
Disable the natively generated identity value feature in grails

穿精又带淫゛_ 提交于 2020-01-16 23:14:44
问题 The following is my Domain class details. class Age { String agetype static constraints = { } } I am using HeidiSQL. I want to drop the id column that is generated automatically.And set primary key as 'agetype'. what I can I do? 回答1: Identifier can be customized easily inside the mapping block, if the default id is not required. class Age { String agetype static mapping = { id name: 'agetype', column: 'AGE_TYPE', // if the column name is AGE_TYPE generator: 'assigned' // Unique String should

Disable the natively generated identity value feature in grails

风流意气都作罢 提交于 2020-01-16 23:14:02
问题 The following is my Domain class details. class Age { String agetype static constraints = { } } I am using HeidiSQL. I want to drop the id column that is generated automatically.And set primary key as 'agetype'. what I can I do? 回答1: Identifier can be customized easily inside the mapping block, if the default id is not required. class Age { String agetype static mapping = { id name: 'agetype', column: 'AGE_TYPE', // if the column name is AGE_TYPE generator: 'assigned' // Unique String should

Random number using Date() in Expression Builder

最后都变了- 提交于 2019-12-24 03:14:19
问题 I want to generate random number using Date() to format it like for example: ddmmyyyyHhNnSs How do I achieve that? Is that even possible? I was kinda hoping I can do it easy way by the expression builder but I seem to fail on each approach ;) This number need to populate txtID field and it will be unique identifier for each database entry. 回答1: That's quite easy - with a twist. Problem is that Rnd only returns a Single and the resolution of this only allows for 10000000 unique values. As you

Location of the proxy class generated by Spring AOP

ぃ、小莉子 提交于 2019-12-10 11:39:13
问题 Just for the sake of learning and understanding proxies, I wanted to see the proxy class generated by Spring AOP. It was not present in the classes folder generated by Eclipse. Can somebody tell me its location? 回答1: If you are using interface-based proxies (default), Spring uses Proxy class to create proxy dynamically and in-memory. There is no .class file associated with that class. When using class-based proxies (via cglib) Spring creates concrete subclasses of your classes. In the

How do I get IntelliJ to recognize gradle generated sources dir?

懵懂的女人 提交于 2019-12-09 17:05:00
问题 So I have an XJC javaExec that spins like a top but IntelliJ doesn't recognize the generated output despite having marked generated-src/java as such. Do I need to tweak the idea plug-in or something? Note: The plug-in itself is loaded in subProjects from the root build.gradle . XJC Project: description = "Generates sources and compiles them into a Jar for $project" configurations { xjc } dependencies { xjc 'org.glassfish.jaxb:jaxb-xjc:2.2.11' xjc 'org.glassfish.jaxb:jaxb-runtime:2.2.11' }

Hibernate generating two different sequence Ids for PostgreSQL insert

混江龙づ霸主 提交于 2019-12-04 23:16:21
问题 I have an entity defined with a sequence-generated primary key: @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.SEQUENCE, generator = "id_key_gen") @SequenceGenerator(name = "id_key_gen", sequenceName = "id_key_seq") @Column(name = "id", unique = true, nullable = false) public int getId() { return; } I'm using PostgreSQL, and this key is defined as a serial. According to PostgreSQL select last_value from id_key_seq; returns 1603. When I do a create() to persist an instance of this

Hibernate generating two different sequence Ids for PostgreSQL insert

不想你离开。 提交于 2019-12-03 16:05:42
I have an entity defined with a sequence-generated primary key: @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.SEQUENCE, generator = "id_key_gen") @SequenceGenerator(name = "id_key_gen", sequenceName = "id_key_seq") @Column(name = "id", unique = true, nullable = false) public int getId() { return; } I'm using PostgreSQL, and this key is defined as a serial. According to PostgreSQL select last_value from id_key_seq; returns 1603. When I do a create() to persist an instance of this entity, I'm seeing the following in my logs (unrelated stuff edited out): 05 15:15:26.948

Programmatically enable Adobe PDF usage rights

血红的双手。 提交于 2019-12-01 20:40:35
Is there any way to programmatically enable Adobe PDF usage rights from .net code ? I'm using ITextSharp library to fill an XFA Form with XML Data (generated from app), but the output PDF does not have usage rights enabled, thus the users cannot interact with it (that wouldn't normally be a problem, BUT the original PDF is gov supplied, and the user must click some validation buttons, and that process is user/company specific) This could be manually accomplished from Adobe Reader but you have to have an adobe acrobat professional licence.. Google is saying that "Only Adobe products can do that

Programmatically enable Adobe PDF usage rights

懵懂的女人 提交于 2019-12-01 20:32:14
问题 Is there any way to programmatically enable Adobe PDF usage rights from .net code ? I'm using ITextSharp library to fill an XFA Form with XML Data (generated from app), but the output PDF does not have usage rights enabled, thus the users cannot interact with it (that wouldn't normally be a problem, BUT the original PDF is gov supplied, and the user must click some validation buttons, and that process is user/company specific) This could be manually accomplished from Adobe Reader but you have

Exclude folder in jacoco coverage report

喜欢而已 提交于 2019-11-30 11:03:54
In my java project I have generated classes which are inside the same package folder as the other classes. I would like to configure jacoco maven plugin to exclude those generated classes and only use classes in the main/src/java folder (not src/main/java-generated) Project structure: src/main/java/com/company/john/ <---- this include src/main/java-generated/com/company/john/ <---- this exclude <plugin> <groupId>org.jacoco</groupId> <artifactId>jacoco-maven-plugin</artifactId> <version></version> <configuration> <includes> </includes> <excludes