
SQL Server IIF vs CASE

自作多情 提交于 2019-11-28 21:55:19
问题 I recently came to know about the availability of IIF function in SQL Server 2012. I always use nested CASE in my queries. I want to know the exact purpose of the IIF statement and when should we prefer using IIF over CASE Statement in the query. I mostly use nested CASE in my queries. Thanks for all the inputs. 回答1: IIF is the same as CASE WHEN <Condition> THEN <true part> ELSE <false part> END . The query plan will be the same. It is, perhaps, "syntactical sugar" as initially implemented.

PowerShell Inline If (IIf)

我是研究僧i 提交于 2019-11-28 16:39:25
How do I create an a statement with an Inline If (IIf, see also: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IIf or ternary If ) in PowerShell? If you also think that this should be a native PowerShell function, please vote this up: https://connect.microsoft.com/PowerShell/feedback/details/1497806/iif-statement-if-shorthand You can use the PowerShell’s native way: "The condition is " + (&{If($Condition) {"True"} Else {"False"}}) + "." But as this adds a lot of parenthesis and brackets to your syntax, you might consider the follow (probably one of the smallest existing) CmdLet: Function IIf($If, $Right,

ORACLE IIF Statement

天大地大妈咪最大 提交于 2019-11-28 09:37:58
I get an error while writing the IIF stamtement, table and the statement given below, Statement: SELECT IIF(EMP_ID=1,'True','False') from Employee; Error: 00907-missing right parantheses CREATE TABLE SCOTT.EMPLOYEE ( EMP_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, EMP_FNAME VARCHAR2(30 BYTE) NOT NULL, EMP_LNAME VARCHAR2(30 BYTE) NOT NULL, EMP_ADDRESS VARCHAR2(50 BYTE) NOT NULL, EMP_PHONE CHAR(10 BYTE) NOT NULL, EMP_GENDER CHAR(1 BYTE) ) Please provide your inputs. Mt. Schneiders Oracle doesn't provide such IIF Function. Instead, try using one of the following alternatives: DECODE Function : SELECT DECODE(EMP_ID, 1,


三世轮回 提交于 2019-11-27 16:25:05
当我们建好 立方体 之后,就可以使用 MDX语法 大展拳脚,下面我们以一个简单的例子逐步展开 先介绍一下我们的立方体,通过这个例子来学习filter与iif的使用。 我们首先谈需求 需求一:得到 2009 年 5 月,产品 BM00000001 的各城市年累计处方量 需求分析: 度量值:年累计处方量 [Year_Pres_Quantity] 维度: [cust].[City_Name].[City_Name] 条件: [ 月份 ].&[2009-05-01T00:00:00] , [material].[Material].&[BM00000001] 因此,构造我们的 MDX 如下: select [Measures] . [Year_Pres_Quantity] on 0 , non empty [cust] . [City_Name] . [City_Name] on 1 from [ 医院销售分析 ] WHERE ( [ 月份 ] .& [2009-05-01T00:00:00] , [material] . [Material] .& [BM00000001]) 需求二:得到 2009 年 5 月,产品 BM00000001 的各城市 目标医生 的年累计处方量 注意:这里多了一个要求,必须是目标医生的 在我们的传统 SQL 中,这是很容易实现的,我们在 where

Is there a Matlab conditional IF operator that can be placed INLINE like VBA's IIF

久未见 提交于 2019-11-27 08:01:13
In VBA I can do the following: A = B + IIF(C>0, C, 0) so that if C>0 I get A=B+C and C<=0 I get A=B Is there an operator or function that will let me do these conditionals inline in MATLAB code? There is no ternary operator in Matlab. You can, of course, write a function that would do it. For example, the following function works as iif with n-d input for the condition, and with numbers and cells for the outcomes a and b : function out = iif(cond,a,b) %IIF implements a ternary operator % pre-assign out out = repmat(b,size(cond)); out(cond) = a; For a more advanced solution, there's a way to

ORACLE IIF Statement

半城伤御伤魂 提交于 2019-11-27 03:02:54
问题 I get an error while writing the IIF stamtement, table and the statement given below, Statement: SELECT IIF(EMP_ID=1,'True','False') from Employee; Error: 00907-missing right parantheses CREATE TABLE SCOTT.EMPLOYEE ( EMP_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, EMP_FNAME VARCHAR2(30 BYTE) NOT NULL, EMP_LNAME VARCHAR2(30 BYTE) NOT NULL, EMP_ADDRESS VARCHAR2(50 BYTE) NOT NULL, EMP_PHONE CHAR(10 BYTE) NOT NULL, EMP_GENDER CHAR(1 BYTE) ) Please provide your inputs. 回答1: Oracle doesn't provide such IIF Function.

Is there a Matlab conditional IF operator that can be placed INLINE like VBA's IIF

筅森魡賤 提交于 2019-11-26 17:43:45
问题 In VBA I can do the following: A = B + IIF(C>0, C, 0) so that if C>0 I get A=B+C and C<=0 I get A=B Is there an operator or function that will let me do these conditionals inline in MATLAB code? 回答1: There is no ternary operator in Matlab. You can, of course, write a function that would do it. For example, the following function works as iif with n-d input for the condition, and with numbers and cells for the outcomes a and b : function out = iif(cond,a,b) %IIF implements a ternary operator %

VB6 IIf advantage

▼魔方 西西 提交于 2019-11-26 17:19:09
问题 Is there a performance advantage to using IIf over If ? Other than simply less code... what is the difference between : If msInitialFloodSection <> Trim$(cboFloodSection.Text) Then mbFloodSectionChanged = True Else mbFloodSectionChanged = False End If and mbFloodSectionChanged = IIf(msInitialFloodSection <> Trim$(cboFloodSection.Text), True, False) 回答1: IIf is not an operator or a language construct, it's a function, just like any other function such as Left . It will therefore evaluate all

JavaScript plus sign in front of function name

社会主义新天地 提交于 2019-11-25 23:59:06
问题 I\'ve been looking on info about self-invoking functions, and somewhere I stumbled on this notation: +function(){} Can someone explain to me what the + sign in front of the function means/does? 回答1: It forces the parser to treat the part following the + as an expression. This is usually used for functions that are invoked immediately, e.g.: +function() { console.log("Foo!"); }(); Without the + there, if the parser is in a state where it's expecting a statement (which can be an expression or