
libxml-ruby failed to load at x86_64

别等时光非礼了梦想. 提交于 2020-01-03 15:15:26
问题 We are having problem with libxml-ruby gem at the server side Possible because it uses x86_64 architecture: $ uname -a Linux ip-10-228-171-64 #1 SMP Tue Sep 1 10:25:30 EDT 2009 x86_64 GNU/Linux require 'libxml' LoadError: /usr/local/ruby-enterprise/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/libxml-ruby-1.1.4/lib/ invalid ELF header - /usr/local/ruby-enterprise/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/libxml-ruby-1.1.4/lib/ from /usr/local/ruby-enterprise/lib/ruby/gems/1.8

cannot load such file — libxml_ruby for Windows

喜你入骨 提交于 2019-12-21 05:14:27
问题 My step is, Execute RubyInstaller.exe file install ruby installed Path: c:\ruby193 install DevKit gem install libxml-ruby --platform x86-mswin32-60 make test.rb file require 'rubygems' require 'xml' ruby test.rb print error msg Error message: C:/Ruby193/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.9.1/rubygems/custom_require.rb:36:in `require': 126: The specified module could not be found - C:/Ruby193/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/lib xml-ruby-1.1.3-x86-mswin32-60/lib/ (LoadError) from C:/Ruby193/lib/ruby

libxml-ruby: Failed to build gem native extension

被刻印的时光 ゝ 提交于 2019-12-20 18:31:56
问题 I'm trying to install libxml-ruby . I have installed libxml2 , libxslt and coreutils I have also read other posts regarding the issue but none solved it for me. brew list libxslt /opt/boxen/homebrew/Cellar/libxslt/1.1.28_1/bin/xslt-config /opt/boxen/homebrew/Cellar/libxslt/1.1.28_1/bin/xsltproc /opt/boxen/homebrew/Cellar/libxslt/1.1.28_1/include/libexslt/ (3 files) /opt/boxen/homebrew/Cellar/libxslt/1.1.28_1/include/libxslt/ (21 files) /opt/boxen/homebrew/Cellar/libxslt/1.1.28_1/lib/libexslt

Rails/Paperclip/S3 mystery errors: undefined method “global_endpoint?”

让人想犯罪 __ 提交于 2019-12-11 05:05:54
问题 So I upgraded a Rails app from 3.0 to 4.0 last week, and ever since I've been getting strange errors that seem to point to random places that I haven't changed, and I can't reproduce them. One such error is like this: NoMethodError: undefined method `global_endpoint?' for AWS::S3:Class [GEM_ROOT]/gems/aws-sdk-1.46.0/lib/aws/core/configuration.rb:441 /gems/aws-sdk-1.46.0/lib/aws/core/configuration.rb:441 in "block in add_service" /gems/aws-sdk-1.46.0/lib/aws/core/configuration.rb:361 in "call"

gem install libxml-ruby: fatal error: 'plist/Node.h' file not found

喜你入骨 提交于 2019-12-07 07:28:56
问题 Trying: sudo gem install libxml-ruby -n /usr/local/bin Output: Password: Building native extensions. This could take a while... ERROR: Error installing libxml-ruby: ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension. current directory: /Library/Ruby/Gems/2.3.0/gems/libxml-ruby-3.1.0/ext/libxml /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/2.3/usr/bin/ruby -r ./siteconf20180316-738-nk2zon.rb extconf.rb checking for libxml/xmlversion.h in /opt/include/libxml2,/opt/local/include/libxml2,/usr/local

Processing large XML file with libxml-ruby chunk by chunk

十年热恋 提交于 2019-12-06 04:10:23
问题 I'd like to read a large XML file that contains over a million small bibliographic records (like <article>...</article> ) using libxml in Ruby. I have tried the Reader class in combination with the expand method to read record by record but I am not sure this is the right approach since my code eats up memory. Hence, I'm looking for a recipe how to conveniently process record by record with constant memory usage. Below is my main loop:'dblp.xml') do |io| dblp =,

gem install libxml-ruby: fatal error: 'plist/Node.h' file not found

限于喜欢 提交于 2019-12-05 12:39:49
Trying: sudo gem install libxml-ruby -n /usr/local/bin Output: Password: Building native extensions. This could take a while... ERROR: Error installing libxml-ruby: ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension. current directory: /Library/Ruby/Gems/2.3.0/gems/libxml-ruby-3.1.0/ext/libxml /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/2.3/usr/bin/ruby -r ./siteconf20180316-738-nk2zon.rb extconf.rb checking for libxml/xmlversion.h in /opt/include/libxml2,/opt/local/include/libxml2,/usr/local/include/libxml2,/usr/include/libxml2... *** extconf.rb failed *** Could not create Makefile due to

cannot load such file — libxml_ruby for Windows

两盒软妹~` 提交于 2019-12-03 17:24:35
My step is, Execute RubyInstaller.exe file install ruby installed Path: c:\ruby193 install DevKit gem install libxml-ruby --platform x86-mswin32-60 make test.rb file require 'rubygems' require 'xml' ruby test.rb print error msg Error message: C:/Ruby193/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.9.1/rubygems/custom_require.rb:36:in `require': 126: The specified module could not be found - C:/Ruby193/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/lib xml-ruby-1.1.3-x86-mswin32-60/lib/ (LoadError) from C:/Ruby193/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.9.1/rubygems/custom_require.rb:36:in `require' from C:/Ruby193/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems

libxml-ruby: Failed to build gem native extension

≯℡__Kan透↙ 提交于 2019-12-03 12:14:43
I'm trying to install libxml-ruby . I have installed libxml2 , libxslt and coreutils I have also read other posts regarding the issue but none solved it for me. brew list libxslt /opt/boxen/homebrew/Cellar/libxslt/1.1.28_1/bin/xslt-config /opt/boxen/homebrew/Cellar/libxslt/1.1.28_1/bin/xsltproc /opt/boxen/homebrew/Cellar/libxslt/1.1.28_1/include/libexslt/ (3 files) /opt/boxen/homebrew/Cellar/libxslt/1.1.28_1/include/libxslt/ (21 files) /opt/boxen/homebrew/Cellar/libxslt/1.1.28_1/lib/libexslt.0.dylib /opt/boxen/homebrew/Cellar/libxslt/1.1.28_1/lib/libxslt.1.dylib /opt/boxen/homebrew/Cellar

Convert a Nokogiri document to a Ruby Hash

◇◆丶佛笑我妖孽 提交于 2019-11-26 18:33:28
Is there an easy way to convert a Nokogiri XML document to a Hash? Something like Rails' Hash.from_xml . I use this code with libxml-ruby (1.1.3). I have not used nokogiri myself, but I understand that it uses libxml-ruby anyway. I would also encourage you to look at ROXML ( ) which maps xml elements to ruby objects; it is built atop libxml. # USAGE: Hash.from_libxml(YOUR_XML_STRING) require 'xml/libxml' # adapted from # class Hash class << self def from_libxml(xml, strict=true) begin