
Interpretation of 'ufactor' on a toy graph clustering

非 Y 不嫁゛ 提交于 2019-12-01 14:41:39
I am trying to do a imbalanced partition by METIS. I do not need equal number of vertices in each cluster(which is done by default in METIS). My graph has no constraints, it's a undirected unweighted graph. Here is a example toy graph clustered by METIS without no ufactor parameter. Then, i tried with different ufactor and at value 143, METIS starts to do the expected cluster like the following- Can anybody interpret this. Eventually, I want to find a way to guess an ufactor from any unbalanced and undirected graph that will minimize the normalized cut without doing any balance necessarily.

Linux could not find metis.h

偶尔善良 提交于 2019-12-01 12:04:47
I am trying to install Metis. Since I am working on a public server, I couldn't install it as a root user. So I have installed metis in my account /home/jd/metis. When I try to execute something, I get fatal error: metis.h: No such file or directory I guess the system looks for metis.h under /usr/local/include but couldnt find it there. How do I make linux look for metis.h under /home/jd/metis/include directory? I added this path to the $PATH variable. But still the same error. Please advise. Soeren My advice is to work with cmake. In this question: install metis on unbuntu , I wrote down my


℡╲_俬逩灬. 提交于 2019-11-30 19:45:17
10月20日,腾讯开源三大运维开源项目——TARS、蓝鲸和织云Metis首次集结,参与了由中国信息通信研究院主办、云计算标准与开源推进委员会承办的 “OSCAR开源先锋日”。会上,腾讯开源团队与前线的技术工程师面对面交流运维经验,积极投入开源社区的建设。 在会上,腾讯开源运营负责人王春雨分享了腾讯自下而上做开源的历程。据了解,腾讯开源起始于2010年。在过去六年里,腾讯围绕做好开发者体验,实现从内部开源到对外开源,从开源新兵到开源先行者的跨越。在王春雨看来,好的开源不仅仅是代码、程序,更是一个建筑之上的、有着规则和制度的社区,是Community over Code。腾讯希望推动开源从技术驱动走向商业战略,凭借持续不断的技术创新,建设共赢的、健康的开发者生态。 (腾讯开源运营负责人王春雨) 作为本次活动的一大亮点,腾讯织云Metis 智能运维学件平台在会上正式宣布开源。Metis 是智能运维领域的首个开源产品,旨在通过算法从海量运维数据中学习摸索规则,逐步降低对人指定规则的依赖,减少人为失误。目前,Metis在运维质量、效率、成本三个方面逐步构建出成熟的智能化运维场景,从质量保障、效率提升、成本管理、智能检测、通用模型和规则学习6个方面大幅提升运维人员的工作效率。 (腾讯织云“Metis”开源发布仪式) 此次大会也是继今年3月,TARS与信通院宣布展开深度合作后的再度携手。TARS

How to install METIS on ubuntu

限于喜欢 提交于 2019-11-29 14:38:15
I want to install the METIS package on ubuntu. I tried the instructions on the install.txt file which says to use $ make install which I did, after installing make as well. I also tried the sudo apt-get install metis which installed it successfully but when trying to use it in both cases I get metis.h: No such file in directory compilation terminated In case anyone asks I use g++ -I/path/to/file myprogram.cpp to specify the path where metis.h is. I believe I haven't done something correct in the installation but I can't determine what it is. Can someone help me with the installation process?

Calling METIS API(wrtten in C language) in fortran program

吃可爱长大的小学妹 提交于 2019-11-28 14:14:52
Over 2 weeks, I've struggled to call one of the METIS library written in C from my fortran code. And, unfortunately, It doesn't seem to be a HAPPY END without your help. I found some posts about direct calling and using interface . I prefer the latter because I could monitor the variables for debugging. There are three codes I attached. 1. c function I'd like to use 2. fortran interface module 3. fortran program (1) c function int METIS_PartMeshNodal(idx_t *ne, idx_t *nn, idx_t *eptr, idx_t *eind, idx_t *vwgt, idx_t *vsize, idx_t *nparts, real_t *tpwgts, idx_t *options, idx_t *objval, idx_t

Calling METIS API(wrtten in C language) in fortran program

人盡茶涼 提交于 2019-11-27 08:31:49
问题 Over 2 weeks, I've struggled to call one of the METIS library written in C from my fortran code. And, unfortunately, It doesn't seem to be a HAPPY END without your help. I found some posts about direct calling and using interface. I prefer the latter because I could monitor the variables for debugging. There are three codes I attached. 1. c function I'd like to use 2. fortran interface module 3. fortran program (1) c function int METIS_PartMeshNodal(idx_t *ne, idx_t *nn, idx_t *eptr, idx_t