
Limit Google News RSS to specific country

巧了我就是萌 提交于 2020-01-05 07:29:21
问题 This may well be documented somewhere obvious, but I'm not seeing it. I'm parsing Google News results from RSS, but I'm struggling to get the RSS feed to match what I'm seeing online, with results limited to my country. I'm in South Africa. To see SA news on a topic, I search for the topic in Google News, then select "Pages from South Africa" in the left menu. Although that option is under "The web", it does limit the news results as well. However, the RSS link in the page footer goes to the

Google news rss parameter num 100 returning only 30 results

强颜欢笑 提交于 2019-12-24 00:59:14
问题 The link which i used to fetch results form google news it is working fine but there is problem in number of results that i get. the "num" parameter is returning maximum 30 results irrespective of the number when the num parameter exceeds 30 Has google changed the number of results that it gives. If yes is there any documentation of it Thanks in advance 回答1: According to the

Decoding encoded Google News URLs

寵の児 提交于 2019-12-23 03:12:21
问题 I saved a search in but google does not use the actual links found on its results page. Rather, you will find links like this: I want the 'real link' that this resolves to using python. If you plug the above url into your browser, for a split second you will see Opening https://www.pokernews

add new words to GoogleNews by gensim

拜拜、爱过 提交于 2019-12-22 22:27:43
问题 I want to get word embeddings for the words in a corpus. I decide to use pretrained word vectors in GoogleNews by gensim library. But my corpus contains some words that are not in GoogleNews words. for these missing words, I want to use arithmatic mean of n most similar words to it in GoggoleNews words. First I load GoogleNews and check that the word "to" is in it? #Load GoogleNews pretrained word2vec model model=word2vec.KeyedVectors.Load_word2vec_format("GoogleNews-vectors-negative33.bin"

Android RSS parsing - Google News RSS feeds are not “most recent” as opposed to search results. How to solve?

坚强是说给别人听的谎言 提交于 2019-12-11 09:26:04
问题 1) Check this news output link: The parameters used are tbs=sbd:1, &tbm=nws&source=lnt - This SHOULD give you a time-sorted list of news. The most recent at the top. (Sorted by date as the parameter - sbd:1). However, when you click it, it goes back to sorted by relevance for some reason. Please check the meaning of URL tags here:

search news by keyword using Google CSE

瘦欲@ 提交于 2019-12-11 07:18:36
问题 I want to search results from "Google News" via "Google Custom Search Engine Api (CSE)" based on location/country and keyword. I tried using it by setting up a CSE which only searches inside the site "" but then it only returns old news article clippings . Not sure how to grab the recent news articles. Also, i noticed that if we set schema type NewsArticle, its not accurate as not all news sites having this schema type of page. I knew that there is a workaround to use RSS feeds

Scraping google news with BeautifulSoup returns empty results

谁都会走 提交于 2019-12-09 14:16:24
问题 I am trying to scrape google news using the following code: from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import requests import time from random import randint def scrape_news_summaries(s): time.sleep(randint(0, 2)) # relax and don't let google be angry r = requests.get(""+s+"&tbm=nws") content = r.text news_summaries = [] soup = BeautifulSoup(content, "html.parser") st_divs = soup.findAll("div", {"class": "st"}) for st_div in st_divs: news_summaries.append(st_div.text)

How do you specify retrieving local news when using a Google News RSS URL?

核能气质少年 提交于 2019-12-06 03:25:02
问题 I am trying to build an RSS parser that users Google News RSS. I am able to retrieve news articles from the news URL just by targeting the following URL: However, on the google news page their is an option to retrieve news near your current location. This URL in the browser is: Just adding the output=rss query string parameter is not enough to return the local news in RSS format. Instead

fine tuning pre-trained word2vec Google News

安稳与你 提交于 2019-12-01 09:23:03
问题 I am currently using the Word2Vec model trained on Google News Corpus (from here) Since this is trained on news only until 2013, I need to updated the vectors and also add new words in the vocabulary based on the news coming after 2013. Suppose I have a new corpus of news after 2013. Can I re-train or fine tune or update the Google News Word2Vec model? Can it be done using Gensim? Can it be done using FastText? 回答1: You can have a look at this:

URL format for Google News RSS feed

本小妞迷上赌 提交于 2019-11-29 21:52:46
Google deprecated the old RSS feed URL format December 1st 2017 ( deprecation notice ), in addition to that they dropped the button in the Google News interface to generate a RSS URL ( news mentioning this change ). This means that there is no public or documented method of generating a new RSS link. The only documentation they have is out of date since they changed the interface. What is the new format for generating a RSS feed for a Google News topic? Robin Andersson Found an up-to-date library ( 1 ) that uses Google News RSS. The URL new format seems to be: Top news: