
Modify passwords in an LDIF file using ldapmodify command

﹥>﹥吖頭↗ 提交于 2020-02-23 09:15:58
问题 I have a LDIF file that consists of a set of test users and I would like to change the passwords for these users. I used the ldapmodify command: ldapmodify -c -a -f filename.ldif -h localhost -p <port> -D dn -w <pwd> << ! dn: uid=<userid>,dc=<branch>,DC=COM changetype: modify replace: userPassword userPassword: <new pwd> ! And I get the following error: ldap_sasl_interactive_bind_s: Can't contact LDAP server (-1) What does this mean? The syntax I have used can be used for only one user, I

Modify passwords in an LDIF file using ldapmodify command

我的梦境 提交于 2020-02-23 09:15:51
问题 I have a LDIF file that consists of a set of test users and I would like to change the passwords for these users. I used the ldapmodify command: ldapmodify -c -a -f filename.ldif -h localhost -p <port> -D dn -w <pwd> << ! dn: uid=<userid>,dc=<branch>,DC=COM changetype: modify replace: userPassword userPassword: <new pwd> ! And I get the following error: ldap_sasl_interactive_bind_s: Can't contact LDAP server (-1) What does this mean? The syntax I have used can be used for only one user, I

Convert a Base64 LDIF file to plaintext (for import)

十年热恋 提交于 2019-12-23 04:22:45
问题 I have a LDIF file which has a multi-value Base64-encoded attribute, and I'd like to convert it in non-Base64-encoded syntax. How can this be done? Context The LDIF file is as such: dn: cn=johndoe,ou=clients,ou=management,dc=example,dc=com changetype: modify replace: foobarStatus foobarStatus:: ZW5hYmxl... (Base64 string) ...ZCA9IHRydWU where the decoded Base64 string is as such: market = "US" mgmt.account.mode = "X12" foo.field = "Something" bar.field = "Something else" ... Problem When I

LDIF Parser (C#)

喜夏-厌秋 提交于 2019-12-18 06:57:01
问题 I am looking for an LDIF parser for C#. I am trying to parse an LDIF file so that I can check objects don't exist before adding them. Adding them when the already exist using ntdsSchemaAdd) causes an entry in the error logs. 回答1: A quick websearch revealed: http://wiki.github.com/skradel/Zetetic.Ldap/. They have provided a .net API. From the page: Zetetic.Ldap is a .NET library for .NET 2 and above, which makes it easier to work with directory servers (like Active Directory, ADAM, Red Hat

Import object class definitions to Active Directory (AD LDS)

天大地大妈咪最大 提交于 2019-12-12 20:35:08
问题 I am stuck migrating object class definitions from OpenDS to Active Directory. I have already successfully migrated some definitions (and can read/write to AD with my Java application) - but now I'm stuck. In my OpenDS schema description I have something like this: objectClasses: ( NAME 'myNewClass' SUP top STRUCTURAL MUST ( myAttribute1 $ myAttribute2 $ myAttribute3 ) MAY someOtherAttribute ) I translated this to the AD schema syntax like this: # Class: myNewClass dn: cn

How to import a groups members using 'ldifde'?

霸气de小男生 提交于 2019-12-12 19:09:39
问题 I have two domains. One production. One testing. There is no trust between the two. I can import all user objects and group objects successfully using ldifde commands. When I attempt to also include group members in my export/import I can't seem to successfully import. Here are the variations I have tried: Attempt 1: file format: dn: CN=Group-name,OU=Groups,OU=Managed,DC=dev,DC=net changetype: add member: CN=USER1,OU=Users,OU=Managed,DC=dev,DC=net member: CN=USER2,OU=Users,OU=Managed,DC=dev

LDIF file error?? Invalid Format?

佐手、 提交于 2019-12-12 17:41:17
问题 I am currently working with LDAP which is on a UNIX server. The main purpose for me right now is to modify two entries in the directory by Ldapmodify through command line. The command is as follows: ldapmodify -a -D 'cn=ldap,dc=cs,dc=ttu,dc=edu' \ -w *password* -H *server address* -f Documents/user.ldif user.ldif file is as follows: dn: cn=*username*,cn=Users,dc=ttu,dc=edu changetype: modify replace: displayName displayName: abc - replace: loginShell loginShell: /bin/tc - I get the following

Change default admin password in ApacheDS

馋奶兔 提交于 2019-12-12 16:00:26
问题 Am new to ApacheDS - am using apacheds-2.0.0-M17. The default password for admin is secret. Does anyone know where I can change the value to something else? Inside: apacheds/instances/default/conf/config.ldif Found the following entry: ads-pwdattribute: userPassword When googling it, there are a lot of examples that mention doing it using Apache Directory Studio but the particular instance I am trying to configure is running in a Linux shell in a headless (no UI) mode. Tried using the

LDIF Parser (C#)

孤街浪徒 提交于 2019-11-29 11:17:17
I am looking for an LDIF parser for C#. I am trying to parse an LDIF file so that I can check objects don't exist before adding them. Adding them when the already exist using ntdsSchemaAdd) causes an entry in the error logs. A quick websearch revealed: http://wiki.github.com/skradel/Zetetic.Ldap/ . They have provided a .net API. From the page: Zetetic.Ldap is a .NET library for .NET 2 and above, which makes it easier to work with directory servers (like Active Directory, ADAM, Red Hat Directory Server, and others). Some of the key features of Zetetic.Ldap are: 1.LDIF file parsing and