
dealing with ljpeg (lossless jpeg) using matlab

你。 提交于 2019-12-07 05:25:21
问题 I am dealing now with DDSM database (Digital Database for Screening Mammography) .. its disadvantage is its extension. It is extension is ljpeg (lossless jpeg) which it is very poorly supported extension. I want to read them using matlab or converting them to any other type which is widely supported. thank 回答1: I know there is a working version of DDSM's jpeg program for linux at http://www.cs.unibo.it/~roffilli/sw.html I compiled and tested it. I used the MATLAB code as described here to

Storing Probability table during text compression

蓝咒 提交于 2019-12-06 16:32:09
I am doing a project where I compare different types of Text compression methods such as Huffman and Arithmetic for both static and adaptive form. I make a probability table for both using the number of occurrence of each letter in the text. Now, for adaptive form, the receiver does not need the Probability table but for the static form, we need to transmit this probability table as well to the receiver for decoding the message. Now this storing of the table will need some extra bits, which should be taken into account while comparing. So my question here is: What is the best solution for

dealing with ljpeg (lossless jpeg) using matlab

时光毁灭记忆、已成空白 提交于 2019-12-05 08:33:53
I am dealing now with DDSM database (Digital Database for Screening Mammography) .. its disadvantage is its extension. It is extension is ljpeg (lossless jpeg) which it is very poorly supported extension. I want to read them using matlab or converting them to any other type which is widely supported. thank I know there is a working version of DDSM's jpeg program for linux at http://www.cs.unibo.it/~roffilli/sw.html I compiled and tested it. I used the MATLAB code as described here to view the images. It displays correctly only for some scanners. As described in the paper http://citeseerx.ist

Where can I find a lossless compression algorithm, which produces headerless outputs?

别来无恙 提交于 2019-12-05 08:09:11
Does anyone of you know a lossless compression algorithm, which produces headerless outputs? For example do not store the huffman tree used to compress it? I do not speak about hard coded huffman trees, but I like to know if there is any algorithm that can compress and decompress input without storing some metadata in its output. Or is this even theoretically impossible? Adaptive Huffman coding does exactly that. More generally, the term adaptive coding is used to describe entropy codes with this property. Some dictionary codes have this property too, e.g. run-length encoding (RLE) and Lempel

Comparison between lz4 vs lz4_hc vs blosc vs snappy vs fastlz

半腔热情 提交于 2019-12-04 10:15:03
问题 I have a large file of size 500 mb to compress in a minute with the best possible compression ratio. I have found out these algorithms to be suitable for my use. lz4 lz4_hc snappy quicklz blosc Can someone give a comparison of speed and compression ratios between these algorithms? 回答1: Yann Collet's lz4, hands down. 回答2: This migth help you: (lz4 vs snappy) http://java-performance.info/performance-general-compression/ (benchmarks for lz4, snappy, lz4hc, blosc) https://web.archive.org/web

Using jpegtran, jpegoptim, or other jpeg optimization/compression in C#

独自空忆成欢 提交于 2019-12-03 16:52:54
I've got 100's (maybe 1000's) of products with 10-30 images of each product coming to an online store I've put together. I need to optimize the images' file sizes as much as possible without loosing image quality. I haven't used jpegtran, jpegoptim, or any other jpeg optimizer directly but I have noticed that punypng shrinks file sizes down about 4-6% on the larger jpeg images LOSSLESSLY. Meta data is already stripped from the images during upload (via jumpoader) so that is not an option/problem anymore. Is there any way to get one of the jpeg optimizers to run from C# code? Note: I'm using

What is the current state of text-only compression algorithms?

亡梦爱人 提交于 2019-12-02 15:34:37
In honor of the Hutter Prize , what are the top algorithms (and a quick description of each) for text compression? Note: The intent of this question is to get a description of compression algorithms, not of compression programs. Corbin March The boundary-pushing compressors combine algorithms for insane results. Common algorithms include: The Burrows-Wheeler Transform and here - shuffle characters (or other bit blocks) with a predictable algorithm to increase repeated blocks which makes the source easier to compress. Decompression occurs as normal and the result is un-shuffled with the reverse

Library for further (lossless) Jpeg-compression

心不动则不痛 提交于 2019-12-01 14:45:33
问题 I'm looking for a library specialized at compressing Jpegs even further without changing the image. I've found PackJpeg but it doesn't provide any source code and you're not allowed to use it commercially. 回答1: On the PackJPG page, there's a link to the JPEG Open Source Developers Package. It doesn't include PackJPG source code, but basic routines to process and compress JPG data. This has been used to develop rejpeg which is open source and licensed under GPL v2. Matthias Stirner has made an

Can anyone make heads or tales of this spigot algorithm code Pitiny.c

给你一囗甜甜゛ 提交于 2019-11-30 10:15:55
This C program is just 143 characters long! But it “decompresses” into the first 10,000 digits of Pi . // Created by cheeseMan on 30/11/13. long a[35014],b,c=35014,d,e,f=1e4,g,h; int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) { for(;(b=c-=14); h=printf("%04ld",e+d/f)) for(e=d%=f;(g=--b*2);d/=g) d=d*b+f*(h?a[b]:f/5), a[b]=d%--g; } I was doing some research on loss-less compression algorithms, still no luck yet, when I came across this pitiny.c . The weird thing is that it compiles successfully no errors or bugs, but like i said i cannot make heads or tales of the code, even its syntax. I just would

Lossless RGB to Y'CbCr transformation

落爺英雄遲暮 提交于 2019-11-30 05:12:33
I am trying to losslessly compress an image, and in order to take advantage of regularities, I want to convert the image from RGB to Y'CbCr. (The exact details of what I mean by RGB and Y'CbCr are not important here; the RGB data consists of three bytes, and I have three bytes to store the result in.) The conversion process itself is pretty straightforward, but there is one problem: although the transformation is mathematically invertible, in practice there will be rounding errors. Of course these errors are small and virtually unnoticeable, but it does mean that the process is not lossless