
Principal deserialization failure (the supplied identity is not valid: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid)

我怕爱的太早我们不能终老 提交于 2021-02-07 10:59:43
问题 I am recreating a hyperledger fabric network. I have deleted all the docker volumes,docker images related to the chaincode, docker container, and services. Yet, I am receiving this error on channel creation. This is a multi-host network running in 2 machines. When I try to run in one machine, it works fine. Any suggestion would be helpful. 2018-12-21 10:43:43.490 UTC [cauthdsl] deduplicate -> ERRO 539 Principal deserialization failure (the supplied identity is not valid: x509: certificate has

Principal deserialization failure (the supplied identity is not valid: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid)

雨燕双飞 提交于 2021-02-07 10:59:28
问题 I am recreating a hyperledger fabric network. I have deleted all the docker volumes,docker images related to the chaincode, docker container, and services. Yet, I am receiving this error on channel creation. This is a multi-host network running in 2 machines. When I try to run in one machine, it works fine. Any suggestion would be helpful. 2018-12-21 10:43:43.490 UTC [cauthdsl] deduplicate -> ERRO 539 Principal deserialization failure (the supplied identity is not valid: x509: certificate has

Can I use the public/private key generated by the MSP in Hyperledger Fabric v1.0 for encrypting/decrypting data?

南笙酒味 提交于 2021-02-07 07:36:35
问题 In Hyperledger Fabric v1.0, a user can be registered and enrolled in the blockchain network through the MSP (member services provider). The user is given a public key (in the certificate) and a private key after registration and enrollment. The way I understood it, the private key is used by the invoker to sign the transaction, while the public key is used by the peers to verify the signer. Can I use the same private and public key to encrypt (using the public key) and decrypt (using the

Node SDK v2 Gateway cannot connect to peer

こ雲淡風輕ζ 提交于 2021-01-29 20:53:50
问题 I've got a running testnet with mutualTLS in a Kubernetes cluster. The setup works as I can flawlessly use the CLI to invoke and query chaincode. In Node, however, I can enroll the identity but I'm not able to do a gateway.connect(...) successfully. The error messages from client and peer are telling me quite nothing. The script 'use strict'; const FabricCAServices = require('fabric-ca-client'); const { Wallets, Gateway } = require('fabric-network'); const fs = require('fs'); const path =

Unable to fetch a block from the channel in hyperledger fabric

随声附和 提交于 2021-01-29 13:23:50
问题 Trying to achieve multicloud architecture between Azure and GCP. We have the orderer in a separate vm running in Azure. Now trying to join a peer which is running in another vm in google cloud platform. Our requirement is to join that peer to the channel in azure network. Inorder to join the peer to the channel, we tried fetching the genesis block from the orderer. But getting the following error: peer channel fetch newest genesis.block -c composerchannelrest --orderer orderer0:7050 --tls -

Hyperledger Fabric fabcar - peer chaincode & 500 Access Errors - CLI

谁说胖子不能爱 提交于 2021-01-29 05:11:14
问题 I exec into the docker container for the peer and try the CLI commands for peer chaincode and peer lifecycle but they fail. I understand this is a --cafile issue but I tried a few combinations and nothing worked. This is the fabcar example with 2.0, without any changes. Does anyone have any ideas about this? Here is the example - /opt/gopath/src/github.com/hyperledger/fabric/peer # peer lifecycle chaincode queryinstalled Error: query failed with status: 500 - Failed to authorize invocation

How to get secret of a Fabric identity

有些话、适合烂在心里 提交于 2021-01-29 05:06:05
问题 I'm running a fabric 1.4.0 network and I'm the admin of it. I've lost the password/secret of one of the identities(not admin). How do I get the secret of this registered & enrolled Fabric Identity? I went through the Fabric CA Guide to look up for any method/command to make this work, but couldn't find any. I know we get the secret(if not already supplied) whenever we register a new identity and can use this secret for enrolling and other purposes. But I've lost this secret. I'm also aware

Error while instantiating the java chaincode on Hyperledger fabric network

谁说我不能喝 提交于 2021-01-29 04:18:23
问题 Java chaincode install is successful and I can see the chaincode has been installed successfully. I am getting error while instantiating the java chaincode on Hyperledger fabric network. Error: could not assemble transaction, err proposal response was not successful, error code 500, msg error starting container: error starting container: Failed to generate platform-specific docker build: Error returned from build: 127 "/bin/sh: 1: ./build.sh: not found Can I get some help? Thanks 来源: https:/

Hyperledger Fabric tutorial “Error: unknown flag: --peerAddresses”

本小妞迷上赌 提交于 2021-01-28 19:07:00
问题 I am following along the tutorial at http://hyperledger-fabric.readthedocs.io/en/latest/build_network.html I am copy&pasting along the way and opted for the Node.js variants where choice was offered. peer chaincode invoke -o orderer.example.com:7050 --tls true --cafile /opt/gopath/src/github.com/hyperledger/fabric/peer/crypto/ordererOrganizations/example.com/orderers/orderer.example.com/msp/tlscacerts/tlsca.example.com-cert.pem -C $CHANNEL_NAME -n mycc --peerAddresses peer0.org1.example.com

Hyperledger Fabric - How to limit Org2 to install/instantiate/upgrade the chaincode to the channel?

為{幸葍}努か 提交于 2021-01-28 18:46:43
问题 My fabric network's consortium(in configtx.yaml) has two organizations: ORG1 and ORG2. ORG1 has 4 main peers and ORG2 has only 1 peer. ORG2 peer's only purpose is to have the copy of the ledger(for the auditing purpose). They all joined the same channel and let's say ORG1's admin already installed/instantiated the chaincode version 0.1 Now, ORG2's admin will be also able to 'peer chaincode upgrade" to version 0.2 with the same chaincode name and when the proposal reaches one of the ORG1 peers