

≯℡__Kan透↙ 提交于 2021-02-17 19:01:44
2018年12月 etcd 作为孵化项目 CNCF(云原生计算基金会),几天前 CNCF 宣布 etcd 正式毕业,成为 CNCF 顶级项目。CNCF 官方表示 etcd 项目的采用率持续增加,也有稳定的治理流程,功能已达一定成熟度。 etcd 已经被许多公司用于实际生产,其中包括亚马逊、百度、思科、EMC、谷歌、阿里、华为、IBM、Red Hat、Uber、Verizon 等;而且其身影也出现在包括 Kubernetes、CoreDNS、M3、Rook 以及 TiKV 等项目当中。 前面的系列 etcd 文章已经部分介绍了 etcd。本文将会做一个快速入门的介绍,带领大家十分钟快速入门云原生存储组件 etcd,主要内容如下(本文较长,建议收藏): etcd 简介,以及其应用场景 etcd 的多种安装模式及高可用运维 etcd v3 的架构解析 etcdctl 的实践应用 1 etcd 介绍 2013 年 6 月,CoreOS 发起了 etcd 项目。etcd 使用 Go 语言实现,是分布式系统中重要的基础组件,目前最新版本为 V3.4.9。etcd 可以用来构建高可用的分布式键值数据库,根据官网介绍,总结来说有如下的特点: 简单:etcd 的安装简单,且为用户提供了 HTTP API,用户使用起来也很简单 存储:etcd 的基本功能,数据分层存储在文件目录中

用开源工具 Pulp 管理你的软件仓库 | Linux 中国

狂风中的少年 提交于 2020-10-06 09:11:12
这篇文章介绍 Pulp,一个开源仓库管理解决方案,它的使用范围和功能在不断增长。 来源: https:// 1.html 作者:Melanie Corr 译者:geekpi (本文字数:2407,阅读时长大约:4 分钟) Foreman 是一个强大的管理和自动化产品,它为 Linux 环境的管理员提供了企业级的解决方案,它适用于四个关键场景:供应管理、配置管理、补丁管理和内容管理。Foreman 中内容管理功能的一个主要组成部分是由 Pulp 项目提供的。虽然 Pulp 是这个产品的一个组成部分,但它也是一个独立的、自由开源的项目,自身也在取得巨大的进步。 让我们来看看 Pulp 项目,特别是最新版本 Pulp 3 的功能。 什么是 Pulp? Pulp 是一个管理软件包仓库,并将其提供给大量的消费者的平台。你可以使用 Pulp 在不同环境中镜像、同步、上传和推广各种内容,如 RPM、Python 包、Ansible 集合、容器镜像等。如果你有几十个、几百个甚至上千个软件包,并需要更好的方式来管理它们,Pulp 可以帮助你。 最新的主要版本是 Pulp 3 ,它于 2019 年 12 月发布。Pulp 3 是多年来收集用户需求的结晶,并对现有的 Pulp 架构进行了全面的技术改造,以提高可靠性和灵活性。另外,它还包含了大量的新功能。

How to get VS Code Debug to work with Foreman and nf start

微笑、不失礼 提交于 2020-05-17 06:05:38
问题 I am using this base Heroku project for a Node cluster environment. However since it uses foreman to create multiple processes on start, I can't figure out how to connect it to VS Code Debug using a launch.json file like I normally would. This is the start command. "scripts": { "start": "nf start", } 回答1: It took me a little while to figure out a workable debugging methodology.. but to debug the server, this is what I am currently using:

How to get VS Code Debug to work with Foreman and nf start

自闭症网瘾萝莉.ら 提交于 2020-05-17 06:05:34
问题 I am using this base Heroku project for a Node cluster environment. However since it uses foreman to create multiple processes on start, I can't figure out how to connect it to VS Code Debug using a launch.json file like I normally would. This is the start command. "scripts": { "start": "nf start", } 回答1: It took me a little while to figure out a workable debugging methodology.. but to debug the server, this is what I am currently using:

Is there a comment character for foreman's .env file?

混江龙づ霸主 提交于 2020-05-12 11:07:10
问题 Can you comment out lines in a .env file read by foreman? 回答1: FWIW, '#' appears to work as a comment character. It at least has the effect of removing unwanted environment declarations. It might be declaring others starting with a #, but... it still works. EG DATABASE_URL=postgres://mgregory:@localhost/mgregory #DATABASE_URL=mysql://root:secret@localhost:3306/cm_central results in postgres being used by django when started by foreman with this .env file, which is what I wanted. 回答2: I THINK

Is there a comment character for foreman's .env file?

 ̄綄美尐妖づ 提交于 2020-05-12 11:05:11
问题 Can you comment out lines in a .env file read by foreman? 回答1: FWIW, '#' appears to work as a comment character. It at least has the effect of removing unwanted environment declarations. It might be declaring others starting with a #, but... it still works. EG DATABASE_URL=postgres://mgregory:@localhost/mgregory #DATABASE_URL=mysql://root:secret@localhost:3306/cm_central results in postgres being used by django when started by foreman with this .env file, which is what I wanted. 回答2: I THINK

unable to parse Procfile

醉酒当歌 提交于 2020-02-21 11:55:03
问题 I am trying to deploy an Heroku app. I must be doing something wrong with the Procfile. When I run foreman check I get this error. ERROR: no processes defined I get pretty much the same thing when deploying on Heroku -----> Building runtime environment -----> Discovering process types ! Push failed: cannot parse Procfile. The Procfile looks like this web: node app.js What did I miss? update I re-did all from the start, It works properly now. I think I might have issue with Unix line ending

Sidekiq Broken Pipe Error

只谈情不闲聊 提交于 2020-01-15 10:43:15
问题 I am attempting to migrate from Heroku to AWS, but my Sidekiq jobs keep failing with the following error: Errno::EPIPE: Broken pipe @ io_write - <STDOUT> I can successfully run jobs from the console using perform_now , and everything works just fine in Heroku, so I am presuming the issue lies somewhere with my AWS setup. I have seen references to improper daemonization around Stack Overflow and Github but not sure how to solve the problem. Right now I am launching my processes with the

foreman start with a manual path

萝らか妹 提交于 2020-01-14 12:15:31
问题 I am trying to run foreman on heroku. This is a common error, however, i still didnt find a solution. It is clearly missing a path here: "/c/ Program Files /ruby-1.9.2/bin/foreman: "C:/ Program : bad interpreter: no such file or directory My question is: is there a way to avoid this error by manually adding the whole path? Or where should I look to change it? Thank you. 回答1: This is a known issue with running foreman in Git bash shell on windows enviroment. (See github issue) The only current