
What is the average mobile rating on Google PageSpeed Insights?

两盒软妹~` 提交于 2021-01-07 03:22:45
问题 We use Google PageSpeed Insights as a marketing tool to compare the download speed of websites we do with what our competitors do. But so many mobile sites are rated in the 30s and wondered if that's what the average mobile rating is. Does anyone know? Thx 回答1: Short Answer The average mobile rating is 31. Long Answer. An article I found after writing the below that answers the question This article from tunetheweb has actually done the hard work for us here and gathered the data from

Image elements do not have explicit width and height

孤者浪人 提交于 2021-01-07 02:45:30
问题 Lighthouse keeps telling me that "Image elements do not have explicit width and height" eventhough i've tried to add it both in css or in img but the problem persists: img.medium { max-width: 29rem; width: 100%; } or <img src={user.seller.logo} alt={} width="100%" height="auto" /> How can i tackle this? 回答1: Short Answer Add the images native width and height as attributes on the image. This lets the browser calculate the aspect ratio for the image. <img width="600px" height=

Image elements do not have explicit width and height

喜欢而已 提交于 2021-01-07 02:43:48
问题 Lighthouse keeps telling me that "Image elements do not have explicit width and height" eventhough i've tried to add it both in css or in img but the problem persists: img.medium { max-width: 29rem; width: 100%; } or <img src={user.seller.logo} alt={} width="100%" height="auto" /> How can i tackle this? 回答1: Short Answer Add the images native width and height as attributes on the image. This lets the browser calculate the aspect ratio for the image. <img width="600px" height=

How to configure lighthouse ci in gitlab cicd?

試著忘記壹切 提交于 2021-01-07 02:39:16
问题 I am trying to configure lighthouse report for my angular application, I am configuring in yml file to ensure it will run and create report in gitlab CICD environment. but I am getting an error while it is running in pipeline, have attached the error image, I am new to CI environment, have no idea which causes the issue exactly, is it from configuration or yml file. can anyone help me with this? .gitlab-ci.yml step-report-lighthouse: image: cypress/browsers:node14.15.0-chrome86-ff82 stage:

How to configure lighthouse ci in gitlab cicd?

孤人 提交于 2021-01-07 02:36:52
问题 I am trying to configure lighthouse report for my angular application, I am configuring in yml file to ensure it will run and create report in gitlab CICD environment. but I am getting an error while it is running in pipeline, have attached the error image, I am new to CI environment, have no idea which causes the issue exactly, is it from configuration or yml file. can anyone help me with this? .gitlab-ci.yml step-report-lighthouse: image: cypress/browsers:node14.15.0-chrome86-ff82 stage:

对话以太坊核心开发者 Hsiao-Wei:以太坊 2.0 信标链 | Unitimes AMA

跟風遠走 提交于 2021-01-04 03:34:40
点击上方 “Unitimes” 可以订阅哦! 全球视角,独到见解 前言 Unitimes AMA(Ask Me Anything)是 Unitimes 重点打造的微信群线上问答系列活动,每周举办一期。我们邀请发展较成熟的区块链项目的创始人、CEO、CTO或核心开发者等嘉宾做客社群,与群成员就该项目的突出技术亮点以及用例等进行高质量互动问答,旨在学习交流区块链最新技术和应用。 期数:第31期 特邀项目:以太坊 特邀嘉宾:Hsiao-Wei Wang,核心开发者 主题:以太坊 2.0信标链 AMA分为固定问答和自由问答两个环节。 固定问答 1 Unitimes: Hsiao-Wei你好,欢迎参加Unitimes AMA。 请先介绍一下你的背景和经历吧! 大家好,我是 Hsiao-Wei。 我 本身背景是在台湾CS与网路工程硕士背景,大约在三年前踏入区块链产业,并在两年前加入了以太坊基金会研究团队。 2 Unit i mes: 你在什么契机下加入了以太坊团队? 目前主要研究什么技术? 故事其实很简单 , 就是两年前 Vitalik 在亚洲招募开发者做 sharding 的初始版本PoC,而我从 contributor 开始贡献代码,开发第一版的sharding(和现在版本现在想想真是差很多呢!),后而加入团队:) 目前研究Eth e reum 2.0的协议设计(


旧街凉风 提交于 2021-01-03 11:25:03
Lighthouse是什么? 轻量应用服务器(Lighthouse)是新一代面向中小企业及开发者的主机类产品,基于融合简化思维设计,专业服务建站、应用搭建、论坛、中小型游戏等用户常见场景,通过整合简化多款云产品和应用服务能力,极大降低了用户云计算学习成本,一站式提升用户服务器和应用管理效率。 Lighthouse产品亮点 Lighthouse与CVM区别 内测反馈好评如潮 海外地域同步开放 腾讯云轻量应用服务器Lighthouse凭借其出色性能和超高性价比在内测阶段赢得众多好评。价格友好、性能稳定、易学易用、操作简便等特性成了领先用户们关注的焦点。 目前,轻量应用服务器Lighthouse海外地域已开放新加坡和硅谷地区公测。欢迎有海外需求的用户来控制台购买参与活动! Lighthouse优惠信息一览 *活动详情请以官网信息为准 本文分享自微信公众号 - DNSPod(dnspod)。 如有侵权,请联系 删除。 本文参与“ OSC源创计划 ”,欢迎正在阅读的你也加入,一起分享。 来源: oschina 链接:

Lighthouse Multiple URLs

﹥>﹥吖頭↗ 提交于 2020-12-04 08:05:09
问题 There's a website I need to do a full audit on, but I'm wondering if there's any way to make Lighthouse do it. I know they don't support full site audits or multiple URLs, but I found out that it could maybe be done with using bash scripts. So I would appreciate any help on this case! Or maybe any Lighthouse alternatives you'd recommend? Thank you in advance! 回答1: In my company, we wanted to collect website's performance data on most of the pages on our landing website, app product, and also

Lighthouse Multiple URLs

别来无恙 提交于 2020-12-04 08:05:03
问题 There's a website I need to do a full audit on, but I'm wondering if there's any way to make Lighthouse do it. I know they don't support full site audits or multiple URLs, but I found out that it could maybe be done with using bash scripts. So I would appreciate any help on this case! Or maybe any Lighthouse alternatives you'd recommend? Thank you in advance! 回答1: In my company, we wanted to collect website's performance data on most of the pages on our landing website, app product, and also

Lighthouse Multiple URLs

杀马特。学长 韩版系。学妹 提交于 2020-12-04 08:04:08
问题 There's a website I need to do a full audit on, but I'm wondering if there's any way to make Lighthouse do it. I know they don't support full site audits or multiple URLs, but I found out that it could maybe be done with using bash scripts. So I would appreciate any help on this case! Or maybe any Lighthouse alternatives you'd recommend? Thank you in advance! 回答1: In my company, we wanted to collect website's performance data on most of the pages on our landing website, app product, and also