
AVAudioCompressedBuffer to UInt8 array and vice versa

≯℡__Kan透↙ 提交于 2021-02-19 20:57:05
问题 I would like to know how to get the bytes of an AVAudioCompressedBuffer and then reconstruct an AVAudioCompressedBuffer from the bytes. The code below takes an AVAudioPCMBuffer, compresses it with AVAudioConverter to AVAudioCompressedBuffer (iLBC) and gets the bytes, then converts the bytes back to AVAudioCompressedBuffer (iLBC) and uncompresses back to AVAudioPCMBuffer and plays the buffer. Something goes wrong with converting the AVAudioCompressedBuffer to bytes and back. If I skip this

AVAudioCompressedBuffer to UInt8 array and vice versa

Deadly 提交于 2021-02-19 20:56:15
问题 I would like to know how to get the bytes of an AVAudioCompressedBuffer and then reconstruct an AVAudioCompressedBuffer from the bytes. The code below takes an AVAudioPCMBuffer, compresses it with AVAudioConverter to AVAudioCompressedBuffer (iLBC) and gets the bytes, then converts the bytes back to AVAudioCompressedBuffer (iLBC) and uncompresses back to AVAudioPCMBuffer and plays the buffer. Something goes wrong with converting the AVAudioCompressedBuffer to bytes and back. If I skip this

Python+request 登录接口reponse的返回值token跨py文件的传递《二》

独自空忆成欢 提交于 2021-02-19 11:01:58
主要使用场景:   一般我们在进行接口测试时,依赖登录接口后reponse中的某些返回值,因此需要将login接口单独写一个py文件,另外的py文件均可调用login的reponse返回值使用。共用登录接口。 操作步骤:   1、创建gol命名的py文件,对全局变量的使用方法进行封装,后期有用到全局变量时均可使用   2、单独创建login的py文件,和todo的py文件。   3、todo文件中调用login并运行,查看结果 页面结构如下截图:    操作步骤代码如下: 1、 文件中主要是对之后全局变量可使用的封装 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # 全局变量使用 def _init(): # 初始化 global _global_dict _global_dict = {} def set_value(key, value= None): """ 定义一个全局变量 """ _global_dict[key] = value def get_value(key, defValue= None): """ 获得一个全局变量,不存在则返回默认值 """ try : return _global_dict[key] except KeyError: return defValue 2、 文件是登录接口的方法。注意点:   (1)需调用

Unity socket project don't work when installed to iPhone

倖福魔咒の 提交于 2021-02-19 11:00:05
问题 My Unity project related with socket communication works fine on my Mac. I run a C# server on my own computer's terminal and then run the unity project. The unity project can connect to my server and receive the message sent by the server. Every thing works fine. However, when I Build and Run this unity project to my iPhone, it comes with some problems: 2016-12-26 12:43:43.915127 ProductName[8497:5717779] [DYMTLInitPlatform] platform initialization successful 2016-12-26 12:43:44.095512

Unity socket project don't work when installed to iPhone

社会主义新天地 提交于 2021-02-19 10:59:30
问题 My Unity project related with socket communication works fine on my Mac. I run a C# server on my own computer's terminal and then run the unity project. The unity project can connect to my server and receive the message sent by the server. Every thing works fine. However, when I Build and Run this unity project to my iPhone, it comes with some problems: 2016-12-26 12:43:43.915127 ProductName[8497:5717779] [DYMTLInitPlatform] platform initialization successful 2016-12-26 12:43:44.095512

北京师范大学第十六届程序设计竞赛决赛-重现赛 ACFGI

天涯浪子 提交于 2021-02-19 10:58:58
A 塞特斯玛斯塔 题目描述 quailty是一名狂热的ACM音游选手,沉迷各种音乐游戏,比如Lunatic Rave 2,osu!之类的。 今天,quailty玩的是国内游戏厂商雷亚(并不是赞助商)出品的一款音乐游戏Cytus。 游戏中,玩家需要随着游戏界面中上下移动的扫描线来适时演奏对应音符。 当上下移动的黑色线(扫描线)与圆形的物体(音符)的圆心重合时点击音符。 普通音符(图中第一种)只需点击即可。 锁链音符(图中第二种)将带箭头的音符(滑块)按下后不要松开,并将滑块沿着斜线和圆点组成的路径拖动,直至拖动到最后一个圆点处方可松开。注意拖动过程中应保持滑块圆心始终与扫描线重合。 长按音符(图中第三种)按下后不要松开,原地不动,等扫描线到达其末端并显示判定结果后方可松开。 Cytus共有五种判定,从好到坏依次为:彩PERFECT、黑PERFECT、GOOD、BAD、MISS。 得分中包括了90%的“判定分”和10%的“连击分”,而连击分是累进计算的,断COMBO对其影响很大,往往只要有1个MISS就会损失几万的连击分。 彩PERFECT和黑PERFECT在计算得分时一视同仁,只要全部PERFECT即可获得满分,满分为1000000,被称为MILLION Master。 quailty真的很严格,如果打完一把没有拿到MILLION Master,他就认为自己是NAIVE Noob。

How to get data from a map (object) Cloud Firestore document on Swift 4.2?

偶尔善良 提交于 2021-02-19 09:11:01
问题 I am using Cloud Firestore as a Database for my iOS App. I have an issue while I want to query my data when the document contains Maps (Object Type). I can not access the fields (say: firstName here) of a map (nameOnId) by having the simple query. My code is as bellow: let db = Firestore.firestore() db.collection("userDetails").getDocuments() { (querySnapshot, err) in if let err = err { print("Error getting documents: \(err)") } else { for document in querySnapshot!.documents { let results =

How to get data from a map (object) Cloud Firestore document on Swift 4.2?

|▌冷眼眸甩不掉的悲伤 提交于 2021-02-19 09:09:22
问题 I am using Cloud Firestore as a Database for my iOS App. I have an issue while I want to query my data when the document contains Maps (Object Type). I can not access the fields (say: firstName here) of a map (nameOnId) by having the simple query. My code is as bellow: let db = Firestore.firestore() db.collection("userDetails").getDocuments() { (querySnapshot, err) in if let err = err { print("Error getting documents: \(err)") } else { for document in querySnapshot!.documents { let results =

How to get data from a map (object) Cloud Firestore document on Swift 4.2?

偶尔善良 提交于 2021-02-19 09:06:56
问题 I am using Cloud Firestore as a Database for my iOS App. I have an issue while I want to query my data when the document contains Maps (Object Type). I can not access the fields (say: firstName here) of a map (nameOnId) by having the simple query. My code is as bellow: let db = Firestore.firestore() db.collection("userDetails").getDocuments() { (querySnapshot, err) in if let err = err { print("Error getting documents: \(err)") } else { for document in querySnapshot!.documents { let results =

Dateformatter issue in swift

青春壹個敷衍的年華 提交于 2021-02-19 09:05:19
问题 My API sending me date string in UTC like 2/20/2016 11:45 AM. For displaying date in my timezone, I am converting date from UTC to Local time zone like below code let sourceDateString = "12/20/2016 11:45 AM" let formatter = DateFormatter() formatter.dateFormat = "MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm a" formatter.timeZone = TimeZone(identifier: "UTC") let date = sourceDateString) print(date) formatter.timeZone = NSTimeZone.local formatter.dateFormat = "MMM dd,yyyy hh:mm a" let strDate =