
Hangfire - Prevent multiples of the same job being enqueued

冷暖自知 提交于 2020-12-29 09:34:09
问题 Scenario: Job 1 is scheduled to run every 5 minutes, and takes ~1 minute to complete. A lot of work piles up and Job 1 takes 15 minutes to run. There are now three Job 1's being processed concurrently - I don't want this. How do I prevent Job 1 being added to the queue again if it is already there? Is there Hangfire setting, or do I need to poll job statuses manually? 回答1: You can use DisableConcurrentExecution attribute to prevent multiple executions of a method concurrently. Just put this

Handle Exceptions from inside Hangfire

最后都变了- 提交于 2020-12-13 05:03:51
问题 I have a scenario, I am scheduling a BackgroundJob to run after some random seconds on application start. After the job is performed then I am again scheduling the same BackgroundJob to run after some random seconds and it goes on and never stops. What I want is if any exception occurs in Hangfire during this continuous process I want to shut-down my asp.net core app. for example, while this process is happening I stop the SQL Server. So hangfire giving this exception that is obvious System


╄→гoц情女王★ 提交于 2020-10-25 13:42:44
分布式系统架构之构建你的任务调度中心 分布式系统中,我们经常会遇到定时执行任务,而这些定时任务中,多数情况都是需要执行一些http请求。 比如: 轮训支付结果(虽然第三方支付中心有支付回调,但有时候并不能有效保证你的业务系统能收到正确的结果) 未支付订单超时取消,电商系统订单,用户未支付订单,超时后取消订单 已支付已签收订单,超时后自动完成订单 同步微信公众号用户数据做分析 同步企业微信通讯录及客户信息 等等 很多业务场景都需要用到定时执行http请求的任务 本次,我们在netcore 环境,使用 Jango.JobCenter 来快速构建我们的任务调度中心 Jango.JobCenter 目前是基于Hangfire的 .NETStandard 2.0版本 Demo源码,请移步 https://github.com/jangocheng/Jango.JobCenter.demo dotnet new webapi 创建一个webapi项目 dotnet add package Jango.JobCenter --version 编辑StartUp文件 引用 Jango.JobCenter using Jango.JobCenter; 修改ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) services