
Core Data Encryption

佐手、 提交于 2019-11-29 19:51:35
问题 I have a question about Core Data encryption. I'm storing some sensitive user data in a Core Data SQLite database. The critical values are all transformables and I'm using AES256 to encrypt and decrypt them 'on the fly', including an individual IV for every value. The encryption key is the SHA512 hash of the password the user has chosen. This works very well so far. Now about the user password. When the user launches the app he is asked for his password. The password is being hashed with

Do all attributes with a custom type in core-data have to be a relationship?

北慕城南 提交于 2019-11-28 12:19:40
问题 This is a followup question from the comments in the following How to map nested complex JSON objects and save them to core data?. Imagine that I already have this code for my app. class Passenger{ var name: String var number: String var image : UIImage // init method } class Trip { let tripNumber : Int let passenger : Passenger init(tripNumber: Int, passenger: Passenger) { self.tripNumber = tripNumber self.passenger = passenger } } Now I've decided to add persistence for my app. I just want