copying a paragraph containing inline mathematical formulas using python-docx

北慕城南 提交于 2020-03-06 09:28:38


I am reading a docx file using python-docx and copying it paragraph by paragraph into another docx file (I am editting each paragraph). Some paragraphs contain inline mathematical formulas/equations, however this code ignores the equations and copies the remained text of each paragraph.

t= Document("E:\python\projects\test.docx")
temp= Document()
t_pars= list(t.paragraphs)
for i in range(len(t_pars)):

I know the problem comes from the 4th line where I use .text which receives plain text.

I have also tried using encode('utf-8') for t_pars[i] (via t_pars[i].encode('utf-8')) but is says that Paragraph hasn't got attribute encode. I have tested to edit the paragraphs without copying them into another file also, again, unsuccessful to maintain equations.

How can I read, edit and write paragraphs containing mathematical equations correctly and completely?

