
  "@odata.context": "$metadata#subscriptions/$entity"

However, although the exact same code was working yesterday, today no notifications are sent to my endpoint.

I have no idea what to look at to see why this isn't working as the subscription says it was created, simply O365 is NOT sending any notifications.

How can I debug this?


I believe this issue was caused by some sort of throttling done by O365. We have not experienced it since and we are creating subscriptions for hundreds of users in O365. If you are creating subscriptions and not getting notifications, I suggest deleting your subscriptions, waiting a day or two and creating them again.

