
Javascript Namespace - Is this a good pattern?

杀马特。学长 韩版系。学妹 提交于 2019-12-07 11:40:06
问题 Objectives... Remove vars, objects etc from the global object. Remove possibility of collisions. Firstly I implement the Yahoo namespace code (note for example purposes I am using ROOT as the root of my namespace)... if (typeof ROOT == "undefined" || !ROOT) { var ROOT = {}; } ROOT.namespace = function () { var a = arguments, o = null, i, j, d; for (i = 0; i < a.length; i = i + 1) { d = ("" + a[i]).split("."); o = ROOT; for (j = (d[0] == "ROOT") ? 1 : 0; j < d.length; j = j + 1) { o[d[j]] = o

JSDoc: What is a relationship between modules and namespaces

喜夏-厌秋 提交于 2019-12-07 02:28:37
问题 I faced a problem with understanding the purpose of namespaces and modules in a union. For example I have a class Game.utils.Matrix . I want to annotate Game as a namespace, utils as a module and Matrix as a class: /** * @namespace Game */ /** * @module utils * @memberOf Game */ /** * Create a matrix * @constructor */ function Matrix(){} It creates a documentation and the name path of the Matrix class is Game.utils~ Matrix , but if I follow the Module link its name path is Module: utils

Namespace a dynamically loaded javascript file's contents

天涯浪子 提交于 2019-12-04 10:36:15
问题 Is it possible to namespace a JavaScript file inserted dynamically? I know that I can dynamically include a JavaScript file by creating a script tag and insert it into the DOM, but can this included file be namespaced? So, if the file has a function called bar , I would want access it through a namespace, say foo : i.e. . 回答1: Yes, CommonJS Modules/1.1 specifies only one way of doing it. I've used it only with Node.js on server side, but I believe there are other libraries created

Namespace a dynamically loaded javascript file's contents

邮差的信 提交于 2019-12-03 06:21:24
Is it possible to namespace a JavaScript file inserted dynamically? I know that I can dynamically include a JavaScript file by creating a script tag and insert it into the DOM, but can this included file be namespaced? So, if the file has a function called bar , I would want access it through a namespace, say foo : i.e. . Yes, CommonJS Modules/1.1 specifies only one way of doing it. I've used it only with Node.js on server side, but I believe there are other libraries created to work with browser that are CommonJS compliant. Beware that there are multiple module specifications for

How can I export from a Meteor package into my app's namespace?

旧城冷巷雨未停 提交于 2019-12-03 03:31:19
I know how to write Meteor packages but I can't seem to figure out how to have all exports land in my app's namespace, as described in this presentation . This particular package is specific to an app I'm building, and it exports only one method that can be regarded as a decorator on the app's singleton. I tried api.export('MyApp.myMethod') but that gives an error native: Bad exported symbol: MyApp.myMethod . If I just api.export('myMethod') , then in the app code I have to call myMethod() , and that's not namespaced. Does Meteor have a mechanism similar to Node's var http = require('http'); ?

What is meant by 'JavaScript Namespacing'? [duplicate]

梦想的初衷 提交于 2019-12-03 03:10:31
问题 This question already has answers here : Closed 7 years ago . Possible Duplicate: Javascript Namespacing Im pretty new to JavaScript and was wondering if anyone could give me a good description of what is meant by JavaScript Namespacing? Also any resources e.g. articles etc, are much appreciated on the subject. 回答1: JavaScript is designed in such a way that it is very easy to create global variables that have the potential to interact in negative ways. The practice of namespacing is usually

What is meant by 'JavaScript Namespacing'? [duplicate]

点点圈 提交于 2019-12-02 16:41:23
Possible Duplicate: Javascript Namespacing Im pretty new to JavaScript and was wondering if anyone could give me a good description of what is meant by JavaScript Namespacing? Also any resources e.g. articles etc, are much appreciated on the subject. JavaScript is designed in such a way that it is very easy to create global variables that have the potential to interact in negative ways. The practice of namespacing is usually to create an object literal encapsulating your own functions and variables, so as not to collide with those created by other libraries: var MyApplication = { var1: someval

How can I create an empty namespace object without overwriting another object with the same name?

こ雲淡風輕ζ 提交于 2019-12-02 03:20:47
I have been studying as much as I can about the Module Pattern suggested by the Yahoo YUI Blog. I've noticed that the YUI offers the ability to create a new empty namespace object without overwriting an existing one of the same name like so: YAHOO.namespace("myProject"); Which can then be called and used with YAHOO.myProject (Reminder: if YAHOO.myProject already exists it is not overwritten) How can I achieve a similar effect using plain javascript, and without using the YUI? Please explain with as much detail as possible. The full YUI blog article where this is done can be found here . As I

Preferred technique for javascript namespacing

末鹿安然 提交于 2019-12-01 21:51:18
问题 My code is going to turn into a mess if I don't start using some sort of namespacing technique. I'm relatively new to programming large javascript projects but have significant experience with systems programming in C++/java/python etc. Basically I'm trying to identify which is the preferred method for creating javascript namespaces, and what the pros/cons are for each method. For example I could use either of the following three methods: var proj.lib.layout = { "centreElem": function (elem,

Preferred technique for javascript namespacing

流过昼夜 提交于 2019-12-01 20:06:13
My code is going to turn into a mess if I don't start using some sort of namespacing technique. I'm relatively new to programming large javascript projects but have significant experience with systems programming in C++/java/python etc. Basically I'm trying to identify which is the preferred method for creating javascript namespaces, and what the pros/cons are for each method. For example I could use either of the following three methods: var proj.lib.layout = { "centreElem": function (elem, W, H){ }, "getAbsolutePosition": function (elem){ } }; OR var proj.lib.layout = {}; (function(){ var l