
copying a paragraph containing inline mathematical formulas using python-docx

北慕城南 提交于 2020-03-06 09:28:38
问题 I am reading a docx file using python-docx and copying it paragraph by paragraph into another docx file (I am editting each paragraph). Some paragraphs contain inline mathematical formulas/equations, however this code ignores the equations and copies the remained text of each paragraph. t= Document("E:\python\projects\test.docx") temp= Document() t_pars= list(t.paragraphs) for i in range(len(t_pars)): temp.add_paragraph(t_pars[i].text) temp.save('E:\python\projects\temp.docx') I know the

C# solving system of quadratic equations

情到浓时终转凉″ 提交于 2020-02-24 14:30:54
问题 How do you solve this type of equation? a *X + b * Y + c *Z = q d *X + e * Y + f *Z = w X *X + Y * Y + Z *Z = z We are looking for X,Y,Z. If not the squares in the last row this could be solved as a typical linear equation, for example using Linear Equations from Dot Numerics, or writing Gauss Elimination. But how do I solve this one? Also, do you know any libraries in .NET that solves that equation? 回答1: This may be viewed as a set of equations for 2 planes and a sphere. The solution finds

Reading equations from Word (*.docx) to HTML together with their text context using apache poi

走远了吗. 提交于 2020-01-25 06:52:27
问题 We are building a java code to read word document (.docx) into our program using apache POI . We are stuck when we encounter formulas and chemical equation inside the document. Yet, we managed to read formulas but we have no idea how to locate its index in concerned string.. INPUT (format is *.docx ) text before formulae **CHEMICAL EQUATION** text after OUTPUT (format shall be HTML ) we designed text before formulae text after **CHEMICAL EQUATION** We are unable to fetch the string and

What's significant about this? (or where do you see this) ? 2^n-1

。_饼干妹妹 提交于 2020-01-25 02:47:25
问题 I know this could be a vague question (or not!). I've seen this somewhere 2^n-1 (or 2^n+1). Where do you see this equation? and why is it significant? And when do you use it? 回答1: 2^n-1 is the highest unsigned integer of n bits. It's also a number easily tested for primeness, Mersenne prime http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mersenne_prime It's also the combination on my suitcase. What's the point question? 回答2: How about this? http://primes.utm.edu/notes/proofs/Theorem2.html 回答3: John Smith

Moving the mouse along a diagonal line

冷暖自知 提交于 2020-01-14 06:52:27
问题 What kind of math algorithm could I use to calculate the path to move a mouse? I simply want to have this type of function: animateMouseDiag(int X, int Y){ //Move mouse 1 step towards goal, for loop most likely, from the current Mouse.Position Thread.Sleep(1); } For example, if I give it animateMouseDiag(100,300), it would move the mouse 100 to the right and 300 down, but diagonally, not right-then-down in an 'L'. Similarly, if I gave it (-50,-200) it would move it to those relative

adding / dividing / multiplying numbers and operators from array in javascript without eval()

坚强是说给别人听的谎言 提交于 2020-01-11 14:50:15
问题 I'm making a calculator. And the challenge is not to use eval() . I made an array from all the inputs that looks like this: numbers = [1,1,'+',2,'*',3,'-','(',4,'*',5,'+',2,'/',5,')']; Then i convert this array to a string, remove the , and i get a string like this: numberString = "11+2*3-(4*5+2/5)"; So my question is, what is the way to correctly calculate the result of this equation without using eval() ? 回答1: Use an object to map operator strings to functions that implement the operator.