
filtering facets in elasticsearch

 ̄綄美尐妖づ 提交于 2019-12-05 03:49:56
问题 I have a query like below, query = { "query": {"query_string": {"query": "%s" % q}}, "filter":{"ids":{"values":list(ids)}}, "facets": {"destination": { "terms": {"field": "destination.en"}}, "hotel_class":{ "terms":{"field":"hotel_class"}}, "hotel_type":{ "terms":{"field": "hotel_type"}}, }} But my facets are not filtered due to my ids filter. I get all the facets, but I want them filtered by my ids filter above. Do you have any ideas ? 回答1: Although what you do works, a cleaner solution

Django-haystack full text search working but facets don't

醉酒当歌 提交于 2019-12-05 02:28:33
问题 Using django-haystack and elasticsearch. Full text search is working ok, but I have trouble to implement facets. I've searched tutorial on web but with no success, in other words didn't understand any of them. I am beginner in programing, so some help it will be appreciated. Thank you in advance. Sorry on my english if isn't good, it isn't my primary language. Here is my working full text search. articles.models.py class Article(models.Model): category = models.CharField(max_length=60)

Get entity facets and other metadata on runtime

江枫思渺然 提交于 2019-12-04 05:32:03
问题 I have .NET 4.0 WinForms Application, and I use Entity Framework 5 with Model First Approach. In VS EF Designer, I have created a dozen or so entities with a lot of scalar properties of String type, then in Properties Toolbar I have configured parameters (i.e. General parameters, Facets Parameters) for them, to fit DB requirements. In BL layer I am able to validate entity object in purpose to check whether it contains correct values, for example by using DbContext.Entry(Of T)(entity)

filtering facets in elasticsearch

房东的猫 提交于 2019-12-03 22:15:21
I have a query like below, query = { "query": {"query_string": {"query": "%s" % q}}, "filter":{"ids":{"values":list(ids)}}, "facets": {"destination": { "terms": {"field": "destination.en"}}, "hotel_class":{ "terms":{"field":"hotel_class"}}, "hotel_type":{ "terms":{"field": "hotel_type"}}, }} But my facets are not filtered due to my ids filter. I get all the facets, but I want them filtered by my ids filter above. Do you have any ideas ? Although what you do works, a cleaner solution would be to have a filtered query. http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/reference/query-dsl/filtered-query/ Which

Django-haystack full text search working but facets don't

安稳与你 提交于 2019-12-03 17:07:09
Using django-haystack and elasticsearch. Full text search is working ok, but I have trouble to implement facets. I've searched tutorial on web but with no success, in other words didn't understand any of them. I am beginner in programing, so some help it will be appreciated. Thank you in advance. Sorry on my english if isn't good, it isn't my primary language. Here is my working full text search. articles.models.py class Article(models.Model): category = models.CharField(max_length=60) subcategory = models.CharField(max_length=100) name = models.CharField(max_length=255) price = models

【Solr】- Apache SolrTM 5.3.1 Documentation

吃可爱长大的小学妹 提交于 2019-12-02 07:23:28
Solr Quick Start: Apache Solr官网翻译 概要 文档主要包含Solr启动、运行Solr导入各种形式的数据源到多个集合中,近距离体验Solr管理员和搜索接口 要求 系统要求 Apache Solr 发布包 开始 运行浏览器显示指南,同一台机器上的Solr服务器指南帮助正确入门Solr Server 开始解压Solr发布包,将Solr的解压目录放在工作目录下,注意基础目录名可能与下载的Solr的版本号不同,例如Unix、Cygwin或者MacOS的shell版本不同 Linux指令 :$ ls solr* solr-5.0.0.zip :$ unzip -q solr-5.0.0.zip :$ cd solr-5.0.0/ Solr Cloud 结构层次图 Solr Cloud : Solr 基于Zookeeper构建的分布式搜索系统,zookeeper保证高可用 Collection : 对应standby模式下的Solr Core Shard(分片) : 对应Collection逻辑划分的Core,可理解为多个Shard组成一个完整意义上的Solr Core,若是单机模式下:1 Solr Core = 1 Shard = 1 Core = 1 replica,Shard对于用户是透明的,主要通过上一层的Collection提供一个Façade接口 Core

Get entity facets and other metadata on runtime

你说的曾经没有我的故事 提交于 2019-12-02 03:46:54
I have .NET 4.0 WinForms Application, and I use Entity Framework 5 with Model First Approach. In VS EF Designer, I have created a dozen or so entities with a lot of scalar properties of String type, then in Properties Toolbar I have configured parameters (i.e. General parameters, Facets Parameters) for them, to fit DB requirements. In BL layer I am able to validate entity object in purpose to check whether it contains correct values, for example by using DbContext.Entry(Of T)(entity).GetValidationResult() method. But I need to develop also GUI layer input fields validation for WinForms. I

MyEclipse开发教程:使用REST Web Services管理JPA实体(一)

只谈情不闲聊 提交于 2019-12-01 10:55:57
MyEclipse 在线订购年终抄底促销! 火爆开抢>> MyEclipse最新版下载 使用REST Web Services来管理JPA实体。在逆向工程数据库表后生成REST Web服务,下面的示例创建用于管理博客条目的简单Web服务。你将学会: 利用数据库逆向工程开发REST Web服务 部署到Tomcat服务器 使用REST Web服务资源管理器进行测试 1.建立项目和数据库连接 要在 MyEclipse 中开始REST和反向工程,您将需要以下内容: 添加了JPA Facets的项目 使用DB Explorer选择要使用JPA进行逆向工程的表 在MyEclipse中,您可以将JPA Facets添加到许多不同类型的项目中。JPA Facets通常被添加到Java项目或Web项目中。 1.1设置Web项目 单击New图标上的下拉箭头,然后选择Web Project。 在Project Name字段中输入RESTProject,接受默认选项,然后单击Finish。 创建Web项目 现在已经创建了项目,下一步是创建一个DB Connection来与该项目一起使用。在添加JPAFacet时,需要选择连接。 1.2建立DB连接 MyEclipse提供了一个预配置的DB连接,指向Apache Derby DBMS的嵌入式安装。您可以立即使用这个连接,而不需要设置自己的DBMS或连接。

Add a segment only to one facet using ggplot2

為{幸葍}努か 提交于 2019-11-30 23:05:36
As an example, I have this data frame, called my_data : Groups FactorA FactorB FactorC N value sd se ci 1 Control Condition1 Condition1 Condition1 3 92.00000 6.0827625 3.511885 15.110420 2 Control Condition1 Condition1 Condition2 2 69.00000 8.4852814 6.000000 76.237228 3 Control Condition1 Condition2 Condition1 3 72.33333 10.2632029 5.925463 25.495209 4 Control Condition1 Condition2 Condition2 2 97.00000 2.8284271 2.000000 25.412409 5 Control Condition2 Condition1 Condition1 3 85.00000 13.0000000 7.505553 32.293790 6 Control Condition2 Condition1 Condition2 2 78.50000 16.2634560 11.500000 146

Colouring points by factor within the margin of a faceted ggplot2 plot in R

无人久伴 提交于 2019-11-30 09:36:30
I'd like to create a faceted plot with margins in ggplot2. However, I'd like the margin plot to have colours according to from which facet the particular point has been derived. It's probably best illustrated with an example: library(ggplot2) p <- ggplot(mtcars, aes(mpg, wt)) + geom_point() p + facet_grid(.~gear, margins = TRUE) Within the margin plot labelled as "(all)", I want those dots that have "gear = 3" to be plotted with one colour, those with "gear = 4" with a second colour, and those with "gear = 5" with a third one. This one doesn't do the job: p <- ggplot(mtcars, aes(mpg, wt)) +