
Adding multiple audio tracks and subtitles to dash manifest (mpd) with ffmpeg

≯℡__Kan透↙ 提交于 2021-01-29 09:01:30
问题 I'm trying to create a website to stream some videos. For each video, I extract video, audio and subtitles in 3 different folders. It happens that a video has multiple audio tracks and multiple subtitles. I did a lot of research and I don't know how to add all of them in the manifest. Right now, I use this command: ffmpeg -f webm_dash_manifest \ -i video1.mp4 -f webm_dash_manifest \ -i video2.mp4 -f webm_dash_manifest \ -i audio1.webm -f webm_dash_manifest \ -i audio2.webm -f webm_dash

Nginx 配置文件修改跨域:

杀马特。学长 韩版系。学妹 提交于 2020-12-28 01:36:44
Nginx 配置文件修改跨域: 复制代码 location /record { add_header Cache-Control no-cache; add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' '*' always; add_header 'Access-Control-Expose-Headers' 'Content-Length,Content-Range'; add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers' 'Range'; types{ application/dash+xml mpd; application/ m3u8; video/mp2t ts; } alias /home/tinywan/video_recordings; } 来源: oschina 链接:


孤街醉人 提交于 2020-12-14 22:16:19
通常来说性格偏执的人很难自我改变,因为这种性格形成于早年,历经多年的发展后才被自身认识到。这个形成的过程是漫长的,想要改变也是很困难的。但是如果有毅力去改变,也是能做到的。只是说难度挺大。 偏执量表 主要用于评估测试人的精神疾病和性格特征,分数极高者需要警惕精神疾病和人格障碍的可能性,分数偏高者则可能表现为性格上的固执,多疑,偏执。而分数过低则表现为测试人缺乏主见,自我心理强度弱化,容易盲从。在企业应用中,常用于排查不良性格及心理健康问题。 偏执狂量表 PA 偏执型人格障碍测试 偏见量表 PR 如何才能改变偏执的性格? 与他人坦诚相处,把自己的缺陷不足,展示出来,消除自己的心理障碍,这是第一步。其次就是热心的去帮助别人,赢得别人的尊敬,从中获取自己的价值感。战胜自己的虚荣心,快乐和幸福来源于自我,而不是外部。对他人宽容以待,不批评不毒舌。 为什么人的性格会变成偏执,固执,倔强呢? 偏执和倔强起源于不信任感,比如成长的过程中不断的收到挫折,失败,被侮辱被冤屈,而这种情绪不断的发酵,无法得到纠正,这是造成性格偏执的主要因素,尤其是在幼年时期,缺乏慈爱,经常被否定,被指责。 其次是自卑心理在作祟,不断的提高自己的要求,设置是苛刻


你离开我真会死。 提交于 2020-05-03 18:13:41
sdfsdf 服务网格作为一个改善服务到服务通信的专用基础设施层,是云原生范畴中最热门的话题。随着容器愈加流行,服务拓扑也频繁变动,这就需要更好的网络性能。服务网格能够通过服务发现、路由、负载均衡、心跳检测和支持可观测性,帮助我们管理网络流量。服务网格试图为无规则的复杂的容器问题提供规范化的解决方案 将供应链搬出中国,似乎成了过去两三个月新冠肺炎疫情衍生出的热门话题。 年初新冠肺炎疫情爆发,让中国供应链的生产活动几乎完全停顿,影响席卷全球:苹果的新 5G 有可能因疫情而延期推出,特斯拉新款芯片无法及时交付、陷入“芯片门”纠纷。其余像三星、小米、索尼等著名跨国企业,均受到供应链停摆的影响。 因此,


两盒软妹~` 提交于 2020-04-29 12:33:07
自从HTML5提供了video标签,在网页中播放视频已经变成一个非常简单的事,只要一个video标签,src属性设置为视频的地址就完事了。由于src指向真实的视频网络地址,在早期一般网站资源文件不怎么通过referer设置防盗链,当我们拿到视频的地址后可以随意的下载或使用(每次放假回家,就会有亲戚找我帮忙从一些视频网站上下东西)。 目前的云存储服务商大部分都支持referer防盗链。其原理就是在访问资源时,请求头会带上发起请求的页面地址,判断其不存在(表示直接访问资源地址)或不在白名单内,即为盗链。 可是从某个时间开始我们打开调试工具去看各大视频网站的视频src会发现,它们统统变成了这样的形式。 拿b站的一个视频来看,红框中的视频地址,这个blob是个什么东西?。 其实这个Blob URL也不是什么新技术,国内外出来都有一阵子了,但是网上的相关的文章不多也不是很详细,今天就和大家一起分享学习一下。 Blob和ArrayBuffer 最早是数据库直接用Blob来存储二进制数据对象,这样就不用关注存储数据的格式了。在web领域,Blob对象表示一个只读原始数据的类文件对象,虽然是二进制原始数据但是类似文件的对象,因此可以像操作文件对象一样操作Blob对象。 ArrayBuffer对象用来表示通用的、固定长度的原始二进制数据缓冲区。我们可以通过new ArrayBuffer(length

validate MPD file - using MPEG-DASH

谁说胖子不能爱 提交于 2019-12-24 06:07:17
问题 I have just started using MPEG-DASH (from the client side), following the c057623_ISO_IEC_23009-1_2012 spec. Does anyone know if there is a public lib or open source to validate MPD file I receive? I have no problem in processing the xml. Any help will be appreciated. 回答1: You may want to check this MPEG-DASH MPD Validator The DASH Industry Forum provides great software resources for all things MPEG DASH. 回答2: Here another MPD Validator from dashif: DASHIF Validator. In respect to the error

How to get .mpd file for a youtube video

青春壹個敷衍的年華 提交于 2019-12-23 02:34:41
问题 I am trying to use DASH using ExoPlayer in android, I need to get url for mpd file. Can I get URL for .mpd file for any YouTube video? How to find URL .mpd file for a particular YouTube video ? 回答1: As I commented out, you could use the python library extract-youtube-mpd for that. But it requires python and Linux. Through it's code, I've found these are the steps it follows plus extra ones if you like to create your own automation/extension: 1) Right click in page and select to show page's

How to convert mpeg dash (MPD) with DRM license to MP4?

杀马特。学长 韩版系。学妹 提交于 2019-12-22 00:17:18
问题 I am trying to convert a MPD dash file which has DRM protection in it to a MP4 file. I do have the URL to the DRM license. So, I tried to do this using ffmpeg library, but there is no option to pass the license URL along with ffmpeg command for decryption. 回答1: DRM is designed and created to stop you from doing it. DRM can have software reader or hardware reader. Hardware reader will not give you neither decryption key, neither decrypted content. Software reader will do it in most obfuscated

How to get .mpd file for a youtube video

寵の児 提交于 2019-12-08 18:39:27
I am trying to use DASH using ExoPlayer in android, I need to get url for mpd file. Can I get URL for .mpd file for any YouTube video? How to find URL .mpd file for a particular YouTube video ? As I commented out, you could use the python library extract-youtube-mpd for that. But it requires python and Linux. Through it's code, I've found these are the steps it follows plus extra ones if you like to create your own automation/extension: 1) Right click in page and select to show page's source code 2) search the HTML file (the one that will be shown) for "dashmpd" 3) extract the text within