
Kubernetes pod cannot mount iSCSI volume: failed to get any path for iscsi disk

情到浓时终转凉″ 提交于 2021-02-10 14:43:39
问题 I would like to add an iSCSI volume to a pod as in this this example. I have already prepared an iSCSI target on a Debian server and installed open-iscsi on all my worker nodes. I have also confirmed that I can mount the iSCSI target on a worker node with command line tools (i.e. still outside Kubernetes). This works fine. For simplicity, there is no authentication (CHAP) in play yet, and there is already a ext4 file system present on the target. I would now like for Kubernetes 1.14 to mount

Kubernetes pod cannot mount iSCSI volume: failed to get any path for iscsi disk

自闭症网瘾萝莉.ら 提交于 2021-02-10 14:42:41
问题 I would like to add an iSCSI volume to a pod as in this this example. I have already prepared an iSCSI target on a Debian server and installed open-iscsi on all my worker nodes. I have also confirmed that I can mount the iSCSI target on a worker node with command line tools (i.e. still outside Kubernetes). This works fine. For simplicity, there is no authentication (CHAP) in play yet, and there is already a ext4 file system present on the target. I would now like for Kubernetes 1.14 to mount

Kubernetes pod cannot mount iSCSI volume: failed to get any path for iscsi disk

梦想的初衷 提交于 2021-02-10 14:42:16
问题 I would like to add an iSCSI volume to a pod as in this this example. I have already prepared an iSCSI target on a Debian server and installed open-iscsi on all my worker nodes. I have also confirmed that I can mount the iSCSI target on a worker node with command line tools (i.e. still outside Kubernetes). This works fine. For simplicity, there is no authentication (CHAP) in play yet, and there is already a ext4 file system present on the target. I would now like for Kubernetes 1.14 to mount

Get target IP address of an iscsi device

泪湿孤枕 提交于 2020-12-13 03:43:16
问题 Suppose I have an iSCSI device /dev/sdat , how do I know the IP address of it's target? The target driver is SCST, and the initiator is iSCSI. All I know is a device named /dev/sdat and nothing more. So how to get the IP address of it's target? 回答1: Well, I'm not proud of this, but it gets the job done. At least for some definitions of getting the job done. The basic idea is this. You can get the target IQN from the output of lsscsi -t . (You'll need the lsscsi program if you don't already

Get target IP address of an iscsi device

笑着哭i 提交于 2020-12-13 03:41:26
问题 Suppose I have an iSCSI device /dev/sdat , how do I know the IP address of it's target? The target driver is SCST, and the initiator is iSCSI. All I know is a device named /dev/sdat and nothing more. So how to get the IP address of it's target? 回答1: Well, I'm not proud of this, but it gets the job done. At least for some definitions of getting the job done. The basic idea is this. You can get the target IQN from the output of lsscsi -t . (You'll need the lsscsi program if you don't already

在腾讯云上创建您的SQL Cluster(3)

南楼画角 提交于 2020-04-07 13:16:25
版权声明:本文由李斯达原创文章,转载请注明出处: 文章原文链接: 来源:腾云阁 在上两篇文章 腾讯云上创建您的SQL Cluster(1) 和 腾讯云上创建您的SQL Cluster(2) 的文章中我们介绍了如何在QCloud标准化的搭建一套域环境,并介绍了如何在生产过程中如何避免一些坑,今天,我们来介绍此次demo中的另外一个角色——共享存储SG如何部署与设计。 以下是今天需要的服务器信息(本例中会开通外网流量主要为了方便Demo,但是生产环境中不建议使用外网带宽): 编号 服务器名称 生产IP 存储IP 心跳IP 对外VIP 1 Q-DC01 无 无 2 Q-SG01 无 3 Q-SQL01 10.11.11. 4 Q-SQL02 10.11.11. 关于SG,是用来作为SQL Cluster共享存储,存储作用一共分为三块,一块作为仲裁盘,一块作为生产数据,一块作为备用(未启用预留空间)


纵然是瞬间 提交于 2020-03-27 10:59:46
2.1 iSCSI协议模型,iscsi【会话层协议,即应用协议】 iSCSI使用TCP/IP协议在不稳定网络上进行可靠的数据传输。iSCSI层和标准SCSI集在协议栈中的位置如图1所示。iSCSI层包括了已封装的SCSI命令、数据和状态。就是说若Initiator端的操作系统或应用程序需要进行数据写操作,SCSI的CDB(Command Description Block命令描述块)必须被封装以便能够在串行千兆位链接上传输到Target端。iSCSI属于端到端的会话层协议,它定义的是SCSI到TCP/IP的映射,即Initiator将SCSI指令和数据封装成iSCSI协议数据单元,向下提交给TCP层,最后封装成IP数据包在IP网络上传输,到达Target后通过解封装还原成SCSI指令和数据,再由存储控制器发送到指定的驱动器,从而实现SCSI命令和数据在IP网络上的透明传输。它整合了现有的存储协议SCSI和网络协议TCP/IP,实现了存储与TCP/IP网络的无缝融合。 iscsi的网络应用类型: SAN网络:Storage Area Network 存储区域网络,多采用高速光纤通道,对速率、冗余性要求高。使用iscsi存储协议,块级传输。 NAS网络:Network Attachment Storage,网络附件存储,采用普通以太网,对速率、冗余无特别要求,使用NFS


这一生的挚爱 提交于 2020-03-25 17:46:22
1、selinux vim /etc/selinux/config 根据题目要求设置 getenforce 2、SSH vim /etc/hosts.allow sshd : vim /etc/hosts.deny sshd : yum -y install xinetd systemctl restart sshd xinetd systemctl enable sshd xinetd firewall-cmd --permanent --add-rich-rule 'rule family=ipv4 source address= service name=ssh drop' firewall-cmd --reload firewall-cmd --list-all 3、自定义用户环境 echo "alias qstat='/bin/ps -Ao pid,tt,user,fname,rsz'" >> /etc/bashrc 4、配置防火墙端口转发 firewall-cmd --permanent --add-rich-rule 'rule family=ipv4 source address= forward-port port=5423 protocol=tcp to


老子叫甜甜 提交于 2020-03-24 03:47:45
InfiniBand 简 称IB,DoSTOR存储小字典里的解释是,一种新的I/O总线技术,用于取代目前的PCI总线。IB主要应用在企业网络和数据中心,也可以应用在高速线 速路由器、交换机、大型电信设备中。其设计思路是通过一套中心机构(中心InfiniBand交换机)在远程存贮器、网络以及服务器等设备之间建立一个单 一的连接链路,并由中心InfiniBand交换机来指挥流量,它的结构设计得非常紧密,提高了系统的性能、可靠性和有效性,能缓解各硬件设备之间的数据 流量拥塞。而这是许多共享总线式技术没有解决好的问题,例如这是基于PCI的机器最头疼的问题,甚至最新的PCI-X也存在这个问题,因为在共享总线环境 中,设备之间的连接都必须通过指定的端口建立单独的链路。 在2000年前后,InfiniBand亦如今天的iSCSI一样,有段非常火爆的行情,受到诸如IBM、Intel、Microsoft这样的业界大厂 的鼎立支持。但如同iSCSI的发展一样,当时的市场环境以及InfiniBand本身的技术来说并未达到那样的高度,泡沫随之破灭。接下年的几年时间 内,InfiniBand的声音基本在业界就消失了。但并非真的就从此一蹶不振,或许正是因为泡沫的破灭,让热衷InfiniBand的厂商意识到,现阶 段最适合他生存的地方,并不是之前热捧的存储、通信等行业,而是高性能计算。经过一番波折之后