
Data grid does not show scroll bar and design become obsolete after adding material design in WPF MVVM Application

余生颓废 提交于 2020-08-25 11:39:16
问题 I am using both material design and dragablz:TabablzControl in WPF MVVM application.Material design is used to style button and text box. Grid is located inside tab control.After loading bulk data in to data grid I am facing below design issues. it does not show scroll bar. I have tried with scroll viewer though it didn't work. Actually I can scroll down using arrow key and mouse scroll. But the scroll bar is not visible. When we click on a single row of the data grid that row become

Data grid does not show scroll bar and design become obsolete after adding material design in WPF MVVM Application

主宰稳场 提交于 2020-08-25 11:35:52
问题 I am using both material design and dragablz:TabablzControl in WPF MVVM application.Material design is used to style button and text box. Grid is located inside tab control.After loading bulk data in to data grid I am facing below design issues. it does not show scroll bar. I have tried with scroll viewer though it didn't work. Actually I can scroll down using arrow key and mouse scroll. But the scroll bar is not visible. When we click on a single row of the data grid that row become

How should I move a WPF Window using MVVM?

拈花ヽ惹草 提交于 2020-08-24 21:54:20
问题 This is probably overkill on the MVVM pattern but it's new to me and I'm interested to see if it is possible. If I attach to the MouseMove event for a Window and do DragMove, I can move a bordeless window. Can I achieve this by some other method in MVVM or should I just accept adding this code to the Window's codebehind? 回答1: This is pure UI logic and doesn't belong in a ViewModel. The only reason you wouldn't want to put this in your code-behind would be for re-use and that is better solved

How should I move a WPF Window using MVVM?

徘徊边缘 提交于 2020-08-24 21:53:52
问题 This is probably overkill on the MVVM pattern but it's new to me and I'm interested to see if it is possible. If I attach to the MouseMove event for a Window and do DragMove, I can move a bordeless window. Can I achieve this by some other method in MVVM or should I just accept adding this code to the Window's codebehind? 回答1: This is pure UI logic and doesn't belong in a ViewModel. The only reason you wouldn't want to put this in your code-behind would be for re-use and that is better solved

How should I move a WPF Window using MVVM?

三世轮回 提交于 2020-08-24 21:53:22
问题 This is probably overkill on the MVVM pattern but it's new to me and I'm interested to see if it is possible. If I attach to the MouseMove event for a Window and do DragMove, I can move a bordeless window. Can I achieve this by some other method in MVVM or should I just accept adding this code to the Window's codebehind? 回答1: This is pure UI logic and doesn't belong in a ViewModel. The only reason you wouldn't want to put this in your code-behind would be for re-use and that is better solved


萝らか妹 提交于 2020-08-19 22:59:21
Vue(Vue.js的简称)是前端的主流框架之一,和Angular.js、React.js一起,成为前端三大主流框架,Vue.js是一套构建用户界面的框架, 只关注视图层 ,它不仅容易上手,还便于与第三方库或既有项目整合(Vue有配置的第三方类库,可以整合起来做大型项目的开发)。 先来说明几个概念: 框架和库的区别: 框架是一套完整的解决方案,对项目侵入性大,项目如需更换框架,则需重新架构整个项目 库(插件)提供一个小功能,对项目的侵入性较小,如果某个库无法完成某些需求,可以很容易的切换到其他库来满足需求 MVC和MVVM: MVC(模型(model)-视图(view)-控制器(controller)),model是数据管理者,要么是数据库中存储的数据,要么是从服务器中获取的数据;view是用户在屏幕上看到的结构、布局和外观;将两者联系起来的是controller,通过controller将model里的数据放到view中,或从view中获取数据存入model。 MVVM(Model-View-ViewModel),model是与view界面对应的数据对象,view是用户在屏幕上看到的结构、布局和外观,ViewModel是一个绑定器,在view和model之间进行通信。 vue基本代码与MVVM之间的对应关系: < body > <!--vue实例所控制的这个元素区域


女生的网名这么多〃 提交于 2020-08-19 22:07:03
目录 上篇内容回顾: 数据绑定 表单输入框绑定 单行文本输入框 多行文本输入框 复选框checkbox 单选框radio 选择框select 数据绑定的修饰符 .lazy .number .trim 样式绑定 class绑定 对象语法: 数组语法: style绑定 对象语法: 数组语法: 补充: 事件 绑定事件 事件修饰符 按键修饰符 事件绑定的简写 补充: Vue指令 数组操作 官网的话 补充: Vue的元素复用问题 数据残留问题 问题的解决: 首发日期:2019-01-20 上篇内容回顾: 上篇内容讲了 Vue的介绍:优点,MVVM Vue的静态导入与安装,以及hello world 实例可定义的内容:el,data,methods,生命周期钩子(包括计算属性,侦听器也是可以定义在实例中的) 计算属性 侦听器 数据绑定 v-model可以把某个实例的数据与元素的数据绑定。这样当其中一份数据发生变化时,与之绑定的数据也会发生变化。比如:把示例中的数据(在页面中用 {{}} 显示出来)与输入框的数据绑定 表单输入框有value这个值,在表单输入框里使用v-model会把表单输入框与实例的数据进行“智能”绑定(为什么说智能,因为有些输入框的数据是value属性,有些不是)。 表单输入框绑定 你可以用 v-model 指令在表单 <input> 、 <textarea> 及

2020-06-11-ASP.NET Core Blazor 子组件父组件数据同步的问题

强颜欢笑 提交于 2020-08-19 16:47:06
上一篇写 数据绑定 的文章,写到最后留了一个坑。当子组件绑定父组件的一个字段,并且子组件修改它的时候父组件不能实时进行同步更新UI的问题,最近终于在 Blazui 作者的指导下搞定了。 UserInfo类要实现INotifyPropertyChanged接口 public class UserInfo: INotifyPropertyChanged { private string _userName; public string UserName { get { return _userName; } set { _userName = value; PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(nameof(UserName))); } } public string Sex { get; set; } public DateTime BrithDay { get; set; } public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged; } 没想到微软blazor还是借用了WPF搞MVVM的模式,模型需要实现INotifyPropertyChanged类,在属性发生修改的时候可以发出通知。 父组件订阅PropertyChanged事件: @page


穿精又带淫゛_ 提交于 2020-08-17 18:17:50
vue是一个渐进式的javascript,可以将vue作为你应用的一部分嵌入其中,带来更丰富的交互体验,也可以使用更多的vue核心库去进行开发。 vue是一个轻量级的mvvm框架,通过数据驱动和组件化进行前端开发,通过简单的api就能实现响应式的数据绑定和组合的视图组件。 首先要导入vue 的js <script src="vue-2.4.0.js"></script> 1. < body > < div id = "app" > < h2 > Hello {{name}} </ h2 > </ div > </ body > <script> let app= new Vue({ el: '#app', date:{ name: 'Vue' } }) </script> 1.创建一个vue对象,浏览器内存中就有一个vue 2.创建vue的时候,传入一个参数,这个参数是一个对象options 3.参数中有el属性,该属性决定了这个vue对象挂载到哪一个元素上。 4.参数中有date属性,该属性定义存储大部分的数据,这些数据可以自己直接定义,也可以从网络中获取。 2.vue列表循环显示 <body> < div id = "app" > < ul > < li v-for = "item in books" > {{item}} </ li > </ ul > </ div > </