

让人想犯罪 __ 提交于 2021-02-12 07:59:34
序列化与反序列化简介 : 序列化指将对象转换为字节流的过程,与之相反的便是反序列化,即将字节流转换为对象的过程。 .NET中进行对象序列化的几种方式 : 二进制序列化 :对象序列化之后是二进制形式的,通过System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary命名空间下的BinaryFormatter类来实现序列化操作。 SOAP序列化 :对象序列化之后的结果符合SOAP协议,即可以使用SOAP协议传输,通过System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Soap命名空间下的SoapFormatter类来实现序列化操作。 XML序列化 :将对象序列化为XML形式,可以通过位于System.Xml.Serialization命名空间下XmlSerializer类来实现,要读取XML中的数据可以直接使用XmlTextReader、XmlDocument、XPath, 也可以使用LINQ TO XML或者反序列化的方法从XML中读取数据。 Json序列化 :通过序列化将.net对象转换为JSON字符串,在.NET中操作JSON,可以使用 LitJson 或者 Json.NET ,也可以使用.NET内建的System.Runtime.Serialization.Json,相比较而言Json.NET功能更加强大一些,JSON


蹲街弑〆低调 提交于 2020-10-28 09:51:56
SIKI_Unity_2_入门_通过实例学习游戏的存档和读档 任务5:创建设计目标 Animation 的直接使用: 将Animation组件直接挂载在游戏物体上即可播放 脚本控制: 方法1: 直接在Inspector面板给Animation的Animations集合赋值动画a和b 通过animation.clip = a或animation.clip = b后进行animation.Play()即可播放相关动画 注意:这种情况下如果在Inspector面板的Animations集合中没有动画b,那么即使给animation.clip = b赋了b动画的值,也是无法播放b动画的 [SerializeField] private AnimationClip m_IdleAnimationClip; [SerializeField] private AnimationClip m_DieAnimationClip; m_Animation.clip = m_DieAnimationClip; m_Animation.Play(); 方法2: 用代码给Animation的Animations赋值,AddClip(clip, name)可以给音效设定名称,之后animation.Play(name)传入name即可播放对应音效 [SerializeField] private

Unity 基础 之 Litjson 简单进行 json 创建与解析

可紊 提交于 2020-01-16 11:00:35
Unity 基础 之 Litjson 简单进行json 创建与解析 目录 Unity 基础 之 Litjson 简单进行json 创建与解析 一、简单介绍 二、实现原理 三、注意事项 四、效果预览 五、实现步骤 六、关键代码 一、简单介绍 Unity中的一些基础知识点。 Unity游戏开发中,进行数据封装是很常见的操作,这里简单介绍使用 litjson ,进行json数据的创建和解析。 二、实现原理 1、JsonMapper.ToJson将制定数据结构转换为Json字符,进行 Json 数据创建 2、JsonMapper.ToObject<T>用于将Json字符转换为指定数据结构,进行 Json 数据解析 三、注意事项 1、请记得导入 Litjson.dll 插件 2、注意解析的使用 结构要保有 无参构造,不然 JsonMapper.ToObject<T> 可能会报错哈 四、效果预览 五、实现步骤 1、打开Unity,新建一个空工程,导入 Litjson.dll,如下图 2、新建脚本,使用Litjson ,进行数据的Json 创建与解析,如下图 3、把脚本挂载到场景中,如下图 4、运行场景,控制台 Console 打印如下 六、关键代码 1、JsonTest using LitJson; using System.Collections; using System

How to get a UTF-8 JSON

徘徊边缘 提交于 2020-01-01 15:06:41
问题 I'm using LitJSON library but things gets a little bit odd. Do you know any JSON library that keeps the accents when converting ? Here's the test : test.json [{"id":"CS_001","name":"L'élément","type":"Tôt"},{"id":"CS_002","name":"L'outrage","type":"Tôt"},{"id":"CS_003","name":"Test","type":"Tôt"}] test.cs public class test : MonoBehaviour { private string jsonString; private JsonData cardData; JsonData database; void Start () { jsonString = File.ReadAllText (Application.dataPath + "/test.json

Resharper thinks that typecast is redundant, but without typecast the code does not work

时光毁灭记忆、已成空白 提交于 2019-12-22 09:57:10
问题 Iterating JsonData through foreach fetches IDictionary enumerator instead of IList one. foreach (var jsonEntry in jsonData) This causes my code to throw an error. InvalidOperationException: Instance of JsonData is not a dictionary LitJson.JsonData.EnsureDictionary () LitJson.JsonData.System.Collections.Specialized.IOrderedDictionary.GetEnumerator () LitJson.JsonData.System.Collections.IDictionary.GetEnumerator () Casting the object to IList causes Resharper to issue a warning "Type cast is

Is it possible to have nested array json?

天大地大妈咪最大 提交于 2019-12-20 06:47:00
问题 I'm kinda new with json. So I want to make an array value inside a value of an array like below. { "id": 0, "title": "LEVEL", "value": [10[2,3,5], 1] } But unfortunately It's not working. It gives me an error when I tried to read the data. I want to know if it's possible to have an array inside an array value. Thank you. 回答1: I always advice people to create a class and generate json from it instead of trying to construct json from your head. It's easier if you do it this way and the

how to parse json array using Litjson?

夙愿已清 提交于 2019-12-18 08:57:10
问题 I am developing an application in which i am using data came from server in the json format. However i am able to parse normal json data but failed to parse the json data with arrays, the json response is given below, [{"id_user":"80","services": [{"idservice":"3","title":"dni-e","message":"Texto para el dni-e"}, {"idservice":"4","title":"Tarjeta azul","message":"Texto para la tarjeta azul"}] }] how can i read this json array? Note :I am using Litjson for parsing. 回答1: You should create

Working with LitJson in C# in Unity

佐手、 提交于 2019-12-13 05:24:39
问题 I am trying to port a piece of Code from Java to C# and I am stuck in JSon parsing. Have a look at the following Java Code mJsonObject = new JSONObject(str); Iterator<String> keys=mJsonObject.keys(); while(keys.hasNext()){ String; String value=mJsonObject.getString(key); mAdData.add(new AdData(key, new JSONObject(value))); } I had a string which has verified Json format and I passed it to JSONObject and every thing was finely working in Java, but now in C# Unity I am not able

Deserializing JSON with different object types

喜你入骨 提交于 2019-12-08 13:50:24
问题 I have a json with structure like this: { "result": [ {"a":{"b":1,"c":2}}, {"a":{"b":1,"c":2}}, {"a":{"b":1,"c":2}}, {"a":[]} ] } So I created class structure to parse this into C# objects: public class JsonTest { public JsonTestResult[] result; } public class JsonTestResult { public JsonTestResultValue a; } public class JsonTestResultValue { public int b; public int c; } when trying to parse this via LitJson I get an error: Type JsonTestResultValue can't act as an array the problem is in

Resharper thinks that typecast is redundant, but without typecast the code does not work

此生再无相见时 提交于 2019-12-06 04:43:05
Iterating JsonData through foreach fetches IDictionary enumerator instead of IList one. foreach (var jsonEntry in jsonData) This causes my code to throw an error. InvalidOperationException: Instance of JsonData is not a dictionary LitJson.JsonData.EnsureDictionary () LitJson.JsonData.System.Collections.Specialized.IOrderedDictionary.GetEnumerator () LitJson.JsonData.System.Collections.IDictionary.GetEnumerator () Casting the object to IList causes Resharper to issue a warning "Type cast is redundant." foreach (var jsonEntry in jsonData as IList) Why does Resharper think the cast is redundant ?