
AngularJs: ng-include not working when placed inside a ng-view tag

耗尽温柔 提交于 2020-02-02 04:23:45
问题 I am loading a html page via angular route inside a ng-view. The page which I am loading contains a ng-include tag, pointing to another html file. I tried all the below syntax = <div ng-include src="'some.jsp'"></div> <div ng-include="'login.jsp'"></div> <div ng-include src="include.url"></div> None working. But If I put the same tag outside the ng-view its working fine. What am I doing wrong? 回答1: The url to the file should be relative to your index.html (main html file). If your structure

cannot set property of null Error in angular while using a jssor slider in ng-view

时光总嘲笑我的痴心妄想 提交于 2020-01-17 04:11:29
问题 I am trying to use a jssor slider which i have downloaded (third party slider) in ng-view of my index.html but when the my page is injected through ngRoute to my ng-view it gives me error Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'currentStyle' of undefined but when i use that slider into my index.html it works great, as i move it from index.html to home.html slider not work. plz explain me what is problem here is my sample code: index.html <!DOCTYPE html> <html ng-app="MySc"> <head> <title

Angular ng-view or ng-include not working

馋奶兔 提交于 2020-01-07 08:25:08
问题 I've been working on one of the courses on Coursera for learning full stack web development (preview ver), and have been facing some troubles with ng-view and ng-controller. I don't get any errors when I open my websites but ng-view or ng-controller seems to not change the views on my website. This is my index page: <html lang="en" ng-app="confusionApp"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,

Passing data from one route view to another

别等时光非礼了梦想. 提交于 2019-12-31 04:09:06
问题 I want to pass some values from one view to another in Angularjs using ui-Router. I don't want to use $rootScope to save data or create a new services ( as I have many views that pass small bits of data so creating new jsfile for few lines code is not fun). A super-minified example of what I want to do is: Controller of View 1 $scope.goodFood = 10 $scope.badFood = 2 Controller of View 2 $scope.results = 10 - 2 (from view 1's scope) Is there any quick way to do these kinds of small operations

angularjs: how to handle a popup with a directive so that data comes from controller model

家住魔仙堡 提交于 2019-12-25 07:11:59
问题 Suppose I have this tag in a template URL, into which HTML coming from the model is injected (HTML is basically <li> bullet points): <div ng-bind-html="accident.description.impact"></div> A portion of the model is as follows: "cause": "<ul>\n\ <li>\n\ <div><span inline-popover \n\ popover-html=\"Taper pour ouvrir la vue détaillée\" \n\ popover-placement=\"bottom\" \n\ popover-label=\"Larve de taupin\">Larve de taupin</span></div>\n\ </li>\n\ <li>Semences en cours de germination</li>\n\ </ul>"

Crawl ng-view in angular js

末鹿安然 提交于 2019-12-25 03:31:27
问题 I am developing a static website in AngularJS and I am stuck on an SEO issue. Basically my google webmasters tools tell that there are no crawl errors however when I try to fetch different routes it always returns the same home page result. It doesn't read what is injected in the ng-view div. It just shows the static text in my index.html file. The weird thing is that it actually reads my directive of the landing page '/' because when it renders it reads my navbar, footer, and content, which

AngularJS - ng-include doesn't work on ng-view

大城市里の小女人 提交于 2019-12-13 00:16:01
问题 I have a function to include html files on click. The problem is that it doesn't work when under ng-view (using $routeProvider), while it works fine outside of ng-view. I suspect that moving the include function from controller to service might help, but I am unsure how to do that as I'm new to Angular. HTML when it works: <body ng-app="MyApp"> <ng-include src="'views/main.html'" ng-controller="mainCtrl"></ng-include> </body> HTML when it doesn't work: <body ng-app="MyApp"> <div ng-view></div

AngularJS. ng-include inside of ng-view infinitely loads content of ng-view

萝らか妹 提交于 2019-12-12 05:26:25
问题 this is result of ng-include inside of ng-view output: Of course, I need to load this page only one time. My app.js: var app = angular.module('app', ['ngRoute']); app.config(function($routeProvider, $locationProvider) { $routeProvider .when('/first_route', { templateUrl: '/templates/first/index.html', controller: 'FirstController', controllerAs: 'First', }) .when('/second_route', { templateUrl: '/templates/second/index.html', controller: 'SecondController', controllerAs: 'Second', }); // I

angularJS scrolling not recognized in ng-view

杀马特。学长 韩版系。学妹 提交于 2019-12-12 04:32:38
问题 Does anyone know why this basic scroll directive doesn't work when I scroll in a template within ng-view? I know this is super vague but I can't find anything on the web. I have tried multiple variations of a scroll directive but none of them recognize scrolling within the template. I appreciate any help I can get. Thanks in advance! I'm using this basic directive directive("scroll", function ($window) { return function(scope, element, attrs) { angular.element($window).bind("scroll", function

How to get the last table from this site?

人盡茶涼 提交于 2019-12-11 15:56:43
问题 I'm trying to get the last table from this site with python. Below you find my actual trying to do it. The table is named as "Dados Colocação, nos Termos do Anexo VII da Instrução CVM nº 400, de 2003". lin_cvm_oferta = '' html = requests.get(lin_cvm_oferta).text print(html) And