
How to purge a single checkin of the current branch in fossil?

萝らか妹 提交于 2021-02-08 02:33:29
问题 I am using fossil for some kind of incremential backup database. So far it works very well, except purging old entries. As this is all automated and meant to be simple all checkins/rollbacks work on the trunk. Now I tried to add the option to purge old checkins, but I am not able to, always running into the error message: cannot purge the current checkout Perhaps I am using purge in a wrong way, though i wasn't able to find how to do it correctly. Currently i add a tag to the checkins i want

How to purge a single checkin of the current branch in fossil?

。_饼干妹妹 提交于 2021-02-08 02:33:09
问题 I am using fossil for some kind of incremential backup database. So far it works very well, except purging old entries. As this is all automated and meant to be simple all checkins/rollbacks work on the trunk. Now I tried to add the option to purge old checkins, but I am not able to, always running into the error message: cannot purge the current checkout Perhaps I am using purge in a wrong way, though i wasn't able to find how to do it correctly. Currently i add a tag to the checkins i want


给你一囗甜甜゛ 提交于 2020-08-05 04:23:01
  这是一只 1.1 亿年前的恐龙,重达 1.3 吨,它死后在加拿大艾伯塔省被冲到海里,陷入海床。2011 年,其化石在麦克莫瑞堡被发现。尤为难得是,其胃部以及胃容物保留完好,这给了科学家绝佳的研究机会。   自 2017 年以来,这只恐龙化石连同其胃部内容物和骨骼在皇家泰瑞尔博物馆展出。来自加拿大皇家蒂勒尔博物馆、布兰登大学和美国萨斯喀彻温大学的研究人员对这个化石做了仔细研究发现,这个恐龙化石保留了最完好的胃,其大小相当于一只足球。   于是科学家想到,从这只甲龙胃部中或许可以发现其日常活动方式、居住环境以及食物选择等多方面信息。6 月 3 日,这则研究发表在了《皇家学会开放科学》(Royal Society Open Science)杂志。      (来源:MACHARIO ON WIKIPEDIA)   之前的研究只知道,这些恐龙会进食植物种子和树枝,但并不清楚这些植物的种类。彼时的加拿大北部比现在要更加湿润、温暖,森林茂密,开花植物刚刚开始传播。森林以针叶林和棕榈状植物为主,地面则是蕨类和马尾。   一般而言,甲龙牙齿较小,呈叶片状,常常以相对柔软的食物为主。这次新的研究发现,这只甲龙的最后一餐主要是蕨叶,其中 88% 为叶子,7% 为枝茎。布兰登大学生物学家大卫 · 格林伍德(David Greenwood)说,“当我们在显微镜下检查胃内容物的薄切片时


夙愿已清 提交于 2020-02-12 20:58:05
1 awful 2 eliminate 3 permanent 4 rate 5 virtually 6 fossil 7 overestimate 8 speculate 9 replay 10 linguist 1 awful 糟糕的 2 eliminate 消除 3 permanent 永久的 4 rate 速度、率、评价 5 virtually 虚拟地、几乎 6 fossil 石油、老顽固 7 overestimate 过高评价 8 speculate 推测 9 replay 重播 10 linguist 语言学家 来源: CSDN 作者: 国民小跟班 链接:

“Unable to open database file” when trying to export a fossil repo to git

此生再无相见时 提交于 2020-01-16 04:38:24
问题 I'm getting a fossil.exe: [<repo path>]: unable to open database file when I'm trying to export a fossil repo to git on Windows. Here's the steps I made: git init new-repo cd new-repo fossil.exe export --git "fossil_repo_path" | git fast-import 回答1: I didn't figure out what was causing the problem, but I found a workaround: git init git-repo cd fossil-repo fossil export --git > git.txt Move git.txt to git-repo type/cat git.txt | git fast-import git checkout trunk Voilà 来源: https:/

Distributed Revision Control, Wiki, and Bug-Tracking all in one

陌路散爱 提交于 2019-12-30 04:58:07
问题 I know about Fossil but are there any alternatives? Something small and easy to install/configure. 回答1: I know there are quite a few git-based wikis such as git-wiki, WiGit and gitit. A simple google search will bring up many others, I'm sure. I also know of some git-based bug trackers such as ticgit which basically lets you keep your tickets in a separate branch of a git repository. There's also DisTract. But I'm not aware of anything else aside from Fossil that really tries to do what it

Fossil add for external directory

我是研究僧i 提交于 2019-12-23 18:42:45
问题 I have read some of the questions and answers here, but it none match my situation exactly. I want to keep all my fossil repos in a single place. so I have c:\Fossil_Repos\ with a repo for WebPages_Repo and another for Dev_repo etc etc etc I would like to keep my original web pages and development pages in separated directories that are oustide of the Fossil_Repos directory, here is my structure c:\Fossile_Repos\ c:\DevEnvironment\ c:\WebPageDevelopment\ This structure seems not to be

How to close a leaf in Fossil

无人久伴 提交于 2019-12-23 08:13:35
问题 The documentation on branching in Fossil SCM says a leaf is considered closed if it has a closed tag. However, when I enter > fossil tag add closed xxxxx > fossil leaves --closed > it doesn't show anything as closed. The same thing happens if I add the tag with --propagate . When I check closed leaves of Fossil itself, the leaves listed have no closed tags displayed. What am I misunderstanding? 回答1: Use fossil tag add --raw closed check-in Another way to do it is start the user interface, go

How to close a leaf in Fossil

你。 提交于 2019-12-23 08:13:30
问题 The documentation on branching in Fossil SCM says a leaf is considered closed if it has a closed tag. However, when I enter > fossil tag add closed xxxxx > fossil leaves --closed > it doesn't show anything as closed. The same thing happens if I add the tag with --propagate . When I check closed leaves of Fossil itself, the leaves listed have no closed tags displayed. What am I misunderstanding? 回答1: Use fossil tag add --raw closed check-in Another way to do it is start the user interface, go

How to close a leaf in Fossil

丶灬走出姿态 提交于 2019-12-23 08:13:11
问题 The documentation on branching in Fossil SCM says a leaf is considered closed if it has a closed tag. However, when I enter > fossil tag add closed xxxxx > fossil leaves --closed > it doesn't show anything as closed. The same thing happens if I add the tag with --propagate . When I check closed leaves of Fossil itself, the leaves listed have no closed tags displayed. What am I misunderstanding? 回答1: Use fossil tag add --raw closed check-in Another way to do it is start the user interface, go