
Jitsi Meet:自由开源的视频会议解决方案,无需设置即可免费使用

梦想的初衷 提交于 2020-08-11 23:33:33
Jitsi Meet 是一个开源视频会议服务,你可以免费使用它来组织在线课程、会议和聚会。你也可以在自己的服务器上托管 Jitsi。 在 COVID-19 大流行期间,远程工作趋势显著增长。无论你是否喜欢,视频会议对于个人和企业都是一个很好的解决方案。 在过去的几个月中,非常流行的视频会议服务之一就是 Zoom。但是, 关于 Zoom 视频通话 存在很多安全和隐私问题。 因此,选择一个安全且易于使用的视频会议应用来完成工作是很重要的。我敢肯定有很多选择,但是在这里,让我们看一下开源选项 Jitsi Meet 。 Jitsi Meet:免费使用的开源视频会议服务 Jitsi Meet 是开源语音、视频会议和即时消息服务 Jitsi 集合的一部分。 通过 Jitsi Meet,你可以即刻主持群组视频通话(即视频会议),你甚至都不需要建立帐户。 对于桌面端,它是基于浏览器的,但它以 AppImage 的形式为 Linux 提供了一个基于 Electron 的桌面应用。它也可以用在 Windows 和 macOS 上。 对于智能手机,它提供了 iOS 和 Android 应用,你可以分别从 App Store 和 Play Store 进行安装。除了这些,你还可以在开源 Android 应用商店 F-Droid 中找到它。 如果你想更进一步,你可以在你的服务器上部署 Jitsi Meet

Jitsi Meet:自由开源的视频会议解决方案,无需设置即可免费使用 | Linux 中国

喜欢而已 提交于 2020-08-11 19:30:43
Jitsi Meet 是一个开源视频会议服务,你可以免费使用它来组织在线课程、会议和聚会。你也可以在自己的服务器上托管 Jitsi。 来源: https:// 1.html 作者:Ankush Das 译者:geekpi (本文字数:1884,阅读时长大约:3 分钟) Jitsi Meet 是一个开源视频会议服务,你可以免费使用它来组织在线课程、会议和聚会。你也可以在自己的服务器上托管 Jitsi。 在 COVID-19 大流行期间,远程工作趋势显著增长。无论你是否喜欢,视频会议对于个人和企业都是一个很好的解决方案。 在过去的几个月中,非常流行的视频会议服务之一就是 Zoom。但是, 关于 Zoom 视频通话 存在很多安全和隐私问题。 因此,选择一个安全且易于使用的视频会议应用来完成工作是很重要的。我敢肯定有很多选择,但是在这里,让我们看一下开源选项 Jitsi Meet 。 Jitsi Meet:免费使用的开源视频会议服务 Jitsi Meet 是开源语音、视频会议和即时消息服务 Jitsi 集合的一部分。 通过 Jitsi Meet,你可以即刻主持群组视频通话(即视频会议),你甚至都不需要建立帐户。 对于桌面端,它是基于浏览器的,但它以 AppImage 的形式为 Linux 提供了一个基于 Electron 的桌面应用

Is there an open source project like EtherPad Using php and mySql? [closed]

删除回忆录丶 提交于 2019-12-24 08:56:40
问题 As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for guidance. Closed 6 years ago . I would like to install a tool like EtherPad on my debian server, that uses PHP and MySQL as backend. I found etherpad-lite, that is

How to format HTTP API call in Javascript?

喜欢而已 提交于 2019-12-11 04:45:32
问题 I am currently following the etherpad documentation in regards to calling the HTTP API " getText " How would the API call be structured given these parameters? Pad content can be updated and retrieved through the API getText(padID, [rev]) returns the text of a pad Example returns: {code: 0, message:"ok", data: {text:"Welcome Text"}} {code: 1, message:"padID does not exist", data: null} 回答1: You'll need 2 parameters: apiKey padID The apiKey can be retrieved from a text file named APIKEY.txt in

Etherpad style synchronisation in Meteor?

ぃ、小莉子 提交于 2019-12-09 06:33:38
问题 Looking into Meteor to create a collaborative document editing app, because it’s great that Meteor synchronizes data between multiple clients by default. But when using a text-area, like in Sameer Kalburgi’s example the experience is sub-optimal. I tried to type at the same time with a colleague and my changes would be overwritten when she typed and vice versa. So in the

How to set a cookie for iframe on the same domain

こ雲淡風輕ζ 提交于 2019-12-08 20:34:59
问题 I'm trying to make integration of etherpad-lite in the CMS Plone, following Example 1 of the official documentation Portal places the cookie "sessionID" with the given value on the client and creates an iframe including the pad. Everythings goes well except for the cookie. Reading documentation the best pratice seems to make etherpad-lite in the same domain under a specific path. This is what I have done using /pad/ path. Plone side if no session has been

I want to use EtherPad (or a clone). My site is running Ruby on Rails. API or local install?

二次信任 提交于 2019-12-05 02:20:47
问题 I'd like to utilize an etherpad interface on my website. Two questions: 1) is there any site with an etherpad api that I could just call remotely? 2) if not, how much trouble is it to install scala and have the two run concurrently? Thanks 回答1: Check out and And you can embed those etherpad instances using a simple iframe as suggested here: There doesn't seem to be a proper API yet for more robust

I want to use EtherPad (or a clone). My site is running Ruby on Rails. API or local install?

不想你离开。 提交于 2019-12-03 20:43:23
I'd like to utilize an etherpad interface on my website. Two questions: 1) is there any site with an etherpad api that I could just call remotely? 2) if not, how much trouble is it to install scala and have the two run concurrently? Thanks Check out and And you can embed those etherpad instances using a simple iframe as suggested here: There doesn't seem to be a proper API yet for more robust interactions. The original has now gone away but at that link there is a list of clones. The

Operational Transformation library?

倾然丶 夕夏残阳落幕 提交于 2019-11-26 19:17:42
I'm looking for a library that would allow me to synchronize text in real-time between multiple users (ala Google Docs). I've stumbled upon Operational Transformation, which seems to fit my needs. Having said that, I understand the gist of OT, but not the math nor implementation of OT. Thus, I was wondering if there was a drag'n'drop Javascript library that would hook into a text area, generate the transforms, then allow me to apply those transformations onto another client? (I've gotten the Etherpad source, but I can't make head or tails out of it. If anyone could point out how to leverage on