
RTL issue in string containing English, Hebrew and digits in Android (Java)

杀马特。学长 韩版系。学妹 提交于 2020-06-01 06:44:25
问题 I have an issue when mixing in one string English, Hebrew and digits. The order of digits next to Hebrew is getting reversed, no matter what order I make - fist digit and then text, of first text and then Hebrew - it's getting reversed to: on the left digit, on the right text. My text example is: String leftPart = "10 gr"; int numder = 8; String hebrewText = "כפות"; String rightPart = hebrewText + " " + number; String finalString = leftPart + " · " + rightPart; //10 gr · כפות 8 I want to

The niqqud are not aligned properly while drawing text in Hebrew using PIL (Python Imaging Library)

安稳与你 提交于 2020-01-23 02:26:25
问题 I'm using Pillow / PIL to draw hebrew letters with nikud. I noticed that the nikudim (plural for nikud) are not properly aligned and sometimes overlap other letters. Any suggested fix for this? I've tried a few fonts, and they all seem to have their own issues. Here's the code that I'm using. from bidi.algorithm import get_display from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont fonts = [ ('Tammey FranckCLM', '/PATH/TO/FONT/TaameyFrankCLM-Medium.ttf'), ('Times New Roman', '/PATH/TO/FONT/Times New

Converting html 2 pdf (php) using hebrew returns “???”

僤鯓⒐⒋嵵緔 提交于 2020-01-17 07:50:28
问题 I have a using html2pdf library from this link http://html2pdf.fr/en/ and I am trying to get a simple html code into html, the problem is that my text is Hebrew langue and for some reason instead of the text I am getting something like this "???". The same Html code in the browser that set on UTF-8 is working fine ! This is my php code: $html2pdf = new HTML2PDF('P', 'A4', 'en', true, 'UTF-8'); $html2pdf->setDefaultFont('arial'); //add this line $html2pdf->pdf->SetDisplayMode('fullpage');

Converting html 2 pdf (php) using hebrew returns “???”

社会主义新天地 提交于 2020-01-17 07:50:14
问题 I have a using html2pdf library from this link http://html2pdf.fr/en/ and I am trying to get a simple html code into html, the problem is that my text is Hebrew langue and for some reason instead of the text I am getting something like this "???". The same Html code in the browser that set on UTF-8 is working fine ! This is my php code: $html2pdf = new HTML2PDF('P', 'A4', 'en', true, 'UTF-8'); $html2pdf->setDefaultFont('arial'); //add this line $html2pdf->pdf->SetDisplayMode('fullpage');

Hebrew UI in emulator

耗尽温柔 提交于 2020-01-17 07:45:30
问题 I am trying to test an app that contains Hebrew text. However, I cannot change the android OS to display the UI in hebrew. I don't see Hebrew as one of the language choices in the Language and Input settings. I tried using persist.sys.language=iw and persist.sys.country=IL , which shows me Hebrew (Israel) in Hebrew text in the Language setting. But, the rest of the UI is in English and my app is in English as well. I know that Hebrew shows up as a language choice in my friend's Samsung

How to define Hebrew anniversaries to show up in Org agenda?

送分小仙女□ 提交于 2020-01-17 04:43:25
问题 How to define Hebrew anniversaries (like birthdays) to show up in Org agenda? The best would be to do it through BBDB. So far I managed to add anniversaries/birthdays to BBDB and display them in org-agenda. Now I need to move to the next step and provide those dates as Hebrew dates. In diary mode the dates seem to look like HSivan 17, 5776 . However if I insert it to BBDB like anniversary: HSivan 17, 5776 birthday - I get error while trying to generate agenda view: bad-sexp at line 5 /path/to

Detecting Hebrew words in document via JavaScript

拥有回忆 提交于 2020-01-13 05:38:00
问题 I'm a mostly-newbie when it comes to web development (though not to programming in general) so pardon any incorrect terminology. I want to build a script that, when added to an HTML page, detects each Hebrew word in the page and transforms that word into an HTML element, e.g. into a hyperlink with title. So, the following: <p>ראש הלשכה</p> Is transformed into: <p><a title="word 1" href="#">הלשכה</a> <a title="word 2" href="#">ראש</a></p> Make sense? So, I suppose the first order of business

Writing text with diacritic (“nikud”, vocalization marks) using PIL (Python Imaging Library)

只谈情不闲聊 提交于 2020-01-09 11:12:19
问题 Writing simple text on an image using PIL is easy. draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img) draw.text((10, y), text2, font=font, fill=forecolor ) However, when I try to write Hebrew punctuation marks (called "nikud" or ניקוד), the characters do not overlap as they should. (I would guess this question is relevant also to Arabic and other similar languages.) On supporting environment, these two words take up the same space/width (the below example depends on your system, hence the image): סֶפֶר ספר However

Writing text with diacritic (“nikud”, vocalization marks) using PIL (Python Imaging Library)

女生的网名这么多〃 提交于 2020-01-09 11:10:09
问题 Writing simple text on an image using PIL is easy. draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img) draw.text((10, y), text2, font=font, fill=forecolor ) However, when I try to write Hebrew punctuation marks (called "nikud" or ניקוד), the characters do not overlap as they should. (I would guess this question is relevant also to Arabic and other similar languages.) On supporting environment, these two words take up the same space/width (the below example depends on your system, hence the image): סֶפֶר ספר However