
Getting CPU or motherboard serial number?

99封情书 提交于 2019-12-04 09:03:38
I'm trying to get the CPU serial or motherboard serial using C or Python for licensing purposes. Is it possible? I'm using Linux . You need to use the CPUID instruction. CPUID Most C compilers have some support for inline assembly, but you will need to know what you are doing. Under Linux, you could use "lshw -quiet -xml" and parse its output. You'll find plenty of system information here: cpuid, motherboard id and much more. You can get the CPUID. Maybe linux command 'dmidecode' can help you. You can exec this command,or load the source code of "dmidecode". Next is the output of "dmidecode -t

Access Motherboard information without using WMI

爱⌒轻易说出口 提交于 2019-12-01 09:05:28
I need to access motheroard identification (serial, manufacture, etc) in my application on multiple processes. I have been able to successfully query this using WMI, but I'm looking for an alternative. If you care to know situation: I have some application behavior that is different depending on the hardware configuration, or if a particular environment variable is set (for testing purposes). bool IsVideoCardDisplay = ( getenv("Z_VI_DISPLAY") || !QueryWmiForSpecialBoard() ) ? false : true; When the environment variable is set the WMI query isn't necessary--the application runs fine. However,

Access Motherboard information without using WMI

半腔热情 提交于 2019-12-01 07:03:41
问题 I need to access motheroard identification (serial, manufacture, etc) in my application on multiple processes. I have been able to successfully query this using WMI, but I'm looking for an alternative. If you care to know situation: I have some application behavior that is different depending on the hardware configuration, or if a particular environment variable is set (for testing purposes). bool IsVideoCardDisplay = ( getenv("Z_VI_DISPLAY") || !QueryWmiForSpecialBoard() ) ? false : true;

Motherboard ID - WMI C++ - Reliable?

丶灬走出姿态 提交于 2019-12-01 01:12:12
I'm using WMI in C++ classes to retrieve the serial number of my motherboard. The query is the following : "SELECT SerialNumber FROM Win32_BaseBoard" I wrote the query myself so i'm not certain it is correct, but it does return something : /9637CW1/CN1296131Q0BA8/ . The returned string is in the same format on multiple computers so i assume the query is correct. My question is : am i really querying the motherboard serial number here ? Because i saw another class called "Win32_MotherboardDevice" (which has no "serial number" property). Would it be a good idea to use this as a computer

WMI Win32_BaseBoard SerialNumber

心已入冬 提交于 2019-11-29 07:55:54
I used Win32_BaseBoard SerialNumber property to obtain the motherboard serial number and it work most of the time, but sometimes in some computers I get SerialNumber = "Base Board Serial Number" as a result. Is there a programmatic way to obtain this serial number in a more efficient way or it is simply a manufacturer problem? I have heard that all motherboards come with a serial number with no exception. Is this true? Richard Chambers Whether the Serial Number returned by various WMI queries will be correct or not will depend on the manufacturer of the device. See the answer to this

How to get motherboard id or serial number in Delphi?

安稳与你 提交于 2019-11-28 23:51:28
How do I get the motherboard ID or serial number from Delphi code? Is there any example code or articles that I can look at? try using the WMI Win32_BaseBoard Class . see theses samples: Option 1) before execute you need import the Microsoft WMIScripting Library from Component -> Import Component and then select Import type library program GetWMI_MotherBoardInfo; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} uses ActiveX, Variants, SysUtils, WbemScripting_TLB in '..\..\..\Documents\RAD Studio\5.0\Imports\WbemScripting_TLB.pas';// Function GetMotherBoardSerial:string; var WMIServices : ISWbemServices; Root :